Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 215 The Sun and the Moon in the Dice

Chapter 215 The Sun and the Moon in the Dice
The battle at the exit became more chaotic and fierce.

Several Lin Huaguo official geniuses tried their best to control the situation and appealed to everyone to calm down, but it didn't work.

Now that you have entered the dice of the gods, there is no peace and conflict is inevitable, especially when it concerns your own life, no one will give others face.

It was this kind of chaos that made more people aware of the crisis. Some people who didn't want to leave in the first round were now trying to get closer to the exit, trying to break free from this quagmire.

But whoever is closest to the exit will become the target of everyone's fire.

If it continues like this, it is very likely that everyone will not be able to leave. The time for the exit to be opened is only 3 minutes. If no one goes out, it will automatically close after 3 minutes.

Su Ze and the others watched leisurely below because they did not participate in the battle, but Su Ze and Ya Ge also noticed that Feroz, who was in his 50s, did not participate in the melee.

It stands to reason that the older you are, the more you want to leave. Feroz chose to stay and continue the second round of trials. I don't know if he has confidence in his own strength, or because he wants to stay and find a chance to deal with Brother Ya.

It's not that Su Ze never thought about taking the initiative to attack Feroz first, but firstly, the other two cultivators from Luofan Kingdom have been guarding Feroz's side, and secondly, there are too many people at this time, especially Lin Huaguo. Those people in the government are nosy, and Su Ze is afraid that they will fight.

Anyway, Feroz didn't choose to leave, Su Ze decided to find a better time later.

And Feroz was also observing Ya Ge unabashedly, seeing that no one in Dong Li's team had left, and the four of them stayed together all the time, he also chose to wait for the opportunity.

If Zhang Tai had chosen to leave in the first round, he might have taken action against Su Ze and the others by now.

Feroz chose to stay because he really wanted to deal with Brother Ya, but it was also because he felt that he could pass the second test.

In the first round of trials, he encountered an opponent at the peak of the butterfly stage, but he still defeated the opponent with his rich combat experience and strong strength. He stayed at the peak of the butterfly stage for many years and has been accumulating foundation, Few were his opponents in the midterms.

As long as the second round of trials does not reach the holy level, Feroz is confident.

The scuffle above is still going on, and people are constantly being injured, but fortunately, most people still retain their last shred of sanity, and no one has died for the time being.

Someone calculated the time and knew that it could not be delayed any longer, so they rushed towards the exit despite the risk of being set on fire by the crowd!
Some people succeeded. Although they may have suffered serious injuries, they managed to escape.

However, some people were stopped by the intensive skill attacks.

one, two, three...

The exits were closed one by one, and seeing that there was only the last exit left, the elderly evolutionaries started sprinting like crazy.

With a loud bang, a middle-aged man in his 40s was blown up by intensive skill-focused fire. His body was scattered into countless pieces and fell down, blood splashing all over the people around him.

"Who did it!" A roar rang out, and a young man's face flushed with anger. He came from a big family in Lin Huaguo, and the middle-aged man who was killed by the fire was his uncle.

In the end it was dead.

This sudden change made everyone startled for half a second, but taking advantage of this opportunity, someone rushed out of the exit.

The last exit was closed, and the dice space fell into darkness again.

The chaotic and noisy scene just now suddenly became dead silent.

The people who were beaten to death just a second ago joined their teammates in silence and landed downward.

At this moment, the entire dice space suddenly vibrated.

Su Ze's pupils shrunk. This feeling of vibration is not the first time, it will appear every time the dice are rolled.

But this time was different from the previous few times, the duration of the dice vibration was longer than any previous one, as if the dice were constantly rolling.

In fact, he guessed right. In the outside world at this moment, the dice of the gods are violently rolling.

A group of saint-level powerhouses outside stared at the huge rolling dice without blinking. Not far from them, six trial practitioners who were lucky enough to escape from the dice were wounded and were receiving treatment while talking about Everything that happens in the dice.

All the saint-level powerhouses looked unhappy. The danger of the dice of the gods this time exceeded their expectations. Not only did the difficulty of the trial increase, but the number of survivors also decreased.

At this moment, the rolling of the dice gradually stopped.

The number drawn at the top is "3"!

The three points on the face of "3" are opened at the same time.

At the same time, everyone in the dice space also felt that the vibration stopped, and three beams of light were thrown down from above their heads again.

"There are three more exits?!"

"Who can tell me what is going on?"

"Co-authoring, we just tried to get out. It turned out to be completely meaningless, and there is still an exit!"

Looking at the three exits that suddenly appeared, many people who were scrambling to get out just now suddenly hesitated.

