Chapter 198 Inhuman Genocide
There are two skills and specialties. The former belongs to the skill of using the seal, which can make the seal more dexterous and changeable, and quickly improve his strength. The latter may not improve his strength significantly, but it can eliminate the barriers between him and other worlds and deepen the The understanding of magic is a bet on future growth.

Wayne thought about it for a long time. For now, it has only been a few years since time travel. He may not be considered a strong person in another world, but in the wizarding world, except for those old monsters lurking, his strength is It should be in the first echelon.

Then, perhaps he should look further ahead and pursue a broader future, which is a better choice.

Thinking like this, Wayne focused his ability points on the skill of magic conversion.

For a moment, Wayne only felt that his spirit or soul was still there. In short, something inside him had changed. His senses became more sensitive, and he became more sensitive to the chaotic magic around him.

You can even detect traces of various energies from other worlds in the chaotic magic that surrounds you.

The wizarding world is indeed a sieve. Although the energies from other worlds are rare and insignificant, Wayne feels that they contain at least hundreds of energies.

He thought for a while, picked up the magic flask, took a sip of the mana potion from the world of Azeroth, and then closed his eyes to experience it carefully.

After a few minutes, Wayne opened his eyes with some relief. Although he didn't understand much about the arcane magic in the world of Azeroth now, after clicking on this skill and expertise, he could only absorb about [-] to [-]% of the magic. The mana potion is now able to absorb [-]% to [-]%.

Perhaps, when he has the opportunity to have a deeper understanding of the various energies in the world of Azeroth in the future, he will be able to use the six major forces of light, shadow, and arcane like the aboriginal people there.

And his existing ability points, after subtracting the points used on the seal, only have one point left, and this point should be reserved for the genetic mutation skills that will be upgraded in the near future.

The scarcity of ability points gives Wayne a headache. This is a problem that has always troubled him. Currently, there are only three ways to obtain ability points.

The first way is to upgrade, and you will get one ability point for each level.

The second way is to complete special tasks, which is rare and Wayne has only seen it once so far.

The third way is to find the magic nodes in the wizarding world and absorb their power, but this will often cause a space crack.

At present, the location of the magic node closest to Wayne is located in the back mountain of Kaer Morhen, the magic place where he originally activated the emblem of the Wolf School.

But this magic power node is of great significance to Kaer Mohan, and he will not move it at will.

Thinking like this, Wayne took out the coordinate map of the magic nodes he got from Aretuza Academy. He stared at it for a long time, and finally selected a magic node that was not too far away from him.

Unfortunately, the location of this magic node is also located in the Kingdom of Kaedwen, and is not far from their capital, Ben'ad.

However, Wayne didn't like the country of Kaedwen, and he didn't even spend much time in the country except when he was on his way.

Perhaps because it is located in the cold north, with a vast land and sparse population, coupled with scarce resources, most of the people in this country have rough and savage personalities, and are extremely xenophobic, especially towards non-human races, which have almost reached the level of hatred.

And their king is even more of a scum, a bastard and a robber. When he fights against the southern Nilfgaard Empire in the future, the King of Kaedwen not only fails to unite the northern countries, but uses a knife behind his back to destroy the Northern Alliance. A proper pig teammate.

For such a country, Wayne has little sympathy for them.

In early January after the New Year, he made an excuse and drove a magic flying carpet to Ben'Ad, the capital of the Kingdom of Kaedwen, in the evening.

It was January 1253, winter was still going on, spring had not yet arrived, and the temperature at night was almost below freezing.

Wayne sat on the magic flying carpet and flew it high in the sky. If it weren't for the enchanted warm shirt on his body, the demon hunter's physique was strong, and he would have been frozen into a grandson in the cold wind.

However, there is no way. Although the magic flying carpet is quite flexible in flying, it does not have a height limit for some reason. If it flies too high, there will be many obstacles to control and the magic power consumed will also increase greatly.

