A big country of aerospace with black technology.

Chapter 281 King’s Technology Space City!

Chapter 281 King’s Technology Space City!
The Red Sea connects to the Gulf of Aden from the Bab el-Mandeb Strait in the east and to the Mediterranean Sea from the Suez Canal in the west.

As the growth boundary between the African plate and the Indian Ocean plate.

The Red Sea is expanding day by day.

In millions or tens of millions of years, the Red Sea will be larger than the Mediterranean Sea.

Standing on the ship sailing northwest.

Both sides of the Red Sea are mostly steep cliffs, and the coast is mostly reddish-brown coral reefs.

"Our port is almost here."

Zhang Yun stood at the bow of the ship, pointed to the right front and said.

There is a large port there that has just completed construction work.

This is also one of the results of negotiations between the two parties more than a year ago.

A domestic construction company is responsible for the entire construction process and has a 99-year right to use the port as a dual-use military and civilian port.

"It is said that this port adopts the latest technologies. I don't know if it is true."

Han Zitao put his hands on the railing and looked at the harbor looming in the sea fog in the distance.

"This, if you ask me, I don't know either."

Zhang Yun spread her hands and said that she and Han Zitao knew the same thing.

The port has been named King Abdullah Science and Technology Port.

As an important part of the King Science and Technology City project.

The future prospects are certainly limitless.

In fact, the two of them didn't know that this port had another meaning.

Before this port, all ports in Camel's country were state-owned.

But this port belongs to one of their domestic companies.

Although this company traces its origins to the Abdullah family's industry.

But the information revealed excited a lot of financial capital.

Maybe they can get into Camel's domestic port operations.

As for leasing to foreign countries for 99 years, not many people know about it.

This can only be discovered by going deep into the internal management of the port.

The lessee is an overseas investment company newly established by the Rocket Academy.

Specifically used to manage various overseas assets.

"Uncle Liang, we are almost arriving at the Science and Technology Port."

On the rocket transport cargo ship, Geng Bo was talking to China.

"Do you need me to meet with the senior staff of the Science and Technology Port?"

Geng Bo asked the institute for its opinion.

Although Geng Bo does not work in an overseas investment company, he is one of the top executives of the institute.

It seemed reasonable for him to meet with the port's management.

"The senior management of Science and Technology Port are basically our people, so it's okay for you to say hello."

On the other end of the phone, after discussing for several minutes, Liang Yi replied.

Except for a few managers and professional and technical personnel, most of the employees in the Science and Technology Port are from foreign countries.

It’s basically unclear what’s going on inside the port.

As for the local staff, they are very sparse, only a few.

After all, they are born with a lot of benefits and are not very enthusiastic about work.

"But don't forget, what is the focus of your work this time?"

"Uncle Liang, I understand."

“The focus of our work must still be on the Space City.”

Geng Bo said with a somewhat frivolous tone.

King Science and Technology Space City.

Negotiation is the most important part of the cooperation project between the two parties.

Contains a large amount of technology transfer and astronaut training content.

For this, the camels paid a huge price.

Just to be able to cultivate our own aerospace science and technology staff.

There are many things in this world that money cannot buy.

Cutting-edge technology is an important part of this.

Even if the camels are rich, it is actually difficult to buy these technologies from the Western world.

"In terms of aerospace technology, we still have to keep our promise and help them establish a relatively complete training system."

Zhang Xingyang's steady voice came from the other end of the phone.

"But don't forget that the technology we teach them is limited to the previous generation of rocket technology and the second generation of satellite platforms."

This generation of domestic rocket technology, namely super-heavy liquid rocket technology, is already at the global leading level.

Even if it were given to them, it would be difficult for the Camels to have that manufacturing level to complete the manufacturing.

This involves laser powder high-temperature alloy processing, carbon-carbon composite materials, and ultra-large shell processing.

None of them are regional powers that can play well.

This requires at least hundreds of thousands of technicians from different systems to operate it.

