Spoiler History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 167 Sun Zhongmou, Son of the Sun

Chapter 167 Sun Zhongmou, Son of the Sun

Liu Bei was dragged up by his third brother.

"Brother, why do you have to act like a child?!"

"Adou's temperament is weak, so let's take him through many battles!"

Zhang Fei has always been able to remember things he is interested in:

"Didn't the light curtain say it before? The emperor guards the gate of the country! I think it's suitable for Ah Dou."

"Otherwise, even if he is still in the old capital, wouldn't it be a disaster if Adou becomes like a bird like that Yizong of the Tang Dynasty?"

Liu Bei recalled that the emperor of the late Tang Dynasty was always wary of the Guiyi army, Zhang Yichao worked hard and alone to get through Liangzhou, but was demoted after no success, and Hexi experienced losses and regained them again.

"General Yide is right." Pang Tong also supported Zhang Fei:
"We have a long way to go to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty. After taking Hanzhong, we have to look north to Yongliang, go west to recover the old land of the Western Regions, and go east to take back Guanzhong and the Central Plains."''

"Jiangdong and Beihu have to be dealt with, and North Korea and Japanese slaves also have to go and see, and Nanyang is poisoned, etc..."

Zhang Fei's eyes sparkled when he heard it, and he slapped Pang Tong on the shoulder and staggered:
"It's better for the military adviser to remember clearly! I, Lao Zhang, will be satisfied if I can complete one of these things for my elder brother!"

Pang Tong glared at Zhang Fei's revenge.

Regarding Pang Tong's words, the three people in Yizhou reacted differently:

Zhang Song's expression was frenzied, and he just felt that his vision was really right at the beginning, the lord is the hero, and he, who is short in stature and not short in ambition, can finally show his ambitions!
Fazheng is more of admiration, the master is even lower than himself!But to be able to fight so far and have the heart to devour the world, he is always by his side!

On the other hand, Liu Ba pinched the book in his sleeve. He just felt that it was a futile journey when he was in Jingzhou. After going around for three years, he returned to the starting point again.

Kong Ming, who was a little ashamed because of A Dou being raised and abandoned, suddenly remembered "Emperor Fan".

Should there be some reference value for the guide for the emperor written by the emperor through the ages?
But...Kong Ming thought in his heart, if Shuzhong is determined, medicine should be established first.

Leaving aside the topic of diabetes, which I still don't quite understand, Kong Ming's eyes slid over Fazheng and Liu Ba in turn.

There are a lot of people who die early, which is extremely abnormal.

Don't want to have the unpredictable medicine like the later generations, even if it's just to prevent premature death, Kong Ming thinks that medicine should be established!

[However, nobles are still far away from us after all. There is a very classic question: If you are a commoner in the Three Kingdoms, which country is better?

And this question first has a clear major premise, that is, the Three Kingdoms still belong to the troubled times.

Yuan Qu, which is about the same status as Tang Poetry and Song Ci, has a drama called "The Story of Yougui", in which there is a very good sentence:

I would rather be a dog of peace than a troubled person.

The Three Kingdoms is similar, and it is essentially a worse situation.

Among them, the life of the people in Jihan is relatively simple. We have already mentioned in detail in Zhuge Liang's rule of Shu. Water conservancy, salt and iron, law, farming, etc. have basically been sorted out, and a fairly solid foundation has been laid.

When Huan Wen conquered Shu in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he met a centenarian old man. He was a small official in the Wuhou era. Huan Wen was very curious about Wuhou, so he asked him how Wuhou was compared to today?
The little official gave a very simple answer:
When Ge Gong was there, he didn't feel the difference, but since he passed away, he didn't see the comparison.

It can be seen from this that the living standards of the people in central Shu were on the decline after the death of Marquis Wu. Later, Jiang Wan and Fei Yi belonged to Xiao Gui and Cao Sui, and A Dou, a fat house, fought crickets with eunuchs, and the harm to people's livelihood was relatively limited.

On the eve of the final subjugation of the country, Xue Jue of Soochow went to Ji Han as an envoy, and the report when he came back was that "the people all have food", and the food was not the color of famine, which probably meant that the food was not very good.

Since Xue Jue of Soochow made such an evaluation, does Soochow have a good life?
But in fact, no matter how you calculate it, Soochow's people's livelihood should be relatively at the bottom, and it is more like India.

One of the materials is Luo Tong's memorials before the Yiling War.

Luo Tong is one of the few officials in Jiangdong who cares about the common people. In his memorial, he described the life of the lower class that he saw with his own eyes:
Because of wars and epidemics, counties and counties withered and their fields were barren, rural households were basically widowed, widowed, old, and disabled, and there were few strong men.

The poor people and the soldiers in the fields would even drown their children with their own hands because they could not raise them.

Labor conscripts are frequent, poor people are used wantonly, and people with a little family background don't hesitate to give away their wealth and bribes to avoid being conscripted.

The second material is the Wu bamboo slips unearthed from Zoumalou.

Jiangdong and other ranks are clearly defined. Apart from the Sun family and the four major surnames, the common people are divided into four ranks: upper rank, middle rank, lower rank, and lower rank.

Low-grade households and low-grade households basically belong to extreme poverty. Faced with this group who cannot pay taxes, the Jiangdong government said that this is easy to handle, so go and be a slave.

This type of special corvee is recorded in the Wu Bamboo Slips: for state officials, for county officials, for county soldiers, for county officials, for Duan Zuo, for Sanzhou Cangfu, for Duzuo, etc.

Once this kind of corvee is arranged by the government, you need to enter the type of service into your household registration and follow it for life. You cannot refuse, and you can listen to it at any time, and there is no end time.

