The first phase of the Star Port framework has been completed.

The remaining internal equipment installation will be completed in less than a year.

"The research and development work of the 3.5-meter-aperture space-based optical telescope has been initially completed, and people from the Institute of Optics and Mechanics are preparing to overcome manufacturing difficulties."

The secretary looked at the various notes on the notebook and reported to Zhang Xingyang.

"There should be many technical difficulties in the manufacturing of space-based optical telescopes."

Zhang Xingyang looked up from the mountain-high pile of documents.

He said with piercing eyes:

“There’s no need to rush them, as long as it can be completed within five years, that’s fine.”

Large-diameter space-based telescopes are used to observe deep space in the universe.

The most famous one before this was the Hubble Telescope.

In terms of large-aperture optical telescopes, domestic technical strength is relatively weak.

Therefore, Zhang Xingyang also gave them enough time to carry out research and development work.

The difficulty of large-aperture optical telescopes is mainly concentrated in large-size mirrors.

A 3.5-meter reflector requires at least two years to be carefully polished.

"Besides this, is there anything else that needs my attention recently?"

Zhang Xingyang asked, rubbing his eyes.

His health is much better than that of ordinary scientific researchers, but under long-term saturated working conditions.

I also often feel tired.

"The large model of the electromagnetic acceleration device used for material transportation on the lunar surface will be officially started next week."

“They want you to come and see it.”

The secretary quickly flipped through his notebook and said.

The design of the electromagnetic accelerator is simple and its construction is not complicated.

It has basically the same principle as electromagnetic weapons.

There are also several different structures.

At present, the coil-type electromagnetic acceleration device with the simplest structure is used in China.

Prior to this, there were factors that restricted the development of electromagnetic weapons and electromagnetic devices.

The main issue is energy.

It is difficult for traditional gas turbines, steam turbines, etc. to generate extremely strong current in an instant.

The hydrogen-oxygen explosion engine can generate strong current.

But the continuous output time is very short.

It is only suitable for weapons such as laser weapons that require short-term high output.

After conquering the thorium-based molten salt reactor.

Domestic electromagnetic weapons actually already have excellent development conditions.

The construction of the large model of the electromagnetic acceleration orbit is based on this situation.

Although the core energy issue has been solved.

However, the electromagnetic acceleration track itself still has a lot of technical difficulties that need to be solved.

For example, segmented track alignment technology.

Unlike the ground, space is not bound by the earth's gravity.

A slight disturbance can cause the orbit to deviate.

And after the orbital deviation.

The accelerating object was originally located in the center of the accelerating cylinder.

There will be deflection.

Finally, it directly penetrates the thin metal wall of the accelerating tube.

"What time exactly?"

Zhang Xingyang opened his work record book and asked.

"Next Tuesday at nine o'clock in the morning."

The secretary replied: "Mr. Ouyang Yuan, the chief engineer of the moon landing program, also wants to talk to you."

The domestic moon landing plan actually started very late.

Because the breakthrough of manned space technology was relatively late.

In fact, the country has not been open to the public until the creation of the Chang'e Project.

Only then did he clearly propose that astronauts should be sent to the moon.

In this, Zhang Xingyang's opinions played an extremely important role.

In the past few years, the lunar probe-Yutu made by Longguo.

It has walked more than 50 kilometers on the lunar surface and explored a large area that has never been explored by a detector.

And a year ago, Chang'e-5 achieved sample return for the first time.

Several kilograms of abundant lunar rock samples were collected from the lunar surface.

Some of them are dust from meteorite impact craters.

Some are drill cores.

The construction location of the large model of the electromagnetic acceleration orbit was determined to be a small city in the East China Plain.

It is far away from major earthquake zones in China.

The last recorded earthquake dates back more than 80 years.

"Dean Zhang, long time no see."

At the construction site, a rosy-faced Ouyang Yuan greeted Zhang Xingyang.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Zhang Xingyang took the initiative to reach out and shake hands with the other party.

The two knew each other a long time ago when the Chang'e Project was first established.

At that time, Zhang Xingyang was responsible for research on heavy rockets and lunar lander.