As for satellite platforms, they also complement rocket technology.

The current fourth-generation large-scale satellite platforms in China are not suitable for the camels' situation.

The weight of these large satellite platforms is basically measured in tons.

For the poor camels, if they were forced to eat, they would be starved to death.

"I know that I will first understand their specific situation before building a personnel training system."

Geng Bo also answered more seriously.

Although before coming over, the other party had already given some information about aerospace technology personnel.

But what the real level is, we still have to see it with our own eyes before we can know clearly.

This time Geng Bo came, in addition to bringing a long triple-B modified A-type rocket.

Also brought a large technical team.

It can independently complete the hoisting and launching of rockets without relying on camels.

Of course, the launch work still requires a lot of domestic technical coordination.

Ground monitoring stations, space communication satellites.

These elements that camels do not possess can only be coordinated domestically.

After completing his daily exchange with China, Geng Bo hung up the phone.

"How long until we get to port?"

Geng Bo walked into the cab and asked the captain.

"The distance is less than twenty nautical miles, and it is expected to arrive in the port in an hour."

The captain said looking at the harbor not far away.

By this time, the fog on the sea had slowly dissipated.

You can clearly see many buildings on the port and the towering lighthouse.

"After we arrive at the port, the escort formation will leave. They have communicated with us not long ago."

At this time, the captain told the news that Geng Bo had just received when he was on the phone.

Geng Bo nodded, indicating that he understood.

When the escort formation arrives at the Science and Technology Port, it can actually stop for supplies.

Because the port itself has dual military and civilian uses.

During the negotiations, there was an important reason to go to this port.

Just to be able to have a supply point in this area.

"They should be sending the pirates to the local provisional government, right?"

Geng Bo asked the captain who had been traveling this channel for many years.

He didn't know much about the situation at sea.

"This should be."

The captain thought for a while and said:
"Although we say we have the authority to fight pirates, we do not have the authority to conduct trials. We only have two options."

"The first one is to give them a boat and let them go."

"The second is to hand it over to the local interim government."

Geng Bo touched his chin: "It doesn't sound like the first option is good. Isn't that just letting the tiger go home?
Is the second option better? "

The captain shook his head and said: "Actually, the first option is more cruel to pirates.

How far can a small boat travel?
If you put them in the sea far away from the coastline.

Their fate."

The captain did not directly say what the outcome would be.

But anyone can think of it.

In this sea area with the highest salinity in the world, there is no food or water source.

Hundreds of miles away from the coast, in an unpowered dinghy.It can only be burned to death by the sun little by little.

Even more, when Geng Bo thought deeply, he could think of even more cruel scenes.

There was no food or water on the boat.

Except for the people themselves.

Cannibalism seems to have quite a historical tradition in this area.

He shook his head and threw those bloody images out of his head.

"The port notified us that we are ready to enter the port."

The captain received news from the port.

Although their cargo ships are not very large cargo ships or oil tankers.

But because the cargo loaded on the ship is very important to the camels.

So the level of attention is very high.

Although there are already several large ships waiting in the sea outside the port.

However, they should still be prepared to enter the port as soon as they arrive.


A group of people on the freighter waved goodbye to the escorting warship on the deck.

Although we can't see each other's faces clearly, everyone can imagine them.

"Walk and prepare to hand these people over to their interim government."

Zhang Yun and the others said after waving goodbye.

The surviving Heizi on the two assault boats were now trapped in the lower cabin.

After handing them over to local authorities.

What they face will be life imprisonment or even the death penalty.

Zhang Yun could think of the first batch of pirates who were caught as escorts.

The local interim government will definitely take a heavy blow.

In this way, they can demonstrate to the world that they attach great importance to combating piracy.

After all, the local economy at this time largely relied on blood transfusions from various countries in the world.

“Next time I come, I really want to go inside the port and see.”

Han Zitao said with some reluctance.

As the first port here in the country, he really wanted to go in and have a look.

