Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job

Chapter 269 The Unlucky Kingdom of Kaedwen

Chapter 269 The Unlucky Kingdom of Kaedwen
Wayne was shocked when he heard this. Although he knew that the ancient blood could not be hidden for long, he definitely didn't want too many people to know about traveling to another world.

Connecting to other worlds represents not only unpredictable dangers, but also unimaginable wealth and resources. In the eyes of many people, these are things worth coveting.

He still looked down upon the natives of the wizarding world, Wayne thought.

Counting this way, in addition to the dryad queen being able to deduce her ancient blood from the future through her powerful prophecy spells, it seems that the elves also have their own way of identifying their own special bloodline.

But now, he already has Kaer Morhen, which can be regarded as an absolutely safe territory. Even if the ancient blood is exposed, it is not a big problem.

Wayne's thoughts were racing, but his face didn't fluctuate much. He didn't lie, he just said in a normal tone:

"Are there any members of the Elf clan who have ancient blood? How did you discover the ancient blood in me?"

After Francesca asked the question, she had actually been observing Wayne's expression. She didn't want to create a gap with this young man with the most potential among his race because of these things.

After hearing Wayne's question, Francesca tilted her head slightly, looked at the man with her clear and beautiful eyes, and said with a sincere expression:

"Except for you, we have no other male elves with this special bloodline."

"However, there is a female elf sage in our tribe. Like you, she does not have the purest ancient blood, and she cannot fully grasp this power."

"This sage once saw you from a distance. She is a strong person who is proficient in ancient blood. She can easily distinguish the blood in your body."

"The power of ancient blood is very special and has special meaning to our race."

Having said this, Francesca bit her lower lip and said with a hint of temptation in her voice:

"Before arriving in this world, this bloodline has always been circulated among the elven royal family. It is not unreasonable to call it the royal bloodline."

"And our current Elf King does not have this kind of blood in his body, so he is not the true leader of the Elf clan."

Wayne heard Francesca's subtext and couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart. Although he knew it was definitely a bait, it didn't matter, he didn't promise anything.

So, after thinking about it for a while, Wayne said with a serious expression:

"I have indeed been to several different worlds, ma'am.
I also gained something from those other worlds. "

"But the other world is too dangerous. To put it bluntly, even a top-notch demon hunter like me will not be considered a powerful master in the other world."

"In many different worlds, they do have destructive gods. Therefore, I am very careful every time I travel to other worlds and do not dare to expose the existence of our world."

"Otherwise, it might bring a serious crisis to our world."

The elven sorceresses knew clearly that the former Ironside elves had explored many worlds and encountered many powerful worlds. They knew the dangers of other worlds better than Wayne, a rookie owner of ancient blood. Much.

So, Francesca put her soft palm against Wayne's palm and persuaded softly:

"Wayne, maybe you can gain a lot from another world, but you only have one life, so you have to be very careful and don't expose yourself to danger."

"Your existence is very important to our elves. Please trust me more in the future. I will not do anything to harm you."

Listening to the sincere words of the elf sorceress, Wayne felt a little moved in his heart. However, due to the stereotypes in the original work, it was still difficult for him to have 100% trust in the future queen of the elves. He could only The first impression is really important.

But for now, Francesca has indeed never done anything to feel sorry for him, but has provided a lot of help.

She is undoubtedly a very good partner, at least she will not betray her until everyone's interests conflict.

With this understanding, Wayne decided to deepen his cooperation with the elves in the future. Anyway, the other party already knew most of his secrets. In this way, working together would be the best choice.

The two rode quietly for a few more minutes. Francesca suddenly patted Wayne's palm on her slender waist, smiled and said:
"Haha, Wayne, I was scared by your death claw at first, and I forgot about the real thing."

"You have been in another world for two months. You must not know what happened in the Kingdom of Kaedwen now. I came to you this time specifically to tell you about this."

When Wayne heard this, he also showed an interested expression. He remembered that before leaving, the portal in the mountains that connected to the world of Diablo had abnormal movements, and even directly caused earthquakes. There were also many monsters coming from other worlds. Got here.

This caused Henselt to fall into a coma, and the Warlock Brotherhood sent members of the Supreme Council to investigate the cause.

Now that two months have passed, he really wants to know how this matter will develop?As if she could tell that Wayne was also interested, Francesca didn't show off and said directly:

"Actually, the development of this matter is also related to another world."

