Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 204 Meeting the Big Shots

Chapter 204 Meeting the Big Shots

When Su Ze returned to the hotel, it was almost midnight.

He took out the liquid planarian extract, intending to absorb it at this time, but then remembered the damage caused by absorbing the iron-blooded honey badger extract last time.

It would be very troublesome if the hotel was smashed up.

Although this time is not like the last time, it is not a leapfrog absorption of extracts, but out of caution, Su Ze decided to wait until tomorrow after meeting the "big man" and return to Dongli University before absorbing the liquid planarian extract.

Up to now, he hasn't received the news that the Dice of Gods has been activated, so he is not in a hurry, as long as he absorbs this tube of extract before entering the Dice of Gods.


Su Ze slept until seven in the morning, got up and washed, and went to the first floor of the hotel with Brother Ya to have a free breakfast.

Before eight o'clock, Chen Xuejiao was already waiting for them outside the hotel.

The two hurried into the car, and the car drove towards the most prosperous city center of Baihua City.

Lin Huaguo's Ministry of Education... Su Ze saw the big characters on the simple and elegant building in the high-walled courtyard, and knew where he was.

The car drove to the basement, Su Ze and Ya Ge followed Chen Xuejiao, and the three of them took the elevator to the seventh floor.

After getting out of the elevator, Chen Xuejiao said: "Minister Chen is waiting for you on the eighth floor, you can go up quickly."

The elevator stops at the seventh floor, and it cannot go directly to the highest eighth floor. You need to climb the stairs to go up.

There were still people guarding at the stairs, but they saw that Su Ze was brought by Chen Xuejiao, so they let him go without asking any further questions.

Su Ze followed the stairs all the way to the eighth floor.

The eighth floor was very empty. Su Ze walked in along the corridor and saw that there was a separate large study room, a gym, a movie room, a billiard room, and even an indoor swimming pool.

There was no one in these rooms, and Su Ze couldn't help being speechless. All these facilities were built for that Minister Chen Suifeng alone?

If this was in his previous life, he wouldn't dare to be so blatant.

There is only one office on the eighth floor, which is at the end of the corridor, so Su Ze knows that this should be Chen Suifeng's office without asking anyone.

He walked into it and saw a man sitting behind the desk, looking down at something.

This is the boss Chen Suifeng?
Su Ze was a little surprised.

He had imagined what this supreme powerhouse, the Minister of Education, would look like. He thought that the other party might be a kind-hearted old man like Principal Zhou Wenshan, or an elegant and easy-going uncle like President Gu Chenguang, or It was a middle-aged man with a straight face and no smile like Zhao Yuanyi.

But he didn't expect that the other party was actually a young man in his 20s.

I saw that his facial features were three-dimensional, his face was perfect, and even his skin was so good that he couldn't pick out any blemishes.

His appearance is handsome and masculine, the kind of handsome that men will recognize.

Su Ze had to sigh: There is one stone in the beauty of the world, and those who read novels account for eight, and Chen Suifeng and I each share a share!
Mistake... Su Ze originally wanted to recognize an uncle or grandpa when he came up, but the other party looked too young, as if he was not a few years older than him, which made it difficult for him to call him uncle or grandpa.

Of course Su Ze knew that Chen Suifeng's actual age could not be as young as his appearance, so it would not be appropriate for him to be called brother.

Chen Suifeng raised his head. He was wearing a simple white printed T-shirt with the words "Reading for the Rise of Humanity" printed on his chest. He looked at Su Ze with a hearty smile and said, "Come on, sit whatever you want, I'm here Watch the video of you hunting liquid planarians last night."

Su Ze was not at all surprised that his battle video last night fell into the hands of these bosses. Instead of sitting on the chair opposite Chen Suifeng, he chose a softer and more comfortable sofa to sit on.

It wasn't until Chen Suifeng finished watching the video and put down the tablet in his hand that Su Ze greeted Chen Suifeng. He couldn't think of a better name, so Su Ze could only call him "Minister Chen".

Chen Suifeng said: "After watching the battle video of you last night, I found that you are more talented than I thought... You don't have to be restrained. I called you here this time because I just wanted to chat with you, not to recruit you to do something. .

"Although all the big families who have watched this battle video of yours now want to recruit you, but not including me, there is only the country behind me, and there are no big families."

Su Ze sat up straight and said, "I'm nervous and restrained. It has nothing to do with what you want to talk to me. It's mainly because of your strong strength and overly perfect appearance. I've never seen anyone who is as good as you in these two aspects. Just as good."

Chen Suifeng smiled: "You are very good, you know what you want."

