Spoiler History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 413 Waves rise across the river

Chapter 413 Waves rise across the river

Lu Zijing fell silent.

Sui Jun was granted the title of Marquis throughout his life, and became famous all over the world in one fell swoop.

Who can resist this temptation? It can even be said to be the lifelong pursuit of most people.

But now...do I still have the qualifications to pursue these?

Lu Su was not sure, and it seemed inappropriate to refuse abruptly, so he finally fell silent and sat on the chair without saying a word.

Gan Ning next to him was a little unhappy:

"Where's me? Where's me?"

He heard clearly that the person invited by Jiangling Prefecture, Dulu Zijing, did not have the surname Gan.

To be honest, if Gan Ning hadn't acted decisively and had a plan in advance, Zijing might not have had to face the furious Sun Quan right now.

So seeing Jiang Wan ignoring him alone, Gan Ning suddenly felt a little dissatisfied.

Jiang Wan did not force Lu Su to make a decision, but turned around and said with a smile:

"If General Gan wants to visit Chang'an, you are most welcome to come."

"It's just that General Gan is not waiting for General Gan to return victoriously in Jiangling or Jiangxia?"

Gan Ning's injustice went away as quickly as it came, but he soon became a little puzzled:

"General Xiao Gan?"

He was not stupid, and immediately said in disbelief: "Gan Gui?"

Jiang Wan pursed his lips and smiled:


Then Gan Ning took a breath of air and felt that he could not understand the current situation more and more.

After all, if I were to calculate it carefully, I would have fled after the New Year and drifted on the sea for more than a month. After entering Jiaozhou, I went to Yizhou South as an envoy, and then combined my own forces to enter Jingnan...

Limited by the location of these places, Wu Yi, Zhang Yi, Shi Hui, Wu Ju and others who dealt with them could hardly be regarded as well-informed people.

Therefore, Gan Ning and Lu Su only knew that Lu Meng was defeated and died. As for other more detailed information, there are speculations but no specific sources.

So seeing what Jiangling Prefect said at this moment, Lu Su also raised his head out of curiosity.

Gan Ning simply sat down and drank the tea in one gulp, then knocked the table with the bottom of the cup with a look of impatient expression on his face:

"If the prefect has some free time, why don't you just tell me and Zijing about the current situation?"

"Also, where did the prefect learn that Gan Yi and Lu Meng were actually Gan Xingba and Lu Zijing?"

Seeing Gan Ning pouring another cup of tea, with an interested expression on his face, Jiang Wan suddenly felt dumbfounded. Is this Jinfan thief here to listen to a book?

Taking a sip of tea, Jiang Wan's expression also showed a hint of reminiscence:

"If we want to talk about the solution to Jiangling now, it must be said that General Zilong's Mo Dao team defeated Zhang Liao."

"If we want to talk about General Zilong's achievements, we must first mention that Duke Xuande came out of Hanzhong to restore the Three Qin Dynasties."

"When it comes to repaying the Three Qin Dynasty's merits, we can't avoid Kong Ming Yao Tang's defeat of the three armies and Ma Chao's forceful attack on Jieting."

Gan Ning suddenly felt a little dazed, and Lu Su also raised his eyebrows fiercely.

It only took more than three months from the time they left Jiangdong to the moment they became guests of Gangneung. Why does it sound like three years have passed?

If the two of them listened to Na Shihui's advice and took refuge in Jiaozhou for half a year before heading north, Liu Bei would have captured Cao Cao and Sun Hou alive by then, right?

Turning their heads to shake off this unreliable idea, the two of them listened attentively to Jiang Wan's words.

In this way, it means from noon to the beginning of the moon.

Zhou Qun did come here once, but when he couldn't find Jiang Wan anywhere, he realized that he was here to receive two distinguished guests from Jiaozhou.

Standing outside the foyer, you can clearly hear the sounds inside the house.

"Prefect Jiang, please tell me about the effect of Guizhi Decoction?"

"Why don't you, Gong Yan, get the coal cake and see how it works with me?"

"Is the cavalry so powerful? They can attack two hundred miles in one day and still win in battle. How brave they are!"

"How can an elite soldier and a good cavalry be defeated by Mo Dao? Brother Gongyan..."

So Zhou Qun pursed his lips and smiled, and left silently without making a sound.

In the house, as the servant turned on the lamp, Jiang Wan finally talked about the reason for Lu Meng's defeat.

When they heard that Han Dang would fight to the death and would not retreat or surrender, the two of them couldn't help but feel sad.

