clown game

Chapter 215 Chapter 25

Chapter 215 Fairy Tale 25

"Old, grandpa?" This time, it was Chen Xiao's turn to be stunned.

An extremely inconsistent image appeared in his mind.

"Ah--then that old man is still leaning on a walking stick?" Chen Xiao asked faintly.

The little girl nodded.

Chen Xiao's expression turned slightly bitter.

"Uh, so, is he wearing a very decent dress that looks like a dress, making him look like an old overseas Chinese in the last century?"

The little girl frowned beautifully. Obviously, the image of "the old overseas Chinese of the last century" was very vague in her mind, but from the description in Chen Xiao's words, she seemed to be able to imagine what kind of image it was.

"Well, I guess so," she replied.

Chen Xiao's whole head drooped, and a very painful feeling flowed from his whole body, but he still didn't believe in evil, and asked again: "Okay, but in the end I still want to confirm~ So, can I trouble you to retell it a little bit... um... It's your impression of that old grandpa, whatever."

The little girl frowned and wondered how to describe the old man, but she couldn't seem to find any good words: "It's just... I can't tell what impression it is. It's just very ordinary."

She hesitated and said.

At the same time, she looked at the sky outside and said that she really wanted to go home now.Although her education from childhood and her own personality made her feel that it is very impolite to interrupt a conversation between an adult and herself. But after all, it is very late now, and the family members should be worried. Everyone is gone, only this uncle and myself are left. The most important thing is that this uncle doesn't look like a good person.

But fortunately, after hearing the word "very ordinary", the uncle seemed to be like a deflated ball, his head drooped, and he got out of the way.

Although she didn't know what happened to this strange uncle, the little girl still walked out of the library in a hurry.
"Stay away from this uncle~" she whispered.

Just as he was talking, he had already arrived at the door of the library.

"Huh????" She exclaimed, obviously discovering something very strange.

I saw this little girl wanting to go out in front of the slightly open door of the library.

But her little leather shoes took one step... another step, but she wasn't moving forward.

"What's going on??" She panicked and started to run forward, but, just like before, the door of the library, which was just around the corner, seemed to have kept a distance of less than half a meter from her, and it hadn't changed! !She seemed to be suspended in the air and could only stand still.

Yes she can't get out.

"As expected, have you been imprisoned here?" Chen Xiao's voice came from behind the little girl.

She turned her head back in horror. She looked at the strange uncle in cleaner's clothes.

Suddenly, from her current perspective, she suddenly found that just under the other's work clothes, the exposed trousers were covered with mud and blood.

The girl was frightened and she slumped on the ground.
Although her parents and teachers once taught her what to do when she encounters bad people.

But~ a girl who is only in her teens, when she is really in this situation, what else can she do except cry.

Okay, let's get away, this is not the kind of story about a strange uncle and a little loli.

At this moment, Chen Xiao was still flipping through the book in his hand, and then he tore the book lengthwise from the middle.

Following this, the vibration that had just stopped came again, and the whole town seemed to tremble.

"Oh~ It seems that tearing up the book is still effective~" Chen Xiao muttered.Immediately there was a "呲啦", and the page was torn open again.

In the distance, there were several roars that were definitely not human beings, and then one after another, all the sounds seemed to be greatly stimulated, and rushed towards this direction! ! !

The little girl was completely frightened, she sat on the ground and trembled all over, although she didn't know what happened.
But what surprised Chen Xiao was that she resisted crying.

"Hehe~ Compared to other brats who only know how to cry, you are really outstanding!" Chen Xiao said lightly, the movement of tearing up the book in his hands continued, and he walked towards her.

"It's another little girl. By the way, you old pervert really have some special aesthetic preference." Chen Xiao muttered to himself. He came to the other party, squatted down, and tore his hands into pieces. How many pieces of shredded paper were randomly thrown on the ground, and the sound of monster roaring was close at hand. The vibration of the ground and the roar of a huge figure running, made this place feel like a battlefield in hell.

Chen Xiao looked at the little girl in front of her with a smile, although she tried not to make a sound, but the pear blossoms were already raining, and the corners of her mouth were grinning disgustingly to the sides.

"So... what's your name?" he asked.

The girl "Xiao Xiaonan" used her whole body to make her words clearer. The teacher taught her that if she really meets a bad person, she must not make him angry.

Chen Xiao shrugged his eyes: "Ah, not only can I hold back the noise, but I can also use my baby name to test the other party's reaction at this time, and win sympathy by the way. Hehehe. You should be the coolest in your class. Smart boy."

Chen smiled and said, "Of course, I don't care about that."

As soon as the voice fell, he pressed his hand on the other party's head.

This scene

Seen from a distance, there is quite a warm picture of a brother touching his head to comfort his sister who is about to cry.

Of course, amidst the approaching roars and roars, this scene seemed very inconsistent.

Next second


Chen Xiao seemed to say something.

This is a pronunciation that does not belong to any language. It is jerky and difficult to understand, and it is difficult to repeat it even after repeating the connection to the repeater.

A language beyond human cognition
Chen Xiao doesn't know what this text means, but he just remembers that a long time ago, in that hospital, after an old man with a sulfur smell all over his body leaned on his chest with a cane, this paragraph was very deep. imprinted in his mind.

Chen Xiao still knows.

The girl named Xiao Nan in front of her must be another poor child who was fooled and cheated by that old bastard.And those monsters, nine out of ten are also entities that were conjured up by her thoughts when she was reading that book.Then this whole town must be another world born in her mind.

In retrospect, the abilities given by that old man are too strong.

Of course. These trivial thoughts are not the main ones.

What is really important is that Chen Xiao seems to have been endowed with a certain power by the old man, that is, as long as he reads this passage to the person who has been in contact with the old man, he can clear the other party's ability.

Although only a part
However, at this moment, this is enough to save everyone's life.


The moment Chen Xiao finished reading that paragraph of language.

All shaking stops.

All roaring and roaring had ceased.

All was quiet.

Only Chen Xiao was left squatting on the ground, touching the head of the girl in front of him.

And the girl was also stunned by the suddenly quiet atmosphere. She stared blankly through the glasses, looking at the strange man in front of her, with question marks all over her head - she forgot to shed tears for a while

 The end of the next chapter. Dark fairy tales will be 404. I was scared a few days ago.
(End of this chapter)

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