Su Ze was stunned. What does it mean to know what you want?
"You must be wondering why someone like me became the Minister of Education of Lin Huaguo? Including what you saw all the way to the eighth floor, you must think that I am a corrupt minister." Chen Suifeng's words accurately hit Su Ze's thoughts .

"No." Su Ze categorically denied, wondering if this person has the ability to read minds?
"It's normal for you to think so. In fact, I have my own ideas about education, but those old fellows in Lin Huaguo don't agree with them. So I was able to become the Minister of Education purely because I was strong enough. They didn't have any other better place to settle me, so they sent me here to take a job.

"I wanted to initiate education reform several times, but I was stopped by a few old guys. Their thinking was rigid, but they couldn't tolerate new ideas of young people, which was boring!"

Su Ze pondered for a while, and asked, "So you were excluded?"

"Just now I praised you for being able to speak." Chen Suifeng glanced at him, "How can it be called superficial! It's just that my process of exercising power has been supervised."

Got it, the power is still there, but not much.

Su Ze followed the other party's topic and asked, "What is your educational philosophy?"

Chen Suifeng stood up, picked up the thermos cup soaked in goji berries, walked to the sofa and sat down, and said: "It is different now than it was more than 1000 years ago. After the evolutionary era has begun, the educational philosophy should also be adjusted. It can no longer be as gentle as before. , Of course, it is not just blind pressure, the most important thing is to help each student figure out what they want.

"Only when they clearly see the ambitions and desires in their hearts can they be more motivated. At that time, there will be no need for pressure from schools and parents, and every student will be driven by desires to work hard."

Su Ze didn't express his views on this, and was a quiet listener.

Chen Suifeng continued: "People's desires are different at each stage of life. Desires will change with age, environment and experience. When I was a teenager, I enjoyed the admiration and pursuit of others. , so I worked hard to become stronger and studied hard, but my talent was limited, and I only performed well in the martial arts test, and the literary test was a mess.

"When I was in my twenties, my greatest desire was women. I began to pay attention to my image and dress up handsomely. This could indeed attract women, but it didn't necessarily attract the woman I wanted, because I found that some Women are more concerned about whether my pockets are bulging than whether my face is handsome, so I started to find ways to make money and make myself rich.

"When I was in my 30s, I paid attention to my social status and longed to be respected by others, so I joined the military and relied on my military exploits for status.

"When I was in my 40s, my focus was on my career. I wanted to make a breakthrough in my career, so I started to focus on socializing and making connections. But then I found that the times have changed. No matter how many people you make, it is not as good as getting promoted. I was a holy level, so I gritted my teeth and rushed to the holy level, and I became a general as expected.

"When I was in my 50s, a great war killed and injured half of my soldiers. I truly realized the fragility and preciousness of life, and I also saw that the situation of human beings is not optimistic. I longed to avenge those dead soldiers and longed to change The situation, so I focused all my attention on improving my evolutionary level, trying to turn things around with my own power.

"In my 60s, I completed the fifth evolution and became a top-ranked Lin Huaguo, but I found that I can't change anything by myself, and my potential has been exhausted. The fifth evolution may be my end.

"I realized that in order to change the situation, I may need to cultivate more people like me, so I applied to be transferred to the education department, wanting to let go and do a big job, but was pushed aside by a few old guys, no, supervised up.

"I have been driven by desires all my life. You can also say that I am working hard to satisfy my desires, but when I became the supreme power that everyone admires, I found that I couldn't get what I wanted. What I want to do is beyond my ability.

"So I also figured it out, don't put so much pressure on myself, and enjoy life with peace of mind. When you can't get what you want most, it's better to pursue what you can get, such as the swimming pool next to my office, the billiard room...these are all I built it with my own money, and even the whole building you see here was knocked down and rebuilt at my own expense, because I didn’t like the original office building.”

It can only be said that after the strength becomes stronger, the things you see are different, and the pattern is also different.

Like Su Ze, what he is currently worried about is how to become stronger as soon as possible, and how to be careful not to be plotted by a few enemies. As for the overall situation of human beings, he has neither the time nor the ability to worry about it.

Su Ze didn't have much interest in these, and even felt a little drowsy.

I don't know why Chen Suifeng told him these things. Whether Chen Suifeng's ideas are right or wrong, he can't say well, so he doesn't express his views.

He could only compliment: "You are doing well now, how young you are, no matter who looks at you, you are a young man in your 20s."

Chen Suifeng laughed and said: "The reason why I maintain a young and handsome appearance is because I still retain the desire I had when I was in my 20s, well, it may not be as strong as it was back then, but I still have it.

"Okay, let's not talk about me, let's talk about you.

"I called you here this time to give you something."

Su Ze regained his energy. If you want to say this, I won't be sleepy.

 The second one is in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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