A big country of aerospace with black technology.

Chapter 267: The missile smeared my face!

South Pacific, waters near Point Nemo.

The nearest land is thousands of kilometers away.

Almost no ships or planes pass by here on weekdays.

Today, we welcomed a group of unfriendly guests.

The combat training fleet under the third fleet of Eagle Sauce.

Just entered the South Pacific waters from the Drake Passage.

The ocean training mission they carried out this time.

Also take care of part of the maritime route patrol mission.

This is a very simple mission operation.

Everyone in the fleet, from the commander to the sailors, all think so.

There are almost no waves in the South Pacific.

It is winter in the Southern Hemisphere in June.

Therefore, when the crew has nothing to do, they will hold a party or two on the ship.

Mission has ended.

It will still be some time before we can return to the Samoa base for supplies.

Everyone happily ate barbecue and drank beer on the deck.

Except for a few necessary positions, there are still people on duty.

Everyone else was eating and drinking.


Just when many people were already drunk.

A series of shrill alarms suddenly sounded on the ship!

Then the whole ship broadcast the announcement.

Everyone is asked to return to their posts immediately.

The few people who were still awake quickly splashed ice water on the drunken sailors around them.

"what's the situation!"

The captain walked into the command room carrying a half bottle of unfinished beer.

"We have just received clear notifications from surrounding ships."

The signal soldier on the side stood up and replied:

"A missile test is about to take place in this sea area. Please leave all ships as soon as possible!"

The captain's head, which had been a little drunk, suddenly sobered up.

"Did the other party report the type of weapon?"

"Did not receive."

The signal corpsman replied:

“However, we have received information from Pacific Command that this weapons test is unusual.

The command requires us to leave the other party's experimental sea area as soon as possible and find a way to detect the experiment. "

Only then did the captain realize that their ship had penetrated fifty nautical miles into the weapons experiment area!

We are almost reaching the center of the experimental area designated by the opponent!
"Quick, get out of here first!"

The captain first ordered the warship to turn and then move forward at full speed.

Then he said to the signal soldier: "Ask the other party about the time of the weapons experiment and explain our current location.

Tell the other party, please try to postpone it for a while! "

At the same time, an ocean-going experimental ship was floating outside the scheduled experimental sea area.

"Captain, we have sent a clear communication to the nearby waters."

The young man who uploaded it for the first time said:
"Isn't this a bit redundant? Not even a ship can pass by this poor place for a month."

The captain didn’t think too much: “It’s written in the regulations, so just follow it!

Where did all this nonsense come from! "

The young man stopped talking and sat back in his seat.

But within a few seconds of sitting back down, he started shouting.


"Didn't I tell you to stop talking nonsense?!"

The captain, who was a little annoyed, was about to give him a scolding.

I heard him say: "A Yingjiang warship broke into the scheduled exercise area!"

As soon as these words came out, many people in the cabin cast surprised looks.

Everyone really didn’t expect it.

A ship happened to be passing by this poor place.

And it's a foreign warship!
If this is sunk by then.

It’s so much fun!

"Hurry up and ask them to leave the exercise area!"

The captain quickly ordered.

Prior to this, the country had issued a notice of experimental areas two days in advance.

Unexpectedly, someone broke in without receiving the notice.

I really don’t know if the other party came here intentionally to cause trouble.

"Get me through to China and I'll report in person!"

The captain's handling of the situation was quite normal.

"Chief, a Yingjiang warship just broke into our exercise area.

We have asked each other to leave.

You see, what will happen next? "

In a launch base thousands of miles away.

Everyone, including Zhang Xingyang, was basically shocked when they heard the news.

Who would have thought that a notice was sent in advance.

There are actually people who break in regardless of life or death!
The key is that the other party is still a warship.

"Our missiles just took off!"

The old chief also said in a deep voice with a bad expression at this time.

"Tell the other party that they have three and 10 minutes left!"

"They cannot leave the weapons test area during this period.

Then they can only count themselves unlucky! "

"Yes, just tell them the exact words!"

After hanging up the phone with the ocean-going experimental ship.