As a scholar of planetary geology, Ouyang Yuan had interacted with Zhang Xingyang several times.

"I've been seeing you in major media lately, haha."

Ouyang Yuan laughed a few times and said.

"Especially since the completion of the infrastructure construction of the Star Port, there has been widespread discussion at home and abroad about its significance to mankind."

The successful construction of the Star Port has greatly enhanced the national confidence.

It represents that the past era of two or three technological powers occupying space is already a thing of the past.

Next is the space age of the late-developing countries headed by the Dragon Kingdom.

"This is all inseparable from everyone's joint efforts. I just did some trivial work."

Zhang Xingyang said modestly.

Of course, what he said was not a lie.

If it weren’t for the tens of thousands of workers from all walks of life in China who have worked hard for the construction of star ports.

Zhang Xingyang alone would not be able to build such a space miracle no matter what.

If he is not in this country, but in other countries.

Even in countries with more advanced technology, it is impossible to complete such a miracle building.

This is a space miracle belonging to the Dragon Kingdom.

It is also a space miracle that belongs to all citizens.

"What does Dean Zhang think about the manned moon landing plan?"

After a few pleasantries, Ouyang Yuan asked.

This was also an important reason why he came here specially to meet with Zhang Xingyang.

That is to get Zhang Xingyang’s full support on the moon landing issue.

There are currently two ideas in China regarding the moon landing.

The first one is naturally that our technology and economic level can support us to carry out manned landing on the moon.

The second is to hold the opposite opinion.

"I think we currently only have the capability to send a small number of people to the moon for a short period of time."

Zhang Xingyang looked at the plain land in the distance.

On the plains in winter, there are patches of green winter wheat. These weed-like crops grow after experiencing a cold winter.

There will eventually be a spring and summer of vigorous growth.

"If you want to carry out scientific research, exploration and other work on the lunar surface on a large scale, it will take a certain amount of time."

"In particular, we need to wait until the construction of a small electromagnetic acceleration device is completed."

Zhang Xingyang withdrew his gaze from the distance and landed on Ouyang Yuan again.

Zhang Xingyang's ideas are more from a practical perspective.

If only a small number of astronauts were sent to the moon for a short period of time for a show.

Rather than actually conducting large-scale scientific research and development work on the lunar surface.

Then there is no point except wasting a lot of money.

This is no longer the era of the Cold War, when Maozi and Yingjiang competed for the title of moon landing.

Simply landing on the moon means little except fame.

"But before large-scale lunar landings, we need to verify the various technologies required for lunar landings through small-scale lunar landing activities."

Ouyang Yuan and Zhang Xingyang stood side by side and said.

"If we do not go through strict technical verification, we will directly carry out large-scale lunar landing activities."

"That would lead to a series of disasters."

Since Ouyang Yuan prefers to launch small-scale moon landing activities first, he naturally has his reasons.

The most important reason is to conduct technical verification of the lunar landing spacecraft.

Just like manned spaceflight, it did not develop from the beginning to six people in orbit at the same time.

In the early days, it also experienced a transformation from an unmanned experimental spacecraft to a single-person short-duration spacecraft to a multi-person multi-day orbital flight.

The same is true for manned spaceflight, which is slightly less difficult.

The more difficult manned moon landing requires strict technical verification.

"The lunar landing project team, do you have a preferred moon landing plan?"

Zhang Xingyang did not continue to struggle with Ouyang Yuan on this aspect, but asked another question.

Ouyang Yuan said: "Before the star port achieves large-scale construction results, we are actually more inclined to adopt the plan of direct moon landing."

The direct moon landing plan is a plan that Yingjiang used decades ago.

And they actually landed on the moon with this plan.

Therefore, everyone who crossed the river by touching the eagle sauce naturally chose this method of landing on the moon.

"what about now?"

Since it was before, let’s talk about after the completion of the construction of Mingxing Port.

They have changed their minds.

"Now we are more inclined to launch astronauts, lunar landing spacecraft, and landing modules separately."

"Launch them into the star port in batches, and then complete the assembly work inside the star port."

"Then it will fly to the moon from the geosynchronous orbit where the star port is located."