In line with the principle of cherishing his life, Wayne did not dare to try the limit of the magic flying carpet. After all, falling from a height of more than a thousand meters would be very dangerous even for him.

Kaermohan is about three hundred kilometers away from Ban'ad, the capital of Kaedwen. He set off in the evening because he could only fly at a low speed due to the temperature.

After flying for about four or five hours, he flew over a small mountain range and passed a small town. Looking from a distance, Wayne suddenly noticed that there were flames in the small town, and there seemed to be some kind of riot going on.

Driven by curiosity, he slightly changed his flight path, controlled the magic flying carpet, lowered his altitude, and flew over the small town.

However, what caught his eyes was a rather tragic scene.

The overall area of ​​this unknown town is not large, and the number of residents is estimated to be only a few hundred. It has not even built a wall. However, from the thatched houses and wooden houses on the outside to the stone buildings in the center of the town, from the outside Inside, the gap between rich and poor is vividly reflected.

However, on this night, many of the wooden houses and thatched houses located on the outskirts of the town were set on fire, and many corpses were scattered around the burning houses, including old and young, men and women.

Most of the men held wooden sticks and pitchforks in their hands and died in the process of resistance, while most of the women were naked and had painful expressions. It was obvious that they had been treated cruelly before they died.

In addition to men and women, there were old people and children who died at the scene.

What made Wayne frown the most was that the vast majority of these dead people, the people whose houses were burned down, were elves, dwarves and a few halflings. In a more popular term, they were the northerners. A non-human race in human terms.

Obviously, a massacre against an inhuman race is taking place here.

Seeing the tragic state of these corpses, Wayne's anger began to surge in his heart, although he had long known that in the Kingdom of Kaedwen, non-human races were often treated cruelly, and most of the refugees there were also He was a survivor who escaped from the hands of Kaedwen's ruthless people and soldiers, but this was the first time he had seen such a tragedy with his own eyes.

After all, his current occupation and race have determined that his butt must be on the side of the non-human race. Moreover, Wayne does not have much favorable impressions of the human troublemakers in the wizarding world. Faced with this The tragedy, even as a demon hunter, he felt that he had to do something.

Thinking like this, Wayne took out the dragon scale heavy armor forged by Master O. Henry from the space bracelet, put it on himself, and put a black cloak on top of the heavy armor for cover.

As for the choice of weapon, considering the possible battle that would happen next, in order to avoid being recognized in the future, Wayne neither chose the Statik Electric Blade nor the Sword of Victory, but just took it out of the ring. An ordinary magical one-handed sword from the world of Azeroth.It is a fairly ordinary weapon. It has no other advantages except that it can be a little sharper and stronger.

After preparing his equipment and weapons, Wayne took a deep breath. Just as he was about to rush towards the center of the town, where the noise of the commotion was loudest, a woman's beautiful voice suddenly came to his ears.

"Wayne, is that you?"

"Can you come to me? I'm in the forest 300 meters to your left."

Wayne was slightly startled when he heard this voice. Although he had only heard this voice once, he had never forgotten the beautiful tone to this day.

It was Francesca, the elf sorceress whom I had seen in the Valley of Flowers.

Unexpectedly, this sorceress actually appeared here. At this time, this would definitely not be a coincidence.

After thinking for a few seconds, Wayne decided to meet the sorceress. On the one hand, he could learn some information about the massacre from her. On the other hand, Wayne felt that he might be able to learn from her. You might even get a mission.

After all, after preventing this evil atrocity, wouldn't it be more gratifying to get a reward of experience and gold coins?
After making up his mind, Wayne soon drove the magic flying carpet to a place more than ten meters above the forest.

After circling around there for a few times, there was a fluctuation in the air outside the forest. A stunning elf beauty wearing a black and purple dress, with sorrowful eyebrows, slowly appeared in the air. It was exactly the same girl we had seen once. Yes, Francesca.