Zhang Xingyang said: "Old chief, do you think we should inform the other party's senior management?"

The old chief glanced at Zhang Xingyang: "You don't have to worry about this matter.

You just have to take care of the weapon experiments.

I'll take care of it. "

After finishing speaking, the old leader left directly without staying in the launch base.

Zhang Xingyang withdrew his gaze from the opponent's back and looked at the big screen in front of him.

It shows that the missile is currently flying over the East China Sea and is about to enter the Pacific Ocean.

At this time, the missile took off in less than 40 seconds.

"FXXK, the headquarters didn't tell us about this at all!"

On the Third Fleet combat training ship, the captain was in a state of incompetence and rage.

"The other party responded to the message!"

The next second the signal corps received the news about the ocean-going experimental ship, they turned around and said:
"The other party said that the missile will arrive in three to ten minutes. Please leave as soon as possible!"

The warship at this time had just completed its turn and was accelerating.

The gas turbine has begun operating at full power.

However, it has not yet reached the maximum speed of 30 knots.

Even if it reaches maximum speed, it wants to run fifty nautical miles in half an hour.

It is also an impossible thing.

"Please tell them to give us a little more time, one hour is enough, just one hour!"

By the end of the sentence, the captain was almost hysterical.

It's normal to be afraid.

The other party is conducting weapons experiments thousands of miles away from home.

Just think about it for a moment.

What is this.

In addition to intercontinental ballistic missiles, is there anything else?
Although the other party is most likely not a nuclear warhead, after all, everyone has signed an agreement to stop nuclear testing.

But even if it is a conventional warhead, if it really hits their ship.

It can also directly break this warship into two pieces!
"Captain, the other party has received news again."

On the ocean-going experimental ship, the young man said after receiving the news.

"They asked if they could be given another hour."

"Answer them, the missile will arrive at the strike site in 29 minutes!

Don't say it's unexpected! "

The captain is also extremely irritable now.

It was originally a simple ocean-going weapons experiment mission.

Who could have imagined that such a situation would arise!

The hypersonic ballistic missile has already dropped its height at this time.

Entered the Karman line.It begins to move as water drift within the atmosphere.

Every time it bounces up and down, it can fly hundreds of kilometers.

The scramjet engine converts all nitrogen anion salts into surging power.

On the blue sky, a beautiful arc is drawn.

"Do you think this warship can escape and ascend to heaven?"

Zhang Xingyang pointed to a small red dot on the screen and said.

Warships have been sending their own coordinates to ocean-going experimental vessels.

They also communicated that they hoped that weapons strikes could avoid their coordinates.

Therefore, this coordinate naturally appeared on the electronic map of the missile launch base.

"There should be some hope, right?"

A Rocket Force officer on the side thought for a moment and said.

"If we turn off the safety on the missile, wouldn't it be fine?"

Generally speaking, there is no such thing as long-range insurance on this kind of intercontinental ballistic missile.

Because of the enemy's electronic warfare capabilities.

If remote electronic insurance is used.

So if it is cracked by the enemy, wouldn't the missile be useless?

So in reality, there is no button to cancel with one click.

Once this kind of killer weapon is activated, there is no turning back.

However, this hypersonic missile is different.

Because it is for experimental use.

So internally there is an electronic insurance.

To prevent unexpected situations.

In fact, it is equipped for this situation.

"Having the insurance off really eliminates the risk of explosion."

Zhang Xingyang turned around and said with a smile:

"But don't forget, what is the terminal penetration speed of the missile."

"With such a high speed, if it directly hits a ship, can the other party really survive?"

The Rocket Force officer understood instantly.

This is true.

Speed ​​approaching Mach [-].

Not to mention such a big missile.

Even a stone can penetrate steel!
Everyone present has a high level of education.

Everyone knows the simple kinetic energy formula.

The missile weighs several tons and has a speed of Mach [-].

Not to mention a training ship of less than [-] tons.

If it falls on the aircraft carrier, it can directly punch a hole several meters in size up and down!
"Besides, I also want to see how powerful the missile is!"