Ouyang Yuan explained why they had such a change of mind.

"In the direct lunar landing plan, the supplies that astronauts can carry are actually very limited, and the risk is greater."

"So both from a safety perspective and a success rate perspective."

"In the end, we all believed that the orbital assembly solution was more suitable for us than the direct moon landing solution."

The world is not static.

It is developing dynamically.

Eagle sauce decades ago did not have the conditions that Dragon Kingdom has today.

So they can only use the stupid method of flying bricks.

Using a cost-effective approach, a lunar landing rocket with extremely high thrust was built.

Then the astronauts, supplies, lunar rover, etc. are all stuffed into the rocket.

One-time launch was indeed very helpful in improving the success rate at that time.

But today, the aerospace people of Dragon Kingdom have better choices.

Naturally, there is no need for astronauts to continue to take great risks and fly to the moon with other things.

After listening to this, Zhang Xingyang suddenly asked, "Have you ever understood the spacecraft interface design of Starport?"

The name of the star port contains the word "port".

Proving that it is more than just a super large space station.

It is also a port within space and among the stars.

So if the spaceship wants to dock in the star port, it must naturally meet its conditions.

"I haven't understood it before." Ouyang Yuan shook his head and said.

The specific technical indicators of the Star Port are in addition to the technical personnel actually involved.

Very few details are known to the outside world.

Most people only understand part of it.

"The first phase of the Star Port construction is not huge, with a diameter of only 900 meters."

Zhang Xingyang said something like Versailles.

"The number of spaceships that can dock is also very limited."

"Only more than two hundred ships."

When Ouyang Yuan heard "only more than two hundred ships", he felt like a mouthful of blood was about to spurt out of his throat.

Looking at Ouyang Yuan's strange expression.

Zhang Xingyang sighed and said, "Perhaps this is already an extremely huge number in your opinion."

"But for the star port, these are simply not enough."

"The first phase of the star port can accommodate a thousand astronauts."

"These spacecraft can barely supply the various supplies they need for life."

The supplies that a person needs every day are a very huge number.

Especially when both air and water need to be transported from the ground.

"And these two hundred or so spaceships must all use the same interface to be connected to the star port."

Zhang Xingyang said seriously: "Otherwise, the materials on it can only be transported by the most primitive manpower."

Only after the spaceship and the star port are connected can the automated equipment inside the star port be used to quickly load and unload various supplies.

"So our lunar landing spacecraft and supply spacecraft must also use the same interface specifications?"

Ouyang Yuan asked: "Doesn't this mean that there will only be one interface standard in space in the future?"

Zhang Xingyang's words reminded Ouyang Yuan of more in-depth content.

That's the overall standard issue for future spacecraft.

Now that we have mastered the powerful tool of star port, China has the confidence to set standards for future spacecraft.

And all of what Zhang Xingyang said means that if the spaceship construction is not carried out in accordance with the Dragon Kingdom standards in the future.

Then you will also lose your right to speak in space.

Once it has the power to formulate technical standards, even if Longguo falls behind temporarily in technology in the future.

Then there are enough opportunities to carry out technical updates and iterations.

This is also a valuable legacy that Zhang Xingyang’s generation of aerospace workers can leave for future people.

"The groundbreaking ceremony for the large model of the electromagnetic accelerator is about to begin. Let's go."

The groundbreaking ceremony not far away is almost ready.

Zhang Xingyang patted Ouyang Yuan who was in a state of shock and said.

Whether it is the successful construction of the star port or the formulation of technical standards.

For Zhang Xingyang, it is already a thing of the past.

If you want to win more in the future, you have to develop the moon, the closest extraterrestrial planet to humans.

The electromagnetic acceleration device is an extremely important part of the journey to the moon.

After Ouyang Yuan thought for a while, he followed Nervous Xingyang's footsteps.

Walking towards the groundbreaking ceremony site in the distance where the first handful of soil is being shoveled.

No matter what, the dream of the people of the Dragon Kingdom to land on the moon will be realized within our generation.

The bright red flag will eventually be planted on this planet that has accompanied mankind for tens of millions of years! (End of chapter)

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