"You also know about the space crack where the abnormal movement occurred. Later, two top councilors of the Warlock Brotherhood led a group of mages and went to the crack under the protection of an army."

"But they discovered that the crack was slowly expanding due to the influence of some powerful dark force, and it could not be sealed."

"That power is very advanced, and it comes from another world. Even members of the Supreme Council cannot crack that power in a short time."

"There is an endless stream of monsters from other worlds coming to our world from the opposite world."

"They stayed near that crack for half a month. Later, the army was besieged by monsters. Monsters from other worlds are like armies. They have a large number of mages, control many undead creatures, and can resurrect corpses to fight. "

"In the end, the army of the Kingdom of Kaedwen could no longer hold on, and the Supreme Councilors had no choice. The matter ended in failure."

Having said this, Francesca couldn't help but smile.

Obviously this result is more in line with the interests of the elves. Although the Kingdom of Kaedwen was invaded by another world, most of the losses were caused by human power. After all, it is the territory of the human kingdom, and it is also a kingdom that is hostile to non-human races. This made her feel as happy as a snipe and a clam competing for the fisherman's profit.

After confessing the previous secret to Wayne, Francesca became even closer. Her palm was still on Wayne's arm, and the warm touch passed through the skin and into the hearts of the two of them.

The elf sorceress pursed her lips, with a smile on her lips, and continued:

"Two months have passed now. The strange fog that is always haunted by monsters has enveloped nearly one-fifth of the territory of the Kingdom of Kaedwen, dividing the entire kingdom into two parts. Even their capital, Ben'Ad It has also been completely shrouded in fog.”

"Although the Warlock Brotherhood has used sealing spells to set up a magic circle around the fog to slow down the expansion of the fog, it has indeed divided the entire kingdom into two parts."

"Coupled with the fact that Henselt has been unconscious, there are now a large number of refugees throughout the Kingdom of Kaedwen. The nobles are fighting on their own. Two nobles with royal blood are fighting against each other for the throne."

"This country is in chaos and is about to collapse."

As Wayne listened, he couldn't help but feel a little bit tongue-tied in his heart. He didn't expect that after two months of seeing each other, the Kingdom of Kaedwen would have developed to this point. At the same time, he also became wary of the space cracks in the other world.

Although the wizarding world has indeed been penetrated like a sieve, if he continues to create space cracks in the future, he must do a good job in the aftermath and completely seal those space cracks to prevent them from being like this in the dark world. Like cracks, they even directly affect the fate of a country.

But what Wayne didn't expect was that Francesca's news didn't stop there. After the elf sorceress paused for a few seconds, she continued:
"And according to the intelligence I got from other countries in the north, given the chaos in the Kingdom of Kadwen, it seems that other kingdoms want to intervene in the issue of Kadwen's succession to the throne."

"At the very least, I have definite information. King Demavi of the Kingdom of Aden has already become interested in the Kingdom of Kaedwen."

"Now the Kingdom of Kaedwen is divided into two halves by the fog, and even the royal capital has been swallowed up by the fog. In addition, their throne is unresolved and their military power has suffered heavy losses. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"And as you know, the Kingdom of Aedirn and the Kingdom of Kaedwen have always had animosity, and there have been many bloody conflicts over territorial issues."

"Demavico of Aedirn is also a greedy guy, and he is not prepared to give up this opportunity."

"Perhaps it won't be long before we can see a large-scale war between the Kingdom of Aedirn and the Kingdom of Kaedwen, and they will fight fiercely."

When mentioning this matter, Francesca always had a smile on her lips.

For the elves, neither the Kingdom of Kaedwen nor the Kingdom of Aedirn is a good thing.

One is extremely hostile to non-human races, and the other has been spying on the Valley of Flowers, always trying to seize the last piece of land from the Elf Lord.

Many innocent elves died at the hands of humans in these two kingdoms. It would be a very happy thing to see them fighting dogs.

After listening to Francesca's description, Wayne was also a little shocked. The history of the wizarding world seemed to have changed dramatically because of his influence.

According to current calculations, Ciri of Cintra should have been born, but the hedgehog male Duni was thrown into a different world by him, and the southern Kingdom of Nilfgaard was still ruled by a usurper.

But now, unlike in the original work, there has been unrest in the Kingdom of Kaedwen in the north. I wonder if the Kingdom of Nilfgaard will continue to wait until six years later before starting the first Civil War like in the original work?

(End of this chapter)

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