Zhang Xingyang turned to look at the big screen and said while losing time.

Although no one could see the expression on his face.

I can also feel his mood.

Thousands of miles away, the combat training ship has reached its maximum speed.

Start driving out of the experimental area at a speed of 30 knots.

The hypersonic missile has also flown less than half the distance.

More than 4000 kilometers passed in a blink of an eye.

Yingjiang's military reconnaissance satellite has also detected the heat source information of the missile.

After entering the atmosphere, the missile rubs violently with the atmosphere, making it difficult to escape the eyes of thermal cameras in space.

But so what if I discovered it.

It cannot change the fact that warships cannot escape the weapons testing area.

Instead, the Pacific Command continuously transmits missile location information to combat training ships.

It caused panic among everyone on the ship.

On one side is a slow ship, with a speed of less than 35 knots.

On the other side are missiles that can travel hundreds of kilometers in almost the blink of an eye.

The captain looked at the small red dot that kept flashing on the instrument panel.

The struggle has been given up.

Now their lives are no longer in their hands.

But in the hands of the other party.

He picked up the beer on one side and took a deep sip into his mouth.

In the command room, someone had already begun to pray to God quietly.

I hope I can survive this life and death crisis.

Although they are ship sailors, most of them are new recruits.

The Third Fleet is, to a large extent, the logistics force of the Pacific Fleet.

Don't say that, it's a big scene of a direct intercontinental ballistic missile attack.

I have never seen even a small scene like pirates.

It is also possible to understand the appearances of all beings appearing in the command room at this time.

"Turn on the anti-aircraft missiles on the ship and prepare to intercept the opponent."

After drinking the beer, the captain said fiercely.

"Captain, our anti-aircraft missiles cannot protect against missiles at all."

The weapons officer on the side reminded in a low voice.

As a training ship, the weapons and equipment on the ship are naturally not the latest and best.

They are all products of a backward generation.

For example, anti-aircraft missiles can only defend against some low-speed and low-altitude fighter jets.

Even if you want to defend against ordinary subsonic cruise missiles, you can't.

Not to mention such hypersonic missiles.

Although they always thought they were facing intercontinental ballistic missiles.

But the terminal speed of intercontinental ballistic missiles is also several Mach.

It's simply not something their anti-aircraft missiles can defend against.

"I told you to do it quickly! FXXK!"

After the captain kicked the opponent.

The weapons officer then put aside what he was about to say and turned on the weapon system.

At this time, the missile was getting closer and closer to them.

One minute ago, it had crossed the equator and started flying towards the South Pacific.

"Captain, do you think they can survive?"

On the ocean-going experimental ship, the young man asked the captain.

At this time, there was almost nothing they could do.

Whether the other party can survive depends largely on fate.

"If he hadn't been hit directly, he might still have survived." The old captain said as he smoked a cigarette.

The implication is that if hit directly.

Then basically no one can survive.

After entering hundreds of kilometers from the target location.

Hypersonic ballistic missile begins terminal guidance.

The missile's terminal guidance system uses composite guidance.

The main thing that comes into play is active radar awareness.

The radar on the front of the warhead will turn on at this time.

Scan the surrounding environment.

Then according to the target orientation, the direction of the missile is controlled.

Before launch, Zhang Xingyang actually made slight changes.

Because if it is normal mode.

Then the radar will only bring the missile to the previously entered coordinates.

Regardless of whether the radar discovered other more valuable targets.

Zhang Xingyang entered an intelligent selection control system.

Let the missile's computing unit scan the radar.

From among possible goals, choose the one with the greatest value.

Now this system is beginning to play its role.

Radar scanning has discovered that there is also a training ship of more than 8000 tons in the surrounding area.

Computational unit, after value determination.

Think that the other person is not worthy of your attack.

So according to the originally planned coordinates, the attack was launched!
The planned attack location is not very far from the warship's location.

But it is more than 20 kilometers away.

A huge red fireball lit up above the ocean.

It was as if a second sun appeared!

And this sun is brighter than the sun in the sky! (End of chapter)

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