Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job

Chapter 257 Thorin’s changes and news about the orcs

Chapter 257 Thorin’s changes and news about the orcs
The process of counting gold is extremely long, and the genetic instinct of dwarves to take advantage makes them extremely serious. All wealth must be counted before accurate distribution can be carried out without missing a single gold coin.

As for the hundreds of millions or even billions of gold coins in Gushan's treasure house, I don't know how long it will take to count them before we can calculate the accurate number and complete the distribution in the contract.

However, as the news of Smaug's death continued to spread in the north, its impact began to slowly appear.

First of all, the one most visibly affected is none other than Wayne's pet, Deathclaw Robin.

After Wayne peeled off the dragon skin and collected dragon teeth, claws and other materials suitable for making equipment, the remaining hundreds of tons of flesh and bones became Robin's rations.

This doomsday beast seemed to have really benefited a lot from Smaug's corpse. For a week in a row, Robin was unwilling to do anything. He would lie on Smaug's body and feast on it every day, occasionally letting out excited roars. , the entire huge evil dragon corpse was quickly devoured at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Through the induction between the owner and the pet, after eating Smaug's flesh, blood and bones, Wayne also noticed that Robin's body seemed to be slowly strengthening, and some strange changes had occurred in his body.

Maybe, like in many fantasy stories, drinking dragon blood and devouring dragon meat awakened the dragon genes in the body and gained unexpected abilities.

However, this change does not happen overnight. Just like a growing child, it will take time to verify what it will look like in the future.

However, in order to thank Thorin for keeping his promise and not letting unpleasant things happen, damaging the relationship between the two parties and causing unnecessary trouble.

Wayne deliberately cut off Smaug's head, processed it with a special witcher potion, and gave this trophy, which represented honor and revenge, to the Durin clan and to his new Yamashita. King, as a gift to enhance mutual friendship.

Thorin gladly accepted this gift and was very happy. As the future King Under the Mountain, he was at a stage where he lacked prestige and knowledge. If he could get Smaug's head to show off his bravery and achievements, it would indeed be a great thing. A rare treasure.

The blame must be placed on his grandfather. The former king under the mountain was too prodigal. The Lonely Mountain dwarves managed to escape from the north to the south and retained some of their clansmen. However, because of his grandfather, the dwarf warriors had to fight hard. Rhea's orcs and Azog fought a losing battle, losing more than half of the population that was finally saved.

In the end, even he, the dwarf prince, had to work for humans to barely supplement the dwarf's life.

Now, as the new king under the mountain, he has a long way to go if he wants to recreate the glory of the Gushan Kingdom hundreds of years ago.

However, it is worth mentioning that Thorin's cousin Dane Ironfoot is really loyal. After Smaug was killed, Thorin sent a letter to him. This dwarf with a golden beard and hair immediately brought hundreds of iron hills with him. His men marched from Iron Hills to Gushan, bringing with them a lot of fine wine and food to support their brothers.

After some drinking, Wayne also got to know this dwarf with a bold personality, and was highly praised by Dane Ironfoot.

He called the witcher who defeated Smaug a great hero, and strongly supported Thorin's decision to give one-third of the Lonely Mountain's treasure to Wayne. He did not take the terrifying amount of gold in the Lonely Mountain into consideration at all. .

In order to help Thorin guard the wealth of Lonely Mountain and prevent evil forces from snooping on the gold here, Dane Ironfoot directly took three hundred dwarf warriors to live in Lonely Mountain and began to rebuild the walls and gates of Lonely Mountain King City. , restart the melting pot and various facilities inside.

During this period, Wayne also received a special task, which was to return the necklace of King Thranduil's deceased wife of the Woodland Kingdom for Thorin and settle the grudge between the dwarves and the Silvan elves.

This decision made Wayne feel impressed by Thorin's magnanimity. Perhaps he broke an arm, killed Azog with his own hands, avenged his relatives, regained the Lonely Mountain, and overcame the dragon disease. Without the influence of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, after fulfilling most of his ideals in life, the life of this dwarf prince has undergone completely different changes.

The expedition team has come along this way, and Wayne's actions may have really changed Thorin's fate, allowing him to bid farewell to the tragic ending in the original work. As long as he survives the dangers of the Battle of the Five Armies, he may be able to become an excellent king. , leading the Gushan dwarves to glory again.A few days later, the meeting with King Thranduil went very smoothly. They already knew about the fall of Smaug. When they saw Wayne, the hero who killed Smaug, visiting, the woodland elf king specially held a ceremony for him. A grand banquet.

Everyone was celebrating him as a hero, and Wayne received unprecedented respect and hospitality, even the refugees from Lake Town who were temporarily staying here were no exception.

As the culprit who destroyed the Kingdom of River Valley, the residents of Changhu Town also have a blood feud with this evil dragon. However, no one has ever been able to defeat this evil dragon, so they keep their hatred buried in their hearts.

After getting his deceased wife's necklace, King Thranduil behaved very generously. He expressed his congratulations to Thorin for succeeding to the throne of King Under the Mountain, and decided to let go of the past with the dwarves.

If the dwarves are willing in the future, he is willing to continue to restore the past trade relations, exchange what is needed, work together to maintain the stability of the north, and jointly deal with the evil forces in the north.

Faced with the kindness and generosity of this elf king, Wayne immediately gave high praise. The two parties had a great time and praised each other, which was also very interesting.

The banquet of the woodland elves was also very cheerful. In this luxurious palace, there were handsome men and beauties everywhere. Everyone had wine in their hands and drank happily.

At this time, the role of reputation immediately became apparent. Facing Wayne, a handsome elf, and the hero who defeated Smaug, the evil dragon in the north, several beautiful female elves with cheerful personalities immediately expressed their gratitude to him. Wayne did not deliberately refuse the offer, and the two parties had a pleasant conversation.

The customs of the Silvan elves are different from those of the Sindar elves in Rivendell. Because they live in the dangerous black forest, the Silvan elves often fight against various monsters and orcs, always bearing the risk of death.They are more open about emotional issues and do not pursue fidelity in love.

The next day, when Wayne woke up from the bed of two beautiful female elves, the elf prince Legolas brought him a special piece of information.

Through the special channels of the Silvan elves, they learned a piece of news.

Bolg, the son of Azog, replaced his father and became the leader of the northern half-orcs. Now he is gathering a large army in the Gray Mountains in the north. In the future, it is very likely that he will go to the Lonely Mountain or the Woodland Kingdom to annihilate these people who are related to the northern half-orcs. The orcs have been enemies for thousands of years.

The number of the Orc army this time exceeded many people's imagination. It can almost be said that the Orcs from the entire Gray Mountains and the Misty Mountains were gathered together and moved in full force. It is said that the number may reach tens of thousands, including the Lonely Mountain Dwarves and Many times the woodland elves.

Although I don’t know how long it will take, if this war fails, then the entire north of Middle-earth will fall under the claws of the orcs.

King Thranduil did not hide anything about this news. After the banquet, he gave Wayne a large amount of living supplies and asked him to return to the Lonely Mountain and tell Thorin and the dwarves about this batch of supplies and the news about the orcs. .

Facing the orcs, a northern community, the elves and dwarves must unite together to have any hope of winning.

(Dear readers, because there are several weddings to attend during the National Day holiday, the number of updates is less. After the wedding is over, I will restore the previous number of updates, so update more!)


(End of this chapter)

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