Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 228 Extract of Unknown Grade

Chapter 228 Extract of Unknown Grade
That "cover" was punched in by me?
Su Ze saw the mouth of the slap-big black hole, and a gleam of joy appeared on his face.

"Boss, you are..."

Brother Ya next door was startled by the huge movement from Su Ze, and turned his attention to it. While dodging the attack of the elephant and beast with ease, he watched what Su Ze was going to do.

"I want to extract the extract from the guy below." Su Ze said as he walked forward, his sensory tentacles penetrated into the hole in the hard shell, and got a glimpse of the whole picture of the strange beast under the hard shell.

But within a second or two, Su Ze was stunned suddenly. There was indeed a sleeping beast underneath. This beast was bigger than he imagined, and the range that the sensory tentacles could see was only the tip of the iceberg!
Su Ze is just watching the leopard in the tube right now, saying "leopard" is a bit inappropriate, it should be said to be "watching the whale in the tube"!
But judging from the peeking angle, the strange beast below is not a tortoise as Su Ze imagined.

"It feels like...a big clam?" Su Ze was a little uncertain.

If it is really a big clam, then the trial space they are in now is built on the shell.

But now the problem came. Although the hole was opened, the small hole was at least ten meters away from the beast below. Su Ze couldn't insert the extractor so far away to extract the extract.

Now I can only switch to the liquid form and get in from this small hole.

But it also means taking greater risks.

Brother Ya on the side rubbed his hands. He was shocked by Su Ze's decision. He said that he was indeed the boss, but he had already set his mind on that big guy in the ground. He quickly reminded Su Ze:
"Boss, be careful, the guy below is definitely not low in rank. Although he is sealed and unable to move his body, it is best to prevent him from counterattacking when he dies."

Su Ze nodded, and using the "Liquid Life" skill, separated a half-meter-tall clone.

He intends to use this little avatar to go down for an adventure. If it falls below, it will be equivalent to an injury to him, and the impact will not be too great.

Then he touched his body and took out a handful of four or five kinds of jewelry, including earrings and rings...

These are the storage props he got from groping the corpses of the fourteen testers he killed.

However, because anyone could die in the Dice of the Gods trial this time, they didn't bring any valuables in their storage items except for some conventional evolution medicines.

Like a strange object, it is useless to bring it in, and if it dies inside, it will be lost.

Some precious treasures must have been left outside.

Just like Su Ze, who brought in all his belongings.

So Su Ze killed so many people, the biggest gain is these few storage items themselves.

Su Ze now lets his avatar go down to extract the extract, but the extractor is too large to pass through the palm-sized hole, so he can only put it into a storage item and let the avatar take it down.

Su Ze took out the extractor, stuffed it into a storage earring, and threw the earring to the avatar.

The liquid avatar was wrapped in storage earrings, got in through the small hole the size of a palm, and fell freely onto the strange beast below.


The strange beast's body accidentally shot Q bombs, the liquid avatar fell on it and trembled like jelly, and then the liquid avatar turned into a scribbled human figure, took out the extractor from the storage earring, held it high above the head, and used a needle with a pointed needle The other end stabbed hard towards the soft flesh of the strange beast under him.

Not punctured.

The meat of this strange beast is very tough and elastic, which relieved a lot of strength.

The liquid avatar activates the "Ant Power", and with a hard prick, it can barely break the skin. Even at this level, it is impossible to extract the evolutionary substance.

By this time, Su Ze also realized that the guy under him was extremely powerful, and he might be a fifth-order alien beast.

Su Ze thought for a while, manipulated the liquid avatar, and gave a "needle strike" to the soft flesh under his feet. This time, he finally made a finger-deep wound, and the transparent mucus that was drawn could be faintly seen.

Su Ze was already ready for the strange beast under his feet to fight back after this blow, but the fact is that everything is calm. Maybe this small wound is just a tickle for the big guy under his feet, or it may be really hurt The seal is too dead to move.

However, this small wound is enough to extract the extract.

The liquid avatar inserted the extractor forcefully into the wound, and pressed the switch of the extractor.

The extractor shook slightly, and paused for dozens of seconds before seeing a little transparent evolutionary substance being extracted.

The color of the evolved substance is not certain, there are various colors, most of which are transparent, and what can really reflect the level of the extract is the color of the light of evolution.

So just looking at the evolutionary substance, Su Ze has no way of judging the grade of the alien beast under his feet.

It may be because the beast is too big, and the extraction of the extract is a bit slow, so Su Ze can only wait patiently.

And every second of waiting, Su Ze was worried, afraid that the beasts under his feet would launch a counterattack.

And at this moment, Brother Ya's surprised voice came from next door: "It's finally time!"