From the perspective of our modern people, this hierarchy system is a bit like that of India next door. When we established the Zhou Dynasty, ancient India invented the Sivarna system, which is commonly known as the caste system.

Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras are engaged in sacrifices, warriors, farmers, and lowly businesses respectively, and there are Dalits called untouchables below.

It is also because of this system in India that the conquerors came and went from the Khyber Pass, and the caste system has survived until today.

It is reasonable to speculate that Sun Quan was thrown into the Ganges River by the Indian mother, crossed the ocean along the coastline and entered the Yangtze River, becoming the chosen son of Jiangdong.

Blue eyes and purple beard are the proof that he is the son of the sun in Hinduism!
Of course, the above is just a joke, brother Zhongmou who is under the nine springs should not take it seriously.

Therefore, as a Jiangdong commoner, if you unfortunately become the lower two ranks of the four ranks, your life will undoubtedly be at the bottom of the Three Kingdoms.

In addition, don't think that there are very few people in Jiangdong's lower ranks. From the transfer records unearthed from Zoumalou:

The top rank has never appeared, the middle rank has only appeared once, and the rest of the service records are all low rank and below. 】

The monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty only felt that they had really gained insight.

Completely different land, even more different institutions.

"This Varna of India... no, caste system, what is it?"

Li Shimin thought that word was a mouthful, so he also called him by caste.

Du Ruhui's expression was full of inquiry, and he took another piece of paper to write the four-level plus one untouchable in India on the paper, passed it to the ministers for circulation, and said:
"This Varna should be the sound of the Fan language, and the word caste should be named after the general meaning of the later generations."

"This state system is quite barbaric. No wonder the light curtain said that this place has survived the war and survived the war. This system can continue for thousands of years."

Fang Xuanling looked at the joke behind and guessed:

"This Hinduism is named after the country. Could it be that India has no king, and the country is governed by religion?"

"It's just... what about Buddhism?"

Changsun Wuji said:
"We know very little, so we might as well make a guess based on this."

"Sacrificing to the gods, so this Brahmin is like His Majesty with the constitution in his mouth."

"The rest of the ranks can be deduced by analogy. Kshatriya is like civil servants and generals, and the lower two ranks are like ordinary people."

As for the untouchables, it is even more uncommon, roughly like a domestic slave that everyone can use?

Li Shimin also understood, first of all he stared at the name of Khyber Pass thoughtfully:
What a mouthful, sooner or later I will change your name!

Then he said: "Such a system, regardless of knowledge and ability, only checks their background, which is very different from my Tang Dynasty."

"It's no wonder that India has been conquered by other races in turn. The people have no desire to fight to the death, and the soldiers have no ambition to protect the country. How can we fight?"

No... Li Shimin shook his head again in his heart. It's really hard to say which surname belongs to the common people under this surname system.

But the benefits are also visible, that is, the cost of conquest is greatly reduced, what a soft persimmon.

Haven't you seen Changhou Junji and Yuchi Jingde's eyes light up?Even Changsun Wuji was ready to move.

I just don’t know why this foreign country that has taken turns conquering in India didn’t build fortifications at the Khyber Pass?

Li Shimin felt rather strange in his heart: As long as the blockage is blocked, wouldn't it be safe to sit back and relax in India?
Du Ruhui put forward another point of view:
"Looking at the disputes between later generations and India, and looking at the route of their army, could it be that this is called the natural moat of the Himalayas, and there are also mountain passes in it?"

Changsun Wuji thought for a moment and shook his head:
"There are so many extraordinary methods in later generations..."

Li Shimin was quite tempted: "Choose a smart person, send powerful soldiers to protect him, bring cane sugar to pretend to be a merchant, and go into Tubo to find out the situation."

"Since Tubo grew up here, if there is a shortcut to India, they must know it."

So this matter will be suppressed for the time being.

Only then did Li Shimin have the time to stare at the words of the later generations making fun of Sun Quan and have fun.

In comparison, it seems that he is quite loved by later generations, at least there is no such joking words.

Even he, Li Shimin, has to thank Sun Zhongmou. If he hadn't forced the people to do this, how could he have heard about this Indian system?

The three people in Yizhou stared at the hundred-year-old official's comment on Marquis Wu's words, a little surprised:

"Such a posthumous name?"

Zhang Fei was complacent: "What is this? The people in Central Shu even set up the Wuhou Temple for the military master, which has been passed down for thousands of years and has a lot of incense!"

Liu Bei, Pang Tong, Zhao Yun, Mi Zhu nodded all together, feeling honored.

Then Zhang Fei said happily:
"The military commander and my elder brother even set up a temple together. Although the plaque on the temple is written in Zhaolie Temple, the people only call it Wuhou Temple, which shows that the military teacher has won the hearts of the people in Sichuan."

Liu Bei's eyes became subtle, he stared at his third brother and said:

"Baishui Pass is guarded by Zhong Miao, so Yide might as well stay in Chengdu for half a month."

"After the dredging of the Chengdu River is completed, it will not be too late to return to Baishuiguan to guard."

Zhang Fei rubbed his head and felt that his eldest brother had also become moody, so he could only respond aggrievedly.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Zhang Song actively enlivened the atmosphere and said:

"Since Wolong has the posthumous posthumous title of Zhongwu, the phoenix chick who wants to be equally famous will also be famous in history."

Pang Tong opened his mouth to meet Zhang Song's attentive gaze, but he couldn't utter a word, just like a fish landed on the shore.

 The next update will be around [-] o'clock, thanks to miao
(End of this chapter)

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