Before, they thought that there were only six places to leave in the first round, but they didn't expect three more to come. Who knows if there will be new places after these three places?

But those who made up their minds to go out from the beginning, but didn't expect the last wave of six places, did not hesitate at this moment, and flew straight towards the three new exits at full speed.

There are only three exits, but there are more than three people who want to go out, so it is inevitable that there will be some struggles.

But it was much better than before, because we realized that the number of places to go out was not as small as everyone imagined, and there might be new exits in the near future, so everyone didn't fight so hard.

Soon, three more people left successfully, and all three exits were closed.

However, no new exits emerged.

"So the number of places going out in the first round has changed from twelve to nine?"

"No, it doesn't feel like it has become nine, but six places in the first wave, and the dice are randomly rolled in the second wave, and you can get out as many as you roll!" Someone speculated.

Hearing what he said, everyone thought about it again. It seems that this is really the case. The shock that lasted for a long time just now was the shaking of the dice of gods.

"It seems that at least the next two rounds will be in this mode, with fixed quota plus random quota, which is barely acceptable. If luck gets to six, there will be more people who can go out in the future."

"Many farts! From the perspective of probability, I also know that there will definitely be fewer places. This first round has already lost three places!" Someone retorted.

"That's better than cutting the quota in half for the first three rounds!"

No matter what the rules are, there is no turning back for everyone who has entered the Dice of the Gods, and they can only adapt to the rules.

Su Ze could notice that the atmosphere in the dice space was undergoing subtle changes after the incident of snatching the exit just now.

Originally, although these testers came from various forces, they were all under the rule of Lin Huaguo after all. Everyone subconsciously followed the rules of the outside world, and there was no obvious hostility between them.

But after experiencing the battle for the exit, many people were injured, and one person died. Small groups from different forces have begun to guard against each other.

It was as if they had left Lin Huaguo and entered the wild. Everyone had the feeling of leaving the civilized society and entering the primitive era.

This is a mentality change that will inevitably occur to the trialists who enter the dice, but in the past, this kind of mentality change will at least appear after the second round of trials is over.

And at the end of the third round of trials, because a large number of senior trial participants were leaving, the conflicts between the various small groups would become intense.

But now, due to the change of the rules in the dice of the gods, this process has been advanced.

In the first round of trials in the past, everyone did not fight for the 12 places, and there was no way to gather 12 people who were willing to go out. Now the first round has to fight for the places.

It is already foreseeable that the subsequent conflicts will become more intense.

Although the four of Su Ze and the others have not yet clashed with other forces in the dice, many people have not dealt with them in the first place and have to guard against them.

The first thing to be wary of is the cultivators of the Luofan Kingdom headed by Feroz, followed by the two trialists of the Shepherd Kingdom who have a good relationship with the Luofan Kingdom, the people from the Ancient Anguo, and the five members of the Evolution God Sect. The magic stick also had to guard against it.

Of the 63 testers, 4 have died, 9 have left, and there are 50 left.

Everyone is waiting for the start of the second round of trials.

Su Ze remembered something and asked Ya Ge, "Have you digested the extract from your body?"

Brother Ya nodded: "The transparent energy rewarded in the first round of trials is very useful. It not only helped me digest the remaining Abyss Shadow Lord extract, but also stored a part of it in my body."

"Then you can find a chance to absorb the second tube of fourth-order extract?"

"Let's see if I can pass the second round of trials as soon as possible. I hope that the second round of trials will not be a combat trial, so that I can end earlier and squeeze out time to absorb the extract."

Su Ze nodded slightly, and the two agreed to pass the second round of trials as soon as possible, and then Su Ze would protect Ya Ge so that he could absorb the extract with peace of mind.

It has to be said that Principal Zhou Wenshan was very considerate and specially reminded Brother Ya to bring in the fourth-order fly extract.

At this moment, the dice space vibrated again, but this time the vibration was very short, and everyone knew that the second round of trials was about to start.

Two rounds of light are lit above, representing the "2" side of the dice, and also representing the start of the second round of trials.

Everyone stared at the two rounds of light above their heads, and found that the two rounds of light were different, one was dazzling, the other was bright, like the sun and the moon.

In a daze, everyone seemed to be sucked into the two rounds of light like the sun and the moon.

The same is true for Su Ze, who only feels that the strong light has deprived him of all perception, and he has come to another space in a blink of an eye.

It wasn't just him, Su Ze looked around and found that all the other testers were also teleported here, including Ya Ge and others.

However, each of them is separated by an invisible air wall, and they cannot move left and right. Only the front and back roads are unimpeded, as if they are on a runway.

And above everyone's heads, above the endless high sky, there are two huge light clusters, one is like a moon, and the other is like a sun.

(End of this chapter)

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