After seeing this elf beauty, Wayne no longer hesitated and jumped directly from a height of more than ten meters. His strong body was wrapped in a heavy dragon scale armor, and he smashed two medium-sized pieces of earth on the ground. The pit landed eight or nine meters in front of the elf sorceress.

The two looked at each other for a few times. Wayne's face didn't have much expression, just maintaining his usual indifference and calmness, while Francesca's beautiful face had a look of unbearability and sadness.

Before Wayne could speak, Francesca took the lead and asked:
"Why did you come here, Wayne? Did you hear something?"

Wayne shook his head and just said lightly:

"I was preparing to go to other places to do errands. I happened to pass by here and saw signs of burning here, so I came over to take a look."

When Francesca heard this, she lowered her head and pondered for more than ten seconds. She did not beat around the bush, but said in a pleading tone:

"Wayne, can you please save our compatriots?"

"My identity prevents me from intervening in such actions. Otherwise, it will only make the situation of the elven race more dangerous."

"But if it's you, it shouldn't cause any trouble. As long as you disguise yourself and don't use the special abilities of a witcher, no one should be able to track you down."

As Francesca's words of request fell, the sound of system prompts rang in Wayne's ears.

Ding!The mission triggers [Rescuing the non-human race in the town of Kantos], expert level.

Whether to accept.

It's an expert-level mission. It seems that we won't encounter any decent enemies in this operation.

Wayne thought like this and did not give Francesca an immediate answer. When the sorceress saw this, she bit her lower lip and said with a pitiful expression:
"Can you help me, Wayne? I know that as a demon hunter, you never do unpaid tasks. If you can bring those non-human races to this forest, every time you rescue a person, I will How about I give you ten crowns?"

Wayne couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Francesca's offer. One krona was worth four or five orens. In other words, for every person Wayne rescued, the elf sorceress was willing to pay fifty orens. Prices in Oren.

If he rescued twenty people, he would have to pay for a thousand orens. After this calculation, he could easily earn thousands of orens from Francesca, which would make him a rich woman.

Moreover, in the final analysis, the matter of saving these non-human races actually has nothing to do with Francesca. The sorceress only wants to save these inhuman races out of her responsibility to the elves and the continuation of the entire race. Deal with this hot potato.

Wayne was surprised. He chose to accept the task given by the system, but he did not agree to Francesca's commission. Instead, he thought about it and said:

"Beautiful Ms. Francesca, this rescue was based on my own idea, not anyone else's commission."

"I am a half-elf and a demon hunter with a sense of justice in my heart."

"You don't need to give me any reward, but in order to help me hide my identity better, can you please cast a spell on me to increase my disguise?"

After hearing Wayne's answer, Francesca's eyes flashed with surprise. She didn't expect that someone would refuse a large reward that came to her door. However, she regarded Wayne as a member of the same race and saw such noble behavior from Wayne. After that, I felt even more relieved, and even my eyes looking at Wayne became much softer.

The sorceress recited a short spell and waved her white palm gently in front of Wayne. His body and face were shrouded in a light mist, although the shadow inside could still be barely seen. But the specific image and appearance can no longer be distinguished.

After casting the spell, Francesca took out a Rubik's cube-like device made of unknown metal from her pocket. She took Wayne's hand and put the magic item in Wayne's hand. hands, saying:
"This is a device that can communicate with me. I will cover your actions nearby. After this is completed, I will use this device to communicate with you."

"Be careful, Wayne. There are about 50 soldiers and more than 100 mobs in the town. They rushed all the surviving inhumans to the center of the town, preparing to execute a cruel trial of the inhumans before killing them. them."

"You don't need to fight these soldiers and mobs head-on. You just need to save as many innocent people as possible."

After saying that, Francesca stood up on tiptoes, kissed Wayne's handsome side face, and said:

"Thank you for helping me, Wayne. If it weren't for you, I might have been able to just watch this tragedy happen, unable to do anything, and then sneak away and cry silently alone."

(End of this chapter)

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