Lu Meng was carelessly injured by a crossbow attack, and eventually his subordinates turned against each other and beheaded him, and surrendered, leaving Lu Su silent.

Gan Ning also immediately made another request: "Can I have a look at this powerful crossbow?" Jiang Wan smiled bitterly: "General Gan, if all the things you want to see today are moved, can this hall be able to accommodate them all?" That’s two things.”

But then he made a proposal:

"If General Gan is really curious, you might as well go to General Xiao Gan's army and have a look. There are quite a few of these new ordnances on the ships of the Jingzhou Navy."

This suggestion silenced Gan Ning immediately, while Lu Su laughed without any shame:

"Now let's talk about the Jinfan thief, I'm afraid everyone in the world will think he is a sweet man!"


Lu Su's words made Gan Ning completely let go, his cheeks turned red and he laughed:

"He is indeed a son of the Gan family!"

After saying that, he glanced sideways at Lu Su, and the meaning in his eyes was very clear:

My son has already made great achievements, what about you?

Such provocative eyes also made Lu Su dumbfounded. The back and forth between the two made the leader Jiang Wan laugh out loud without noticing.

So Gan Ning and Lu Su looked at each other, and finally smiled at each other.

The laughter in the hall spread farther and farther. Mother Lu in the yard next to her heard her son's hearty laughter, and the sadness between her brows dissipated a little.

Although he now knew the ins and outs, Lu Su had more doubts in his heart. He took two bites of dinner and said impatiently:

"After the Battle of Chibi... Liu Jingzhou relied on Kong Ming's talents for all public security matters?"

Lu Su naturally asked about the rapid growth of Liu Bei's power starting from the public security. This was also a question that he had long wondered about but could not figure out.

It includes the rapid development of agriculture, medicine, industry, and commerce, as well as the miraculous conquest of Yizhou and Hanzhong. Everything is targeted and achieves twice the result with half the effort.

As a former ally, Lu Su naturally felt that it was abnormal. After all, if Liu Bei was really capable of this, he had invited Kong Ming earlier when he was staying in Jingzhou. How could he have wasted so many years?

Jiang Wan naturally had no comment on this, but simply said in a different way:

"Gong Xuande has something to say. He just wants to invite Zijing to go to Chang'an for a visit."

"After one look, Zijing can stay or go as he pleases, without any difficulty."

With this guarantee, Lu Su just nodded slowly and agreed, which made Jiang Wan finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Lu Su also turned his head:

"Xingba will come with me to take a look at Guanzhong?"

Gan Ning waved his hands carelessly and said:

"If Duke Xuande calls you, you have to go. After all, Gui'er is already a naval general under Duke Xuande."

"But now that Duke Xuande has not called, I will go to Jiangxia to wait for General Gan's triumphant return."

Seeing Gan Ning quickly change his tone, Lu Su was helpless and had a better understanding of the temper of the Gan family.

The son's achievements surpassed those of his father. If it had been someone else, it would not have been so easy to turn around.

But Gan Ning was embarrassed for a moment, and his face was full of pride, like a victorious rooster.

So after resting for two days, Lu Su set off again, but this time Jiang Wan sent a team of guards to accompany him, as well as fast ships and good horses, which made Lu Su's journey much easier.

But thinking about Lu Su's journey, Jiang Wan shook his head and laughed softly:

"When we get to Chang'an, Zijing's trip will definitely make Xianhe jealous."

Starting from Jiangdong, take the sea route to Jiaozhou, then go north to Jiangling, and then go north along the Han River to Hanzhong, and finally take the Baoxie Road to Chang'an.

By the time this walk was completed, Lu Su had walked half a circle around Huaxia, and Jiang Wan could already picture Jian Yong asking questions around Lu Su.

There are quite a few ships going from Jiangling to Jiangxia. Perhaps as the shipowner said, carrying goods back and forth between Xiangyang and Jiangling is indeed a good business now.

Seeing Gan Ning waving his hands after arriving in Jiangxia, and getting off the boat with a natural look on his face, saying that he was going to talk to General Zilong, Lu Su's mood became even more complicated.

He had a vague feeling that from now on, his life might really undergo even more earth-shaking changes.

What Lu Su didn't expect was that accidents would always come so unexpectedly.

After going north along the Han River and passing Xiangyang, the number of ships on the Han River suddenly decreased, with only a few or two ships traveling together.

When Lu Su boarded the bow of the ship to clear his mind, he heard an incredible voice:

"General Lu?"

Lu Su turned around and raised his eyebrows in surprise:

"Zi Shan?"

(End of this chapter)

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