Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job

Chapter 237 The Troll’s Treasure and the Elf Sword

Chapter 237 The Troll’s Treasure and the Elf Sword

The experience of escaping from their homeland from the Lonely Mountain and heading south to the Blue Mountains has always been deep in the hearts of the Turin dwarves.

This is their unforgettable memory. Even if hundreds of years have passed, these surviving dwarves will still not forget the pain and hardship when going south, as well as the relatives and friends who died on the way.

Therefore, with such a group of dwarves leading the way, they are no strangers to the route to Gushan.

After everyone set off from Wayne Manor, the expedition quickly got on track.

After the rest of the expedition team learned that Wayne possessed a magical magical item that could store a large amount of supplies, the task of managing logistics fell on him.

Among the traveling team, he was in charge of cooking, and he was in charge of hunting, and the one in charge of catching wild animals from dangerous wilds was Deathclaw Robin. He took care of most of the work on the trip alone.

With this big guy at the back, its two-story tall body and the terrifying aura it exuded, no wild beast dared to attack the team during the journey.

Coupled with the magic that Wayne displays from time to time and the magical props he uses, everyone in the team has a greater sense of identification with him.

Bilbo even joked with Gandalf:
"Gandalf, who is the real wizard between you and Wayne? We have never seen you use magic."

Such a joke made everyone laugh, even Gandalf himself.

Half a month later, the expedition team left the Hobbit Kingdom and entered a primeval forest.

The territory of Middle-earth is very large. Although there are many races such as elves, dwarves, orcs, and humans, their overall number is not very large. The total population of the entire continent does not exceed 200 million. The vast majority of The land is still covered by forests and wilderness, without any human habitation.

Each major race lacks stable travel routes, which also makes it difficult to travel far. Except for those areas where trade is prosperous and has been fully explored, few people are able to leave their homes and go to other places.

The endless wilderness, ferocious beasts and other man-eating monsters are the biggest problems in their travels.

That night, when all the dwarves in the expedition team fell asleep and it was Wayne's turn to keep vigil, out of trust in his strength, everyone slept soundly and did not worry about danger at all.

I don't know how long it took, but Bilbo was suddenly awakened by some movement, including the faint panicked shouts of the horses.

He opened his eyes drowsily, rubbed his eye sockets, and first looked up in the direction of the fire.

Wayne, who was supposed to be sitting there keeping vigil, disappeared, and the most reassuring fighting force in the team, the Deathclaw Robin, was no longer lying next to his master like before, and his huge figure was nowhere to be found.

This discovery shocked Bilbo, and he woke up from his original sleepiness. He subconsciously got up and looked towards the place where everyone kept the horses.

Sure enough, they found that of the fourteen horses tied to the tree stumps, only ten were left, and four horses were missing.

He looked back at the fire and found that the dwarves in the team, including Prince Thorin, were all sleeping there stupidly, covered with high-end sleeping bags provided by Wayne, snoring loudly, and no one noticed the horses. Strange.

Bilbo tried to push Kili and Fili, the youngest of the dwarves, but it turned out that these two guys were also sleeping heavily, and there was no response after pushing several times.

Seeing this, Bilbo didn't push any further. He was not sure if there was really a problem and didn't want to wake everyone up from their sleep because of his fuss.

So he carefully climbed out of the sleeping bag, and then walked quietly in the direction where he just heard the sound.

Hobbits are short in stature and move nimblely. In addition, the soles of their feet are different from other races. They never wear shoes and are barefoot all year round. They are born with a structure that can eliminate sound, and there is no sound when walking. Indeed, as Gandalf thought, he was perfectly suited to become a snitch.

After chasing for about a few hundred meters, following the sounds and traces left along the way, Bilbo bypassed a cave covered by stones, and a blaze of fire came into view.

He pushed aside the weeds that were taller than him, rubbed his eyes, and looked in the direction of the fire.

I saw three rough-skinned giant humanoid creatures wearing only fur skirts, gray bodies, ugly looks, and bald heads. They were stirring and discussing how to cook in a huge iron pot on the fire.

Beside these monsters, the four shire horses brought out from the Hobbit Kingdom were tied up in a corner by the fire by the ogres, trembling with fear, as if they felt that they were about to The fate of being eaten.

Bilbo was immediately frightened by such a scene. Living in a peaceful village, he had never seen such a monster before. He quickly covered his mouth and tried to retreat.

However, he suddenly thought of the dwarf prince Thorin's distrust of him along the way. He thought that he, a hobbit immersed in peaceful times, could not complete the mission of the little snitch and was not worthy of joining them in this lonely mountain adventure. expedition.

However, although Bilbo is a timid man, he is a man of great courage. He inherited the fine bloodline of his father and mother and the innocence and kindness of the Hobbit. After gritting his teeth and thinking for a few seconds, he decided to prove it with actions. Use your own courage to try to rescue the tied horses.

