Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 244 Goodbye Fengbuqing

Chapter 244 Goodbye Fengbuqing

Bai Guishou, I can only help you so far... Su Ze checked the members of the group, and found that there is no wind or green among them, which is quite a pity.

After Su Ze posted this screenshot to the "Heart to Darkness" group, it seemed that the group ban had been activated, and the entire group fell into dead silence.

After a long time, Elder Kang was the first to break the silence.

[Elder Kang: Who are you?Su Ze or Chen Suifeng? 】

Please call me Lei Feng... Su Ze turned off the phone without replying at all.

Who knows if this mobile phone can be located, and it is meaningless to continue talking, and there is a certain risk.

Su Ze took out a lead box from the storage pendant, put the phone in it, closed the lid and put it away.

This phone has a certain research value, Su Ze plans to take it back, let Liu Wenyin try to see if it can be faked.

Feng Buqing was not found in the "Heart to Darkness" group, which means that Feng Buqing must not have fully recovered his sanity. Su Ze guessed that there is a high probability that Feng Buqing's mental state is still problematic.

He put away his mobile phone, and turned to research another thing, which is obviously an electronic product, which looks very similar to a mobile phone, with a large screen, but the thickness is as thick as a brick.

Su Ze pressed the power button, the screen lit up, and a blue dot appeared on it.

And beside the blue dot, there is a red dot that keeps beating.

Between the blue dot and the red dot, the distance is also marked: 141 meters.

This is... positioning?
Su Ze tried to take two steps forward, and immediately saw the blue dot on the screen move slightly, and the distance display also changed to 140 meters.

This blue dot represents me?What is this red dot?
Obviously, this is a tracking and positioning machine, the blue dot represents the machine itself, and the red dot is the target that needs to be located.

What is Bai Guishou positioning?
Could it be the secret base of the dirty soil organization?
Su Ze looked in the direction of the red dot, but was blocked by dense trees and grass.

At this moment, Su Ze noticed that the red dot on the screen also moved slightly, and the distance between him and the red dot became 138 meters!
A living thing that can move!
This ruled out the possibility of being the base of the dirty soil organization.

Su Ze weighed in his mind, whether to turn around and run away, to distance himself from the red dot, or to satisfy his curiosity and see what the red dot is.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Ze decided to check it out with his sensory tentacles more than 100 meters away.

Under the control of Su Ze, the sensory tentacles extended towards the direction of the red dot, and they were more than 100 meters away in a blink of an eye.

What's here?
Su Ze carefully covered it with his sensory tentacles, and a picture of that place suddenly formed in his mind, as if there was nothing special about it.

It's just one tree after another.

One, two, three... Su Ze counted the trees one by one, trying to find some living creatures lurking in these trees.

No, this tree is so weird.

Why does this tree have a face?
Su Ze was so frightened that the appearance of this strange tree was clearly conveyed to his mind by the sensory tentacles. It was a strange tree with a head. There were countless air roots extending from the top of the head and dotted with green leaves. In it, it seems to be human hair.

The whole tree had luxuriant branches and leaves, but the trunk at the bottom was actually split into two halves, as if they were two human legs.

If you look carefully, you can find that those emerald green leaves do not seem to be real leaves. The texture of human skin can be clearly seen on the leaves, and small blood vessels can be seen all over them.

The wind is not blue!
Although Feng Buqing and Su Ze had changed a lot when they saw him last time, they became more like a tree and grew a lot taller.

But Su Ze recognized it immediately.

After all, there might not be another "vegetative person" like this in the entire Blue Star.

Bai Guishou was targeting Feng Buqing, which surprised Su Ze. What was even more surprising was that the tumbleweed sent him directly to a place more than 100 meters away from Feng Buqing.

What is this luck?
Once Feng Buqing finds out about Su Ze, he will kill him as soon as his sanity returns to normal for a second!

Fortunately, the current Feng Buqing is still crazy at first glance... because he is playing a tree.

I saw him standing in the middle of a group of trees, stretching his arms (two thick branches), spreading the branches and leaves all over his body, making sure that every leaf on his body was bathed in the sun.

Is he really capable of photosynthesis?

Su Ze has some doubts, not because he doubts that he can't, but because he really can!
He wasn't even sure whether Feng Buqing was an animal or a plant now, maybe he could really carry out photosynthesis?
At this moment, Feng Buqing's face, which looked like graffiti carved on the tree trunk, showed a bit of clarity. Several tree vines extended from his arms, and he took out a mobile phone from nowhere. Vine taps on the phone as if typing.

It's a pity that the principle of sensing the tentacles is "touching" rather than "seeing", so Su Ze has no way of knowing what he is typing.

But only a few seconds later, Feng Buqing's face appeared blank again, and then he put away his phone and continued to sunbathe.

Sometimes sober, sometimes confused... Su Ze has some guesses about Feng Buqing's state.

Don't care about him so much, slip away...

Su Ze withdrew his sensory tentacles and decided to evacuate.

