Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job

Chapter 225 Return to Vizima and Henselt’s Actions

Chapter 225 Return to Vizima and Henselt’s actions
Of course, as a family of giants that would play an important role in future plans, Wayne would not leave them in a free-range state, nor would he trust them so much that he would directly hand them over to Giant General Glass to manage on his own.

You must also arrange for a trustworthy and capable person to participate.

As for this candidate, Wayne has already made up his mind, that is the wolf sect demon hunter Berengar.

This old demon hunter has been staying at home in Vizima City for almost a year and a half. It's time to go out and stretch his muscles. It just so happens that he joins the cult and is responsible for teaching apprentices together with Vesemir. By the way, he Also serves as the village chief of Giant Village.

This is a leisurely job that does not require venturing out or coming into contact with many people, which is exactly what he wants.

Belengar has been wandering in the north for decades. Although his combat power is not very strong, his experience and experience are better than those of many human old men. He is good at various crafts and is more than enough to be a village chief. .

As for the two beautiful tree maidens, he is also preparing to recall Kaermohan, Aiglais and Malika all have abilities similar to those of druids. It just so happens that in his backpack, he also keeps a large bag of information from the [-] game. Super genetically modified corn seeds in a cyberpunk world.

This thing has very low requirements for the living environment, and the yield is amazing. It is harvested three times a year. Although the taste is very ordinary to humans, it is used as a staple food for the giants. With their rough taste, it may still be delicious. .

As long as it survives the first year, a steady stream of food will be produced, and it can even play other roles.

Now that the two main quests have been decided, there is not much left to explore in the wizarding world, so he should focus his time on the main quest.

Perhaps only epic treasure chests and experience rewards can improve his strength faster and make him stronger.

As for the task of rebuilding the Demon Hunter Order, even his own ideas are in line with Vesemir's expectations. It can also allow his fellow Demon Hunter brothers to live a good life and achieve multiple things with one stone.

All that needs to be done is to increase the number of demon hunters, recruit demon hunters from other schools, recruit magicians from religious orders, rebuild the demon hunter academy, and recruit more apprentices.

Anyway, it’s something like this. As long as you develop in this aspect, you can increase the progress of the task, which is not too difficult.

As for the task of saving the elves, Wayne still has no clue.

Mainly because the Civil War has not yet broken out. Except for the Kingdom of Kaedwen, the conflict between humans and non-human races is not particularly acute. There are even many non-human races already living in human cities. After a long time, I was unwilling to leave my hometown and live in the deep mountains and old forests like Baihua Valley for the sake of a future possibility.

Although he himself is not a good person, he is not willing to deliberately provoke conflicts between humans and non-human races, causing many innocent non-human races to die under human butcher knives without any preparation.

At this stage, the only way to complete the task is to cast a wide net and accumulate a small amount into a large amount.

Entering the castle hall, Triss had already visited the entire castle. She was sitting on a leather chair by the fire, reading a certain book, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, reading with gusto.

I don’t know where the old man Vesemir is, he is probably busy with his own business.

After seeing Wayne come in, the red-haired sorceress immediately showed a sweet smile.

After Wayne sat next to her, she rested her head on Wayne's shoulder and said happily:
"Dear, I just went to your laboratory and took a look. Your experimental equipment is quite old and was produced hundreds of years ago."

"The experimental equipment used by our warlocks has been updated for several generations now, with higher precision and faster efficiency. If you need it, I will help you purchase a batch from special channels. Do you think it's okay?"

Wayne put his arms around Triss's slender waist, put his rough hands into her clothes, and gently groped her flat belly, and said in a casual tone:

"You are a professional, you can just make up your own mind about these small issues."

"We demon hunters have not had the help of warlocks for hundreds of years. Everything is difficult at the beginning. You should think carefully about how to take over this job. In addition to keeping secrets, I have no other requirements for the time being."

Hearing the man's words of complete trust, Triss felt that the fatigue of preparing the large-scale teleportation array in the past few days had been reduced a lot, and she was in a happier mood.

Ever since Wayne confessed his secret to her and she took the initiative to join the Witcher Order, the relationship between the two seemed to have taken a step further and was no longer what it was in the past. Although it was indeed very close and always seemed to be in love, it was always There was a barrier that prevented her from seeing the demon hunter clearly.

But now, after understanding the man's abilities and ideals, many things have answers. Triss also feels a lot more secure in her heart. She is no longer like in the past, always making random guesses and feeling uneasy.

Wayne casually took out a delicious cream puff cake from his space bracelet and put it in Triss's hand. Watching the sorceress eat the cake in small bites, he said gently:
"Optimizing the witcher's transformation experiment is a big project. You need to read the many notes that our witchers have saved, and don't rush it."

"But dear, now I have a problem that I want you to help me solve first."

Triss swallowed the puff cake in her mouth first, with an expression of enjoyment on her face, and then asked:

"what is the problem?"

Seeing the sorceress's expression like a greedy cat, Wayne couldn't help but smile and said:

"As you can see, there are a lot of giants. Although our magic crown can control them, it is not safe."

"I hope you can help me make a batch of tracking devices that can be installed on each giant so that we can know their location."

"In this way, even if a few giants want to escape, we can find them based on their location and catch them."

Triss nodded when she heard this. After thinking about it for more than ten seconds, she said:
"As for this device, other warlocks have studied it before. It is not difficult to manufacture, but it will still cost a lot of money to manufacture in large quantities."