The elephant beast that had been attacking Ya Ge suddenly stopped still, as if it had been immobilized.

This means that the time for the assessment of this level has come. If Brother Ya survived the attack of the alien beast, he will pass the level... That's how he passed the level in the first round.

Then I saw the power of evolution and the evolutionary substance flying out of the elephant's body and merging into Yage's body.

Su Ze was very curious. It stands to reason that Brother Ya would absorb a life-saving skill, but what kind of life-saving skill does an elephant have?Big?Thick-skinned?

Yage closed his eyes and absorbed the extract with peace of mind. As a person suspected of absorbing blood crystals, Yage's physical fitness was excellent, and there was basically no possibility of his body exploding and dying if he failed to absorb it.

At this time, the thirteen dead beasts in the trial space suddenly turned into a burst of blue energy and drilled back into the soil.

These strange beasts were originally composed of these blue energies, and now they are transformed into blue energies after death, and they seem to be returning to their original places.

Su Ze saw the body of the kangaroo beast on his side turned into blue energy, then got into the palm-sized hole he smashed open, and merged into the body of the big clam beast below.

Suddenly, Su Ze... So the blue energy comes from this big guy under his feet?
The hole covered with the "lid" before co-authoring was used to circulate blue energy?

He finally understood why the creator of the trial space wanted to open a window on the shell.

But with the return of the blue energy that made up the beast, Su Ze suddenly saw that the palm-sized hole was healing rapidly!
This shell can heal itself. This is nothing new. No one of the high-level beasts has self-healing ability. The key is that if it heals, Su Ze can't break it open again!
Then wouldn't his avatar be trapped in the shell?
Even if the extract is pulled out, it can't be picked up!
In desperation, Su Ze pulled out the moon blade and stuck it into the hole to prevent the shell from healing itself.

The widest part of this long knife made of the forelimbs of mantis beasts is just enough to fit into a palm-sized hole.

But with a click, a small crack appeared on the knife body!

Su Ze felt very distressed, this is a third-order wonder!
And looking at it like this, the moon blade couldn't bear it at all, and would be crushed by the shell soon.

How to do?
How to do!
Su Ze's mental power penetrated into the storage pendant, looking for something hard enough to see if there is something hard that can replace the moon blade to stick to the hole.

There are a lot of messy things in his pendant space, such as headless avatars, ever-changing masks, all kinds of bottles and cans, but these things are not suitable!

Su Ze saw the "Flower of Desperation" blooming again, and he was also very surprised. How could this thing bloom again?The self-explosive seeds in his body are still useless.

But at this time, he didn't have the energy to think about it, and quickly searched in the storage space until a metal token caught his eyes.

This is the remnant of the previous owner found in the pendant when he got the storage pendant.

There was a birch leaf engraved on the front of this token, and the number "27" was on the back, representing the status of the token owner Lin Huajun's senior management.

Under Liu Wenyin's suggestion, Su Ze didn't throw the token away, and kept throwing it in the storage pendant to eat ashes.

Can this thing hold up?

Su Ze is also not sure, if it is only made of ordinary metal, it is impossible to be harder than the moon blade.

But now there is no better choice. Apart from this token in his storage pendant, there is nothing else suitable.

Su Ze, acting as a living horse doctor, took out the token, pulled out the moon blade on the one hand, and stuck the token into the hole immediately on the other hand.

The palm-sized token was tightly stuck to the entrance of the hole. Su Ze held his breath and observed for a moment, but there was no sign of cracking or deformation.

It really withstood it!
The material of this token is unusual.

Su Ze breathed a sigh of relief, and then he was able to focus on other aspects.

He glanced at Yage first, Yage successfully absorbed the extract, and also entered the blue energy surround, and began to speed up the digestion of the extract.

Then Su Ze looked at the moon blade in his hand, and there was a small, inconspicuous crack on the blade, and he didn't know if it was still working or if it could be repaired.

"If you can't get the extract from the big guy below, it will be a blood loss, and a third-order strange thing will be added."

Su Ze muttered, and checked the extraction progress of the extract below... Only about one-tenth of it was extracted, and it may take a while.

He took out the "Flower of Desperation" again and looked at the impatiens blooming in the small potted plant. For a moment, Su Ze wondered why this thing would bloom again.

Although the Flower of Desperation can be regenerated, according to the manual, it is responsive to the self-explosive seeds in Su Ze's body. If Su Ze does not consume the self-explosive seeds, the regeneration time of this flower will be extremely slow, and it will take several years.

But now, it has only been about a month since Su Ze picked the self-explosive seed, and it has bloomed again!

This means that Su Ze can harvest another self-explosive seed.

(End of this chapter)

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