The existence of Wayne in the team also gave him such confidence. He believed that the abnormality here would soon be discovered by the powerful human adventurer. In front of the terrifying death claw, these three humanoids Monsters are nothing to fear.

But just when he took out the dagger from his waist and wanted to take action, a tall figure suddenly walked out of the grass on the side, holding a huge and gorgeous two-handed sword in one hand, looking at it with a cold expression. Looking at the three humanoid monsters with no emotion in his eyes, as if he didn't take them seriously, it was none other than Wayne in the team.Bilbo was about to speak when he suddenly saw Wayne raise his left hand, and a huge blue fireball shot out from his palm and hit one of the monsters.

The hot blue flames instantly enveloped the monster, turning it into a large burning torch and letting out a shrill wail.

Then a few seconds later, while the other two monsters were still in a daze, the monster wrapped in blue flames suddenly exploded and exploded into countless fragments. The stinky blood and pieces of meat were splashed everywhere, directly It scared the other two monsters out of their wits.

Also frightened, there was Bilbo cowering in the grass. The hobbits had never seen such a bloody scene.

He looked at Wayne blankly. The courage he had just wanted to take action was stuffed into his stomach again, so he could only ask stupidly:

"Where have you been, Wayne."

"I thought you went somewhere else. Even Robin didn't know where."

Wayne raised the sword in his hand and pointed it at the remaining two trolls. He looked back at Bilbo and said with a smile:

"I have discovered the traces of these monsters here a long time ago. The reason why I let them capture the horses is just to see where their lair is and eradicate them together without leaving any future troubles."

"As for Robin, I drove him to another place for a stroll. If he were here, these monsters would not dare to approach our camp."

Bilbo put the dagger back into the scabbard with some regret. He knew that now that Wayne was here, there was no need for him to take action in the following things.

And the next development was indeed as Bilbo expected.

The remaining two trolls died the moment they saw their companions, and were blown into pieces by the explosive effect of Igni's seal. They were stunned for several seconds, and then one of the trolls figured something out, and suddenly With a roar, he picked up a mace on the ground and rushed towards Wayne.

But the demon hunter didn't give it a chance to attack at all. It raised its mace and roared while charging. It had just taken a few steps when it suddenly felt a figure appear on its shoulder. It appeared instantly without knowing it. How to get on his shoulder.

Before his stupid mind could figure this out, the Sword of Victory in Wayne's hand was already packed with powerful power and turned into an afterimage, slashing hard on the troll's neck.

Trolls are monsters belonging to the dark forces. As a sacred weapon, the Sword of Victory is naturally full of restraint effects on them.

The troll, whose neck was chopped off, didn't even have time to let out a wailing cry when his head flew up with a click, and the broken neck was like a fountain, turning directly into a headless corpse.

As for the last troll, he did not escape the fate of death. Although he saw that two of his companions were killed by the humans in front of him in less than half a minute, he had already chosen to surrender and was about to kneel down. Fall to the ground.

But Wayne didn't have any mercy in his heart. As a man-eating monster that was committed by three gangs and had lived for an unknown period of time, it is estimated that countless lives have been eaten by them. This is not something that can be forgiven by kneeling down and surrendering. sin.

After the flashing cooling time passed, Wayne instantly appeared behind the last troll. The Sword of Victory in his hand stabbed the troll's back mercilessly. The sword penetrated his brain and passed through his mouth. Poke it out and end this evil life.

After killing the three trolls, Wayne's expression remained unchanged. He whistled to Bilbo, who was hiding in the grass and was still in a daze, and said in a gentle tone:

"My friend, go and rescue our horses. I am going to see the Troll's cave."

Hearing Wayne's voice, Bilbo was shocked by his fierce and decisive fighting stance. He couldn't help but shuddered, then nodded hurriedly and replied:
"Don't worry, leave it to me, Wayne."

Wayne nodded, took out a crystal ball that continued to emit light from the space wristband, and then walked into the troll's cave without looking back.

He remembered very clearly that in this cave, there were not only many treasures left by the elves in the First Era, but also three elven swords belonging to the First Era.

These three elf swords are all masterpieces of ancient elves. Now all three trolls were killed by him, and all the spoils here should belong to him.

Rather than leaving these good things to the ungrateful Thorin, it would be better for him to keep them for himself.

When the rest of the expedition team heard the sound and hurried here, they only saw flesh and blood flying everywhere on the ground, a headless corpse, a troll passing through the head, and debris all over the ground. Mutilated corpses.

Wayne, who had just entered the troll cave, had already come out holding his nose.

He had pocketed the treasures and swords in the cave, as well as anything of value.

He was not ready to share the news.

(End of this chapter)

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