"If you want to make more than 200, it will cost at least [-] oren."

Wayne nodded. It only cost [-] or [-] oren to monitor the whereabouts of a giant. It was already much cheaper than he expected.

He nodded to Triss, agreed to the plan, and then said:
"Just do it, my dear, money is not a problem." "I will bring a few helpers back soon to share your work, but for the next few days, I will trouble you to monitor these giants and don't let them cause any trouble. "

"Also, you can send me back to Toussaint first. Some of my friends are still there. After I finish dealing with these things, I will go to Vizima first. At that time, I will ask Keira to contact your."


Soon, Wayne returned to Beauclair instantly with the help of Triss's portal.

And this time when he came back, his main purpose was to take Xianna, Leisuo and others away and return to the north.

This is a talent he has managed to recruit with great difficulty. He cannot stay here and waste his time. He must make good use of it.

For him, the fairy tale country of Toussaint no longer has much appeal. The next time it comes will probably be a few years later.

Soon, he returned to the shop in Beauclair and announced the decision to Xianna, Leisuo and others.

Xianna's expression was a little reluctant, but she quickly agreed.

Although she is reluctant to leave her home, where she has lived for more than ten years, this girl has understood her situation and status, and at the same time, another kind of ambition has arisen in her heart.

Youth and longevity are things that many human kings want to pursue but cannot pursue. She has even begun to imagine that when her sister and parents are old, she will still be radiant and gorgeous, maintaining the appearance of a teenager or 20 years old. The reactions of these people when they appear in front of them are sure to be very interesting.

However, Leisuo and others were tempted by some of Wayne's conditions and couldn't wait any longer. They didn't hesitate at all and even urged Wayne to leave early.

As for Gaitan of the Cat School, he was openly arranged by Wayne to be the acting boss of the tobacco shop, but secretly he was asked to guard this stronghold, collect intelligence from the southern countries, and become a hidden stake buried in Toussaint.

As a reward for hiring him, he will be given free use of this already famous store and the mansion behind it.

He can also get a good salary every month from the income of the tobacco shop, which is much more comfortable than the days when he risked death and licked blood from the knife edge.

Gaitan was obviously very satisfied with this arrangement. He seemed to have forgotten that he had been coerced. He had been impressed by Master Wayne's money-making ability and had become a very obedient scoundrel.

The only pity is that he has not moved away the experimental equipment in Professor Moru's underground ruins yet, mainly because he does not know enough about this knowledge. Now that the professor is dead, if he accidentally destroyed these, he will If the prepared experimental equipment affects the secondary mutation experiment, it will be a heavy loss.

Wayne planned to wait until Triss had finished studying the demon hunter transformation information left by Azul, and after she had made some achievements in this area of ​​knowledge, he would then bring her to deal with the laboratory together. That would be a safe solution. plan.

After all, it was impossible. Every time the people in the cult underwent a second mutation, they would come all the way to Taosent.

After finishing the affairs in Toussaint, Wayne and the others were about to return to the north.

Of course, unlike Leisuo and others who imagined that it would take a month or even longer to travel long distances, Wayne contacted the elf sorceress Francesca without hesitation.

Let this powerful lady open a long-distance portal for herself and others, and the destination is Wayne's home in Vizima City.

Although it is somewhat disrespectful to use the most powerful elf sorceress in the world as a tool.

But thinking about it on the other hand, isn't this Wayne's trust in her? Being able to expose his network to her is also proof that the relationship between the two has become closer.

But this time, Francesca's attitude was very good. She didn't feel bored at all because Wayne asked her to help with such a small favor. She maintained a noble and elegant smile throughout the whole process. Her beautiful appearance and noble temperament made Lei... Suo waited for several demon hunters and Xianna, a somewhat arrogant girl, were stunned.

Not to boast, even Wayne, who has been bombarded by various PS beauties in the information age, will be surprised by the beauty of the elf sorceress. It is normal for others to be stunned.

The efficiency of the portal was indeed very powerful. In just a few minutes, everyone arrived from the Kingdom of Toussaint in the south to Vizima, the capital of the Kingdom of Temeria.

Except for Wayne and Francesca, Reso and others, as well as Xianna, came to this country for the first time.

However, after Wayne introduced his mansion to Reso and others, and introduced Berengar to them.

Francesca reached out and pulled Wayne aside. After the two came to the study, the elf sorceress told Wayne a piece of news.

That is, the Kingdom of Kaedwen, which has suffered several losses in a row, is ready to take action.

"The last time Dante killed Count Lesote in front of him at the banquet, it was really bad."

"Although other nobles have also stopped because of this, and they dare not show off in the confrontation with inhuman races."

"But the Warlock Brotherhood has also sent two warlocks to Kaedwen to investigate the human mercenary Dante."

Francesca frowned slightly, looked into Wayne's eyes and said:
"I also received news that Henselt's wild boar, in order to cooperate with the actions of these two warlocks, is preparing to hold a public trial and execution of non-human race prisoners near Ben'ad."

"But you and I both know that the vast majority of those prisoners are unjustly accused. They are all innocent and are just bait to lure Dante to show up."

Biting her lower lip slightly, the sorceress said with some frustration:
"How you handle this matter, Wayne, is up to you."

"No matter what you choose, I will support you."

(End of this chapter)

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