The Secret History of Xuanmen

Chapter 376 Ghost Immortal

Chapter 376 Ghost Immortal
I originally thought that Chengming Mountain was going to fight to the death, and I would fight 'me' with all my strength, and I would never let 'me' turn against the guest and completely control the order of this ghost cauldron.

So no matter what desperate measures it makes, I won't be surprised.But when its machete cut towards itself, it still exceeded my expectations.

This is not a simple self-mutilation, this knife is really fatal. Could it be that Cheng Mingshan knew that Holy Lord Zhao Dengtang was invincible, so he gave up his life, and would rather die than fall into 'my' hands?
If that were the case, I would respect him for being a man. At least he had the courage to end his own life.

After being stabbed in the chest by a knife, a gap appeared in his chest instantly, and his ghostly energy continued to leak out along the hole, and it would not take long before his soul was gone.

As time passed, more and more of Chengming Mountain's ghostly aura dissipated, becoming so powerful that he would eventually turn into a trace of residual ghostly aura in the world within the cauldron.

All this happened too suddenly, and I was caught off guard and had a vague feeling that things were definitely not going so smoothly. However, Holy Lord Zhao Dengtang didn't point it out, so I could only be a spectator.

After a while, Cheng Mingshan, who was already very angry and had only the last breath of ghostly energy left, said to me: "Why haven't you taken action? I know you are very strong, but you have completely turned a deaf ear to what I have done. It’s too much!”

"Do you really think I will die in front of you to express my will? Ridiculous!"

It seemed that Holy Lord Zhao Dengtang had remained unmoved and did not stop any of Cheng Mingshan's actions. Even Cheng Mingshan himself couldn't help it. It was difficult to understand why 'I' was so conceited, so he simply asked.

And since it dares to ask this question at this time, it means that Chengming Mountain has already laid out the plan and I will not stop its plan anymore.

Facing Chengmingshan's question, Holy Lord Zhao Dengtang clasped his hands and said calmly: "Amitabha, sow the cause and reap the result. When you sow enough evil causes, the more consequences you will have to bear."

"Since you are going to hell, why should I stop you?"

Holy Lord Zhao Dengtang's intention is very obvious. He will not stop it, but will completely plunge it into the abyss.

Cheng Mingshan sneered and said: "You will pay a heavy price for being arrogant and arrogant. You underestimate our ghost way too much!"

After that, its figure completely dissipated, disappearing into the vast night along with the ghost sword.

Chengming Mountain seemed to have fallen, but its voice suddenly sounded at this moment, coming from all directions and filling the entire space within the tripod.

"I, Cheng Mingshan, was once a minor official in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but I failed to recognize my talents. After my death, I entered the ghost realm. I grew up due to fate, and finally achieved success in the ghost realm. I came to this holy land of ghost realm to guard my life. Work hard to revive the ghost path!" "Without the ghost path, there would be no Chengming Mountain today. Now, a traitor has broken in and wants to destroy our ghost path holy land. I, Chengming Mountain, know that I am no match for it, but I will definitely sit back and wait for death!"

"I will cut off my soul here, turn it into the spirit of the cauldron, activate the ancient formations in the cauldron, and respectfully invite ghosts and immortals to help the ghosts survive this calamity!"

It turns out that Cheng Mingshan was a minor official in the Tang Dynasty during his lifetime. No wonder he was so proficient in the philosophy of life for ordinary people.

And it spoke so righteously, on the surface it was for the sake of ghosts, but in fact it was for its own selfish interests. It knew that it could not defeat the Holy Lord Zhao Dengtang, so it simply gave up resistance and pretended to sacrifice its soul to open the immortal formation in the cauldron. In fact, it was to protect itself. s method.

This Chengming Mountain is really a ghost spirit, every step it takes is calculated. If it really invites the so-called ghost fairy, it will definitely gain something from such a great achievement.

I was a little nervous at this time, worried that this change would mess up the plan of our ancestor Zhao Dengtang.

And he remained calm in the face of danger, as if everything was under his control.

Soon, Cheng Mingshan's soul turned into wisps of ghostly aura, spreading throughout the world within the cauldron, traveling throughout every inch of territory.

A moment later, the ghost hand guarding the city appeared in the sky again.

The ghost hand became mysterious again, and green light also rose in the world inside the cauldron, forming a huge formation, and this ghost hand was the eye of the formation.

Soon the ghost hand struck with all his strength and pushed it out.

This blow did not hit 'me', but pushed towards the dome.

The palm wind was so fierce that it seemed to tear the space apart.

At this time, I was extremely nervous. The ghost hand tore open the space in the cauldron. Doesn't this mean that it has opened up with us in the human world?

Could it be that it wants to invite ghosts and immortals from the human world to help?
But the path to immortality for all things in the world is cut off. How can there be ghosts and immortals in the world?
(End of this chapter)

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