As soon as Feng Buqing replied to Bai Guishou's message, he knew that his mind was still clear sometimes, and it would be too dangerous to stay here if Feng Buqing found out.

Su Ze planned to run farther and rest in another place.

But within two steps, he suddenly stopped, because he saw seven or eight pieces of minced meat falling from the sky and rushing towards him.

There is no end!

Pope, you are too milky!
You belong to GPS, right?Global Positioning?Can't get rid of it wherever you go?
I thought that the tumbleweed had already thrown off the pursuit of these pieces of meat, but I didn't expect this thing to lock on Su Ze. No matter thousands of mountains or thousands of rivers, they will chase after him. Although it is late, it will definitely arrive!

Su Ze's brain started spinning at high speed, what should I do?
Escape with tumbleweeds?Not to mention whether he can bear it, the tumbleweed also has a cooling effect.

And to do it again is just to delay the time and treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Blow up?

Not reliable either.

Seeing that the few pieces of meat were about to protrude from his face, Su Ze turned around decisively, ran away, opened his mouth and shouted:
"Ah Feng, save me!
"I am Qiangzi!"


Feng Buqing, who was sunbathing, heard the word "Qiangzi", instinctively gathered the branches and leaves, and looked in the direction of the sound.

Feng Buqing, who had grown to a height of more than three meters, moved towards the source of the sound with two thick legs like tree stumps, and every step made the ground tremble slightly.

He saw Su Ze rushing out of the bushes at a glance, and his cloudy eyes burst out with surprise: "Qiangzi!"

Sure enough, he still recognizes me... Su Ze was overjoyed, and quickly shouted: "Hurry up and save me! Stop those pieces of meat!"

Feng Buqing moved his eyes to the pieces of meat that were chasing Su Ze. He waved his arms, and the two branch-like arms extended infinitely, sprouting vines, weaving them into a net, and capturing all the pieces of meat.

Feng Buqing's two arms turned into two cages, trapping a few pieces of minced meat inside.

The pieces of meat kept hitting, making bang bang noises, but they couldn't get out of the cage.

At this moment, Feng Buqing's eyes revealed a bit of clarity.

He can only stay awake for about six hours a day. The key point is that these six hours are not continuous, but random.

Maybe one second is still awake, the next second is insane, and the next second is fine again, completely irregular.

This made it difficult for him to do anything with his waking hours.

For example, he wanted to kill Su Ze several times, but the furthest time he ran outside Fengshui Pass, he suddenly lost his mind and ran back to the depths of the Blood Soil Forest.

He looked at Su Ze who ran away without turning his head, and let out a low but chilling growl: "Su Ze!"

That voice was full of hatred and murderous intent. If it weren't for Su Ze, how could he have become such a ghost.

Feng Buqing turned around and was about to chase and kill Su Ze, but suddenly his expression froze, and the few pieces of meat trapped by him went straight into his arm because he couldn't break free from his restraint!

Feng Buqing turned pale with shock, and immediately stopped, trying her best to seal off the few pieces of meat that got inside her body.

Those pieces of meat entered Feng Buqing's body, obviously he was not used to it, as if he lost his way.

The pope's flesh and blood parasite ability can only parasitize flesh and blood life, such as humans and beasts, but spiritual plants cannot parasitize.

Feng Buqing's current physical condition is very strange. It is a mixture of flesh and plants. After the Pope's "living flesh" came in, he was also a little bit uncomfortable, and he didn't know where to start.

Those pieces of minced meat can only decontaminate and assimilate the part of Feng Buqing's body that still retains the characteristics of flesh and blood.


A vine protruded from Feng Buqing's arm, piercing the bark-like skin of his body, and red and green mixed blood kept flowing out from the wound, and he didn't feel any pain.

Those vines drilled into his body, and he wanted to take out all those pieces of minced meat.

And those minced meat also sensed the crisis, and desperately merged into Feng Buqing's body.

Su Ze kept an eye on Feng Buqing's situation, but he didn't stop for a moment, running away at full speed.

He didn't dare to fly, for fear of attracting powerful alien beasts.

While running away, he was even a little worried about whether Feng Buqing would be parasitized by the Pope.

Although both Feng Buqing and the Pope are enemies, if the Pope were to kill Feng Buqing, he would have one less enemy.

But Feng Buqing, an enemy, is really useful, and Su Ze is a little bit reluctant to let him die.

Su Ze took out the tumbleweed and found that this strange object resisted his evolutionary power injection, indicating that it hadn't finished cooling down yet.

He could only speed up as much as possible, not daring to stop for even a second.

He knew that whether Feng Buqing resisted the Pope's parasitism, or the Pope successfully parasitized Feng Buqing, these two people would come to hunt him down.

"Why did I come out this trip? Why did I encounter so many troubles, and was chased by a group of perverts?"

Su Ze was a bit regretful about luring the snake out of the hole. He followed Chen Suifeng out to hunt a fourth-order strange beast in a low-key manner. Maybe it was over already. There were so many things.

Running, Su Ze suddenly heard a hysterical cry from behind: "Qiangzi! Don't go!"

(End of this chapter)

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