A big country of aerospace with black technology.

Chapter 243 The flash of light in the desert!

Chapter 243 The flash of light in the desert!

In the vast desert, oil refineries are working day and night.

Refining black industrial gold into various petroleum products.

It is the lifeblood of modern industry and the cornerstone of this country's wealth.

Even though it's nighttime, the refineries are already glowing with yellow and red lights, refining crude oil pumped from underground and under the sea.

In addition to several large petroleum refineries, there is also a desalination plant here.

As a desert country, there is a serious shortage of water resources.

Before they had desalination plants, they could only buy fresh water from abroad.

Not only does it consume a lot of money, it is also easily hijacked.

Therefore, after the oil industry developed and became rich, they vigorously introduced and built many large-scale desalination plants.

Here, there is a large desalination plant capable of producing [-] tons of fresh water per day.

Not only can it meet the needs of many workers in the petroleum refinery, there is even excess fresh water that can be used to irrigate plants in the refinery.

Three o'clock in the morning is the time when people are most tired.

Only night shift workers and equipment that are turned on 24 hours a day are still working tirelessly.

Until a shrill alarm broke the silence of the night.

Continuously sounding air raid sirens sounded over the refinery.

Workers who have worked here for a long time are used to this kind of thing.

After hearing the alarm, quickly hide in air defense bunkers and bunkers!
"Air defense radar has detected several low-speed targets heading towards us."

As an important asset, the newly introduced laser air defense system "Silent Hunter" has been deployed locally!
Reporting to Chen Su were local officers who had just received air defense system training.

"Turn on infrared reconnaissance and night vision reconnaissance, and the Silent Slayer is ready to power on."

Although Chen Su is now an after-sales maintenance personnel for products, he had been working in the army for a long time before, and his work was carried out with the custom of military orders and prohibitions.

"Can the radar determine what the incoming target is?"

Chen Su put on his coat and walked towards the air defense command position.

In this place, you can find all kinds of weapons.

They range from antiques from the Second World War to the latest high-tech weapons developed.

That's why Chen Su asked such a seemingly unnecessary question.

"Based on past experience, it should be a suicide drone attack."

The local officer replied at this time.

Drones are also a widely used technology here, with low cost and good results.

Who is who knows!
Chen Su felt a little relieved when he heard the suicide drone.

Drones these days are not very fast, especially since many of their drones are modified from old aircraft.

Even supersonic speeds are difficult, and the pressure on the air defense system is not particularly great.

Normally, it would be difficult for these low-speed drones to break through the air defense missile network.

Not to mention, laser weapon defense.

In fact, Chen Su felt that using laser weapons was a bit wasteful to deal with such a target.

After all, every time a laser weapon is turned on it is expensive.

Chemical lasers need to be replenished after each use, which is a considerable expense.

In addition, laser weapons are also energy-consuming!

In particular, this export batch of "Silent Hunters" does not use the latest hydrogen-oxygen explosion generator.

The power required has skyrocketed!
After being turned on for half an hour, the energy consumption can be comparable to that of a medium-sized residential area for a month!
The generator made a faint sound in the desert, almost inaudible.

The temperature in the desert was relatively low in the early morning, and it took several minutes for the generator to start.

The drone flying from the southeast is a small and medium-sized drone.

Chen Su looked at the situation report in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This level of armament is too low!
Chen Su couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although there are not many drones currently used in China.

However, there have actually been a lot of drills in terms of tactics.

Especially in key areas such as investigation and combat.

However, Chen Su quickly realized that he was not facing a regular army.

They are just an armed force.

It does not have its own R&D and manufacturing capabilities.

Most of their drones are assembled from various parts purchased from the civilian market.

In some ways, it may not even be as good as the more powerful model airplanes in China!
"Turn on the image recognition system."

Chen Su was on the sidelines instructing the locals on how to use the Silent Hunter.

This laser automated weapon station was designed with the operator's level in mind.

Therefore, in many aspects it is actually a fool's errand.

It's even lower than the difficulty of some games.

The most critical ones here are the two functions of image recognition and automatic tracking.

Image recognition can identify incoming air targets in a wide range of airspace.

Even at night like this, with the help of infrared night vision devices, the outline of the drone can be shown.

Most of the incoming drones use diesel or gasoline engines.

The heat source information under the night sky is very obvious!

"The nearest drone is 12 kilometers away from us!"

An officer looked at Chen Su nervously and said:


12 kilometers away, it has entered the attack range of the Silent Hunter.

Laser weapons using hydrogen and oxygen explosion generators can have a range of 30 kilometers.

However, this batch of exports has a range of only 15 kilometers due to the low generator power.

"Agreed to shoot!"

Chen Su issued the attack order without hesitation.

The officer pressed the button on his hand without hesitation.

Almost at the same time, a light green beam of light was emitted from the circular laser generator.

It shines onto a drone more than ten kilometers away.

In less than a second, a plastic-encased drone.

It was like butter being cut through with a hot knife.

A long gash was opened in the belly of the plane.

Then it tilted and fell to the ground!

Seeing the "Silent Hunter" achieve its first actual combat results.

Chen Su, who was originally a little worried, completely relaxed.

The Silent Hunter uses an automatic tracking system that can keep its angle aligned with the target after the operator manually selects the target.

There will be no loss of target.

All the operator needs to do is confirm the launch and press the button.

It's simply easier than playing FPS games.

Even, considering the situation with more targets.

Silent Hunter actually has an automatic shooting mode.

As long as the operator gives the attack authorization to the system.

The system can complete all actions from searching for enemies to attacking!
This time, there were only a dozen drones attacking.

