Chapter 334 Break it
I gave up the plan of fighting to the death with these old church masters who guarded the temple, and decided to return to the essence, find the armor of Qimen Dunjia, fundamentally solve the current troubles, and pass the test in an honest way.

After making this decision, I immediately walked quickly within the light array, constantly changing my position, so that I could have a deeper understanding of Qimen Dunjia, which uses mountains as its carrier and cursed objects as its chess pieces.

Before, I would have never had this ability in my mortal body.

But at this time, I have obtained the infinite profound energy given to me by the formation. At this time, I am far superior to the heavenly master. It is natural to achieve this.

I kept wandering around the Qimen Formation, and soon discovered the core of the Qimen Dunjia.

There are four Qimen Dunjia disks, the divine disk (eight gods), the heavenly disk (nine stars), the earth disk (acquired eight trigrams), and the human disk (eight gates).

But the strange door disks in front of me are different from what I know. They are not fixed, but rolling. They can switch between each other at will, and the heaven, earth, gods and humans can switch between each other.

Every time the cursed objects carrying the coffins changed their shapes, the Qimen Dunjia's disk changed, making it impossible for me to comprehend it.

No wonder the old hall master Zuo Qiu Ming asked me to kill them all. It seems that apart from destroying this Qimen Dunjia, it is really difficult for me to break it. No matter how strong I become, I will still be just a headless fly in this Qimen. .

But I was not discouraged by this. Since I decided to take an upright path even though I knew it was impossible, I was mentally prepared for this difficulty.

You can change the disk, then I will walk you through all the ways of change!
So I worked hard, like an endless machine, constantly passing by the old hall masters, walking crazily on the Qimen Dunjia board, visiting every position, and starting again and again.

Taiyin, Liuhe, Soaring Snake, Suzaku, Gouchen, Jiudi, Jiutian, Zhifu...

Open, rest, life, injury, Du, scene, death, surprise...

Tianpeng, Tianchong, Tianrui, Tianfu, Tianqin, Tianxin, Tianzhu, Tianren, Tianying...

Three oddities are Yi, Bing and Ding, six are Wuji, Geng, Xinrenkui.

I have traveled to almost every dimension in Qimen, although every time I pass by those cursed things, they roar at me like rabid beasts, trying to tear me apart.

But they seem to have only physical power and no magic, so I can easily deal with them.

But even so, even though I visited every changing position of Qimen, I still couldn't find any clues about 'A'.

This Qimen Dunjia is really weird, only the strange rituals are visible, but no armor.

I had to recall the books about Qi Men Dun Jia that I had come across again, trying to find a breakthrough point.What is armor?
A represents both the physical space of southeast, northwest and the ever-changing popular atmosphere.

One armor can be used for everything, and everything can be attributed to armor.

Thinking of this, I suddenly became enlightened.

It's invisible, so how can I catch it with my naked eyes?
Every element in the Qimen Dunjia disk may be armor, and their combination may also be armor. After Dunjia, I will never find it in the disk.

After thinking about it, I stepped on my feet, lotuses grew under my feet, and I stood up from the lotus.

The lotus platform under my feet at this time is far more sacred than when I was the Heavenly Master, with the energy of all things endlessly flowing.

Soon I stepped on the lotus platform to the top of the dome, overlooking the continuous mountains, observing it from outside Qimen Dunjia.

Seeing this, I was enlightened.

I really don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain.

Even if the old hall masters can constantly change the board and make Jiadu invisible, there is one thing they cannot change, which is the direction represented by Gongshuqi.

Since Gongshuqi was invited out by the outside Luban Sect to become the leader, he did not become a cursed object and become a part of this place, so the position where Gongshuqi should evolve can only be fixed.

And if you want to continue to deduce Qimen in the absence of Gongshuqi, there is only one explanation. 'A' escapes from Gongshuqi's position, so the board is not affected by his absence.

Because 'Jia' transforms all things, 'Jia' replaces Gong Shuqi.

After thinking about it, I laughed loudly and said: "Qimen Dunjia, let me, Zhao Dengtang, defeat it!"

After that, I fell rapidly and landed directly where Gongshu Qi should have been.

Lift the coffin with all your strength.

I held up the jade coffin belonging to Gong Shuqi with one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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