Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job

Chapter 295 The approaching war

Chapter 295 The approaching war

The disaster in the Kingdom of Kaedwen, the heavy damage to the Warlock Brotherhood, and the spread of hell monsters not only made the entire north more mysterious and dangerous, accelerating the chaos of the entire northern kingdoms, but also attracted people who had been expanding by force to attack the north. The resources of various countries are eyeing the southern empire Nilfgaard.

While all the northern kings were focusing on trivial matters in their own country, a crisis that was about to sweep the entire north had quietly arrived.

But crisis, crisis!

Danger also breeds opportunities. Whether it is northern careerists, southern soldiers, mercenaries working for money, or the Demon Hunter Order, this is an opportunity for them to rise quickly.

Three years passed in the blink of an eye, and we came to 1256. There were still six years before Ciri and Geralt met in the original work.

The disappearance of the fog did not improve the situation in the Kingdom of Kaedwen. Instead, the foundation of the entire kingdom's rule was shaken due to the continuous spread of thousands of monsters.

Although the fog was dangerous in the past, the area it covered was only about one-fifth of the country. Although most other areas faced some threats, they could still allow ordinary people to survive.

But now, when all the monsters in the fog have spread to the forests, fields and near the villages, the villagers who have neither equipment nor fighting ability can no longer resist the attacks of those monsters, nor can they continue to live in those without. In a protected dilapidated village.

Instead of building high walls one after another, detaching most of the young and strong labor force to train guards and militiamen to protect the safety of their families.

It means abandoning your hometown, taking all your belongings with you, going to defend the city that is more powerful, and accepting the fate of being squeezed.

Today, the wilderness of Kaedwen has become a paradise for monsters. Those fallen wizards who escaped have become the small leaders of monster groups, resurrecting a large number of corpses and entrenching themselves in various places in the Kingdom of Kadwin.

And those fallen humans who survived, under the command of some leaders, became the most brutal bandits in the wilderness.

They attacked towns, plundered villages, captured the surrendered residents, and turned them into their own. They had formed patterns similar to bandit camps and even small warlords in various parts of the country.

But for now, these are just domestic troubles in the Kingdom of Kaedwin, and have not spread to nearby countries.

Because Henselt has been unconscious, the two aristocratic power groups are still in a confrontation stage and have endless disputes in order to compete for the throne.

Without unified leadership, the strength of the Kingdom of Kaedwen has declined rapidly, and it has no ability to rectify these troubles.

Originally, as a group of spellcasters in the north, the Warlock Brotherhood had the responsibility to help the Kingdom of Kaedwen eliminate these monsters from another world.

However, during these three years, those fallen warlocks who were corrupted by the power of hell began to appear one after another around the world, causing a lot of trouble and restraining many forces of the Warlock Brotherhood.

It seems that because they lost the control of Demon Lord Baal and because they themselves are spell casters, these people have gradually regained some independent control.

However, the evil power of hell has a permanent impact on them, and their personalities have undergone great changes. They are cruel and cunning, ferocious and furious, and love killing and creating chaos.

These fallen warlocks are not like those monsters, who can only slowly spread to the surrounding areas in the Kingdom of Kaedwen.

As spell casters, they quickly spread throughout the north, and even secretly formed an evil spell caster group, recruiting many scum and wandering warlocks in society to fight against the entire warlock brotherhood, and the headquarters of this organization, Somewhere in Kaedwen, which has lost official control.According to incomplete statistics, about [-]% of the civilians in the Kingdom of Kaedwen have become refugees and fled to other surrounding countries.

And those farmers who entered the towns to seek a living were on the verge of collapse due to the soaring prices and the oppression of the nobles.

In this kind of medieval country, in order to maintain their luxurious life, the nobles transferred their pressure to the common people under their rule. The confrontation between the two noble groups consumed more and more resources and intensified the tension invisibly. phenomenon.

However, faced with various difficult circumstances, the Kingdom of Kaedwen had not yet had any major problems. A sudden war had already befallen it.


Blue Mountains, Kaer Morhen.

Three years have passed, and the witcher castle that has stood for hundreds of years has been completely demolished. With the cooperation of skilled elf architects and powerful giant craftsmen, this castle has become a A castle town that resembles a small military fortress.

Although it is still named Kaermohan by Wayne, there are city walls, towers, horse farms, gardens, blacksmith workshops, and all kinds of facilities here.

It not only combines the elegant and exquisite architectural style of the elves, but also adopts the huge workload of the giants. Even if this castle is placed in the entire northern countries, it will definitely be regarded as a jaw-dropping castle. Great building.

At this time, in the magnificent meeting hall of this castle, Wayne was sitting at the head of the table, supporting his cheek with one hand, tilting his head, looking at the person sitting at the meeting table with a rather lazy look. of those subordinates.

Aigles, a beautiful tree girl wearing a light yellow dress, was holding a pot of tea and acting as a temporary personal secretary. She looked at everyone present with somewhat ignorant youthful eyes.

"Boss, according to the latest information we have received, Demavi of the Kingdom of Aden has led an army of 1 people into the territory of the Kingdom of Kaedwen."

"According to their marching route, they are expected to surround Sherela, the city where Earl Carwen is located in the south tomorrow."

"This King of Aedirn has a clear purpose. He has probably made deals with many people secretly and has been planning for a long time. It seems that he is preparing to take a piece of meat on the territory of the Kingdom of Kaedwen."

The person speaking at this time was Julia, a beautiful little cat wearing a bright armor. As Wayne's subordinate who controls the mercenary group, she is probably the most well-informed about the outside world except Francesca, who is an ally.

Due to the dangerous environment in the Kingdom of Kaedwen in recent years, the country's demand for mercenaries has greatly increased. Now, in addition to the Cat's Claw mercenary group she founded, this young lady has successively recruited thousands of mercenaries. Bing, as the escort of the caravan, joined the Wayne Chamber of Commerce, which has become famous in the north.

As the longest-running Kingdom of Temeria and the Kingdom of Kaedwen, she has mastered countless intelligence personnel in these two countries. She can learn all kinds of news in this country and provide Wayne with information. Lots of conveniences.

"Boss, if Demavi succeeds in defeating Count Karn, maybe the entire nobles in the southern part of the Kingdom of Kaedwen will defect to the Kingdom of Aden."

"Half of Kaedwen will be annexed by Aedirn by then. With King Demavi's strong character, he might affect your plan."

"Do we need to do anything?"

(End of this chapter)

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