clown game

Chapter 365 Awakening

Chapter 365 Awakening
Boss Xiaoyu slowly opened his eyes on Shell Street in K City, his whole body was sore, his mind seemed to be filled with paste, accompanied by sobriety, followed by intense thirst.

"Water" he moaned weakly.

No one responded.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to feel his hands touching something. Influenced by similar scenes in countless movies and comics, quietness naturally appeared in his mind, Xiao Nan or his cousin fell asleep on his bedside due to fatigue situation.

So, barely supporting his body, he turned his gaze to his side.Then. "Huh?"

He was surprised to find that he was lying on some kind of bed, obviously lying on the ground, and beside him was a fallen trash can, and some mineral water bottles were scattered at his feet.

The visual stimulation in such a situation made him wake up quickly, and then looked around, and found that this place should be the apartment rented by his cousin, and he was lying on the floor of the living room with a simple blanket spread under him, left and right. The doors on both sides were locked. Looking at the clock on the wall, it showed eight o'clock, and the sunlight came through the gaps in the curtains. It was undoubtedly morning.

"Uh——" Boss Xiaoyu knocked his dizzy head, stood up, walked to the refrigerator with his hand on the wall, took out a bottle of water, and poured it into his mouth.

at this time.


A door next to him was pushed open, Xiaoyu stared, watching his cousin come out of the room sleepily, the two looked at each other for about 2 seconds

a female cry

The sound of water gushing from his mouth.

"Ding, bang, ah—"

Beatings, bumps, male screams.

10 minutes later, living room
Boss Xiaoyu was sitting on the bench, one side of his cheek was slightly swollen, a lump of toilet paper was stuffed in his nose, and he could vaguely see blood oozing from it.

"So... I was in a coma for three days?" He asked in a strange voice, probably because he accidentally bit his tongue when he was beaten just now.

"Yes." My cousin was leaning on the opposite sofa, and two little girls on the left and one on the right were comforting her. Well, it seemed that she wasn't too frightened, and she answered while eating snacks.

Xiaoyu couldn't stand it any longer: "Hey, I'm the one who was frightened, okay? Why are you two going to comfort her?"

"What's the matter? I wasn't scared. The children in this room, it's reasonable for you, a man, to get up early in the morning and steal food!" The cousin immediately retorted with righteous indignation.

"But... obviously you put me in the living room!" Xiaoyu also yelled.

"We let you lie down in the living room, who told you to stand up! Look at your fat house, you can be connected with stalkers and voyeurs in an instant, I still know you better , if it's someone else, just call the police if you knock him out!"

The cousin yelled, there may be a trace of blood relationship, so the cousin didn't hesitate at all when she choked up, and the two little guys on the side nodded in agreement, and grabbed snacks as if they were okay.

Xiaoyu took a deep breath, he found it stupid to continue discussing with these three creatures who should be scared, so he was going to bring the topic back on track: "Okay, let's not talk about this, I just want to ask , why I was thrown into the living room."

"Because we don't want you to sleep in our bed." Xiao Nan replied seriously.

"." There was a moment of silence: "No, I didn't ask this, I mean, why did you carry me to the living room, I'm a comatose person, maybe I died because of it!"

"Correct me, you are not in a coma!" Jing Jing said coldly.

"Yeah, we found you lying behind the bar and sent you to the hospital as soon as possible. Then, after all the examinations, the doctor said that you were all normal. As for why you became like this, his explanation was that you might have fallen asleep It's gone." The cousin said with her glasses on.

"Ah? Asleep!!" Boss Xiaoyu was shocked and said, "There is no one who can't wake up when he is so asleep. Did you find a fortune teller who plays tarot cards in the next street to give me a random divination? Just let me fend for myself." Xiaoyu said in a low voice, if his face was not swollen, he would have yelled directly.

"How is it possible, but having said that, at first the doctor thought it was unbelievable, and he kept you in the hospital for observation in a responsible manner, until you started grinding your teeth, farting and snoring, and received a joint complaint from everyone in the ward. I had to carry you back, in fact, everyone except us thought you had a mental problem."

"Ah?" Xiaoyu frowned: "How could this be?"

"Who knows, after that we tried to wake you up in many ways, but to no avail. In the end, there was nothing to do, so we left you here. We thought we would try another hospital after getting up today. I didn't expect you to wake up by yourself."

"That. Does the various methods you talk about have anything to do with the pain I feel all over now?"

"Maybe a little bit." The cousin said lightly, "It's just that in the end I was going to burn your figurines in front of you, but you were indifferent, so you gave up."

"What a horse!!" Xiaoyu yelled, slapped the chair and stood up regardless of the pain.

"Oh, it's not really burning, it's just to scare you, but judging by your reaction, your brain doesn't seem to be affected at all." The cousin pressed her hands comfortingly: "So, you don't remember how you Did you suddenly lose consciousness?"

Xiaoyu pondered for a while, and suddenly, he seemed to remember something.

"Oh, by the way, that old man... sitting alone at the bar, he said something strange, and then I passed out."

"Old man?" Xiao Nan and Jing Jing seemed to be alert immediately: "What's it like?"

Xiaoyu didn't notice the change between the two of them, and was still searching in his memory: "Well, he must be at least 60 years old, and he dressed like a rich man. Then, he said, give me something."

"What, you watch too many anime movies." The cousin said with a look of disgust: "I think you are just a cat watching some weird things in your hut every night, and you can't sleep because you don't know how to restrain yourself and hurt your body. You started it. Now you use this kind of reason to pretend to get away with it?"

"Hey, what is immodesty, don't talk nonsense in front of children, okay?"

Just like that, the brothers and sisters began to quarrel with each other.

But the two little girls who were still watching the excitement from the sidelines began to remain silent, appearing preoccupied.

(End of this chapter)

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