The operator can also complete the issuance of attack instructions by himself.

So this feature is not turned on.

"We shot down all the incoming drones!"

Half an hour later, all the drones were shot down.The officer in charge of the operation said to Chen Su very happily.

"Your weapons are really easy to use!"

Although Chen Su felt that he could shoot down these drones even with an anti-aircraft cannon.

However, in order to maintain everyone's face, he still said modestly:
"Our weapons are only one aspect, your training is also very good."


The officer laughed and said:

"I know what the quality of our soldiers is."

"We are far from elite. We have always relied on weapons."

Because of the oil economy, the country is very wealthy, and local citizens can live a better life even if they don't work.

Therefore, there are actually not many local people who volunteer to serve as soldiers.

This forces the local people to try their best to use some more advanced weapons and equipment.

For example, the latest third-generation tanks, the best third-generation fighter jets, etc.

The laser automatic weapon station is also an advanced weapon introduced under this strategy.

However, in the minds of officers, simple and easy-to-operate weapons like the Silent Hunter are good weapons.

Because the operation is simple and risk-free, it is very suitable for their soldiers.

For example, third-generation tanks, although they are relatively good in all aspects, do not have air conditioning inside and the soldiers are unwilling to use them, so they are not considered good things.

After hearing the officer's emotion, Chen Su felt speechless.

I can only comfort myself by saying: Every country has its own national conditions, and I cannot compare it with the domestic situation.

"Chen, your automatic tracking and automatic attack are so useful!"

The officer said to Chen Su very enthusiastically:

"I wonder if you can implement this function on a tank or an infantry fighting vehicle."

"Today's tanks and infantry fighting vehicles also need operators and gunners, which is really inconvenient!"

For them, tanks are basically useless, and the armor on the ground relies more on infantry fighting vehicles.

Infantry combat vehicles mostly use machine guns or large-caliber machine guns as weapons.

This requires someone to lean out and operate the cannon and machine gun.

The risk is relatively high, and most of their soldiers are unwilling to take up such positions.

Although the armed forces they face generally don't have much firepower.

Most of the heavy firepower is nothing more than armed pickup trucks and rocket launchers.

But for operators whose bodies are partially exposed, the risk is still relatively high.

"We don't have such a product yet."

Chen Su didn't know how he felt when he rejected his idea:

"Perhaps I can bring your needs back to our R&D department."

"Maybe they can develop what you want."

To be honest, automated weapon stations can be considered relatively advanced products after more than ten years.

It is definitely not something that second-rate countries can afford.

Because this requires extremely strong technologies in the fields of machinery, electronics, and information.

Today, there are no more than two countries that can play with this technology.

"Chen, you are indeed our good friends."

The officer couldn't help but boast happily.

Although Chen Su came here on a business trip, it was mostly for the sake of money.

After all, his company has extremely high travel subsidies for business trips to such war-risk areas.

Moreover, the subsidy is calculated on a daily basis.

$50 per day travel allowance!
In one month, that’s $1500!

It may not be a big deal locally.

But for Chen Su, who is from China, this is a considerable amount of income.

After all, his monthly salary in China is only more than 2000.

This is already a very high salary in the eyes of outsiders!
If you travel for a year, you can earn close to 20 yuan.

Many people don't care much about the possible risks of war.

After a year of hard work, I can go back to my hometown and build a three-story building.

Chen Su got this business trip opportunity after defeating many competitors.

His army service experience and the second-class merit he once obtained also gave him a lot of points.

"Of course, Abdullah!"

Chen Su felt the other party's enthusiasm and laughed:
"We're friends!"

No matter Chen Su did it because of money or because he wanted to come out and have a look.

He was indeed in the local area and felt the enthusiasm of many local people.

Because he is an after-sales service personnel for a weapon system, his identity is relatively sensitive.

The other party will value them more.

All kinds of treatment are in line with the treatment of their officers.

This was also an eye-opener for Chen Su, who was going abroad for the first time.

Before going abroad, Chen Su thought he would live a disgraced life in the desert.

After all, his former army was stationed in the north.

Have a full understanding of the desert environment.

But after arriving, I realized that everything was different from what I imagined.

Although the after-sales service place of Silent Hunter can be considered to be in the desert.

However, the conditions were more than ten times better than when he was stationed in the desert at home!
Not only can you have fresh water for bathing every day, there is even an unlimited supply of ice cream at the station!
When Chen Su was stationed in the desert, it was considered good to take a shower once a month.

Don't even think about ice cream.

This is mainly due to the fact that their current location is next to a large desalination plant.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so much fresh water for him to bathe in.

The only pity is that due to religious issues, the locals basically do not drink alcohol.

Even the alcoholic beverages are not visible at all.

However, there are plenty of carbonated drinks and juices.

"The consumption of the chemical laser generator is not too serious and does not need to be replenished for the time being."

Chen Su is on a business trip as a technician.

I have a relatively good understanding of the internal situation of the Silent Hunter.

After completing the use, he took several engineers to start the inspection work.

The focus is naturally on the laser generator and integrated power system.

"But an electronic component in the power system burned out."

Chen Su said after careful inspection.

"Is the situation serious?"

The officer looked at the complex internal structure and asked worriedly.

"The next attack may come soon."

Now, he regards the Silent Hunter as an important part of the air defense system.

If there is a problem and cannot be used, it is very likely that the enemy's attack will be successful.

The losses at that time will be calculated in tens of millions!
"The problem is not serious, I can just replace a part."

Chen Su patted his shoulder and said:

"I guarantee that there will be no loopholes in your air defense network!"

(End of this chapter)

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