"There will be plenty of time to look at it in the future. Let's finish the business first."

Zhang Yun waved her hand and said.

Two of the other three ships in the escort formation have already headed towards the Suez Canal.

The only oil tanker was waiting on the sea outside the Science and Technology Port.

The largest cargo transshipment at the Science and Technology Port is currently crude oil.

The Luotuo family lacks everything.

Lack of oases and water.

But there is no shortage of crude oil.

After the tanker is loaded with crude oil from the Science and Technology Port, it will return to the country along the road it came from.

The super-large gantry crane at the port steadily lifts the rocket parts placed in large cargo containers.

It is then placed on the transfer site.

There, there are several large trucks waiting to transport these goods to the Aerospace Science and Technology City.

During the transfer process, Geng Bo took the time to meet with the port management staff.

It brought them condolences from home.

The transfer went smoothly without any errors.

All operators are domestic veterans.

"You can prepare to go to Space City."

Geng Bo said after carefully checking the situation of the truck.

The space city is not built on the Red Sea.

Rather, it is in an inland desert area 20 kilometers away from the Science and Technology Port.

Along the newly built highway, drive towards the King's Science and Technology Space City in the north.

Most of the facilities in the Space City are sourced from domestic professional construction teams.

Prior to this, they had built the most advanced Wenchang launch center in China.

He has a lot of experience in the field of space launch site construction.

In the space city, the staff responsible for the reception of Camel have been waiting for a long time.

As soon as Geng Bo arrived, he greeted him.

"Welcome, my friend from afar!"

Adul, who was wearing a white robe and headscarf, hugged Geng Bo warmly.

Geng Bo, who had just arrived in Space City, also introduced each other with a smile.

I found out after the introduction.

Abdul's name suffix is ​​Abdullah.

Geng Bo was a little surprised. He didn't expect that anyone who came here was a member of the royal family.

And judging from the other party's conversation, Adul seems to be a scientific researcher.

"We have been waiting for a long time and have been looking forward to your arrival."

As Adul spoke, he introduced Geng Bo to the details of the space city.

"The space city is mainly composed of two parts: the launch center and the rocket research center."

"All important equipment is shipped from your country."

"We are not moving at the moment. We are just waiting for you to arrive to start work."

After Geng Bo learned about it, he decided to start working here first in the rocket assembly workshop.

It just so happened that when they came this time, they brought a long triple-B modified A-type rocket.

It just allows them to see what should be done during the rocket assembly process.

Rocket assembly requires the use of a lot of high-precision equipment.

For example, docking accuracy measuring instruments.

Used to test the docking accuracy between various components.

The docking accuracy between rocket stages needs to be accurate to the micron level.

Once any deviation occurs.

It is possible that an accident may occur during the launch of the rocket.

Rocket accidents range from the destruction of rockets and satellites to large casualties.

Therefore, the first thing Geng Bo did after coming to Space City.

It's not specific rocket assembly work.

Instead, the "double return to zero system" was introduced and strictly stipulated to local technical personnel.

This is a major prerequisite for the rocket industry to flourish.

There is no institutional guarantee of quality.

Then everything else is just castles in the air.

Adul actually couldn't quite understand why the first thing was this seemingly useless system.

However, he did not offer his own opinion.

He already knew before this.

My role in Space City is that of a listener and executor.

rather than the naysayers.

After Geng Bo explained the details of the "double return to zero system".

Looking at the blank faces of everyone in the audience, he sighed.

There are some things that cannot be experienced personally.

Otherwise it is difficult to pay attention to it.

Before the Changsanyi rocket accident, even if someone mentioned the "double zeroing system" to them.

I guess they won't enforce it so strictly.

However, their situation is different at this time.

Geng Bo is almost unanimous in the construction of various systems in the space city.

If he enforces this system, it will still be effective.

After all, the main personnel working in the space city are still senior technical personnel from China.

They can understand the importance of this system.

I just hope that they can slowly understand it at work.

(End of this chapter)

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