A big country of aerospace with black technology.

Chapter 239 Ginza jumping machine!

If we say that the carbon fiber manufacturers within the alliance filed for bankruptcy liquidation even after being excluded because their output was not very large.

It does not have much impact on individuals within the company.

Then, life will not be so easy for many carbon fiber manufacturers in the footbath!

After the "Plaza Accord" was signed, it had an indelible impact on their economy.

The following ten years were the so-called "lost decades" in economic terms.

During this process, the carbon fiber industry with high added value is a very rare industry that has not experienced a recession, but has experienced an increase in both output value and valuation.

During those years, both Mitsubishi and Toray enjoyed the benefits of carbon fiber materials and expanded their production capacity.

In 96 alone, the two companies expanded their carbon fiber production capacity by more than 6000 tons.

In the following years, despite the impact of the rising Longteng Group's carbon fiber materials, the market share in Longteng Kingdom was basically swallowed up by Longteng Group.

But in their own home market, there has been no shrinkage of share.

This has also caused the carbon fiber companies of Mitsubishi and Toray to lose their rapid growth momentum, but they are still in a state of steady growth.

Until their father, Ying Jiang, gave them a fatal blow.

Affected by Snecma's large number of low-cost carbon fiber products, Yingjiang's own HG, Hexcel and other companies are not doing well.

This allows them to focus on the footbath, which is the largest carbon fiber market today.

Through various means, Hexcel and HG companies obtained almost no import tax on footbaths in China.

"Yamamoto-kun, are the Minister of Finance just watching us being oppressed by rice beasts?!"

In a quiet inner room of a high-end restaurant in Ginza, a middle-aged man in a straight suit asked the young man in front of him with a sullen face.

After the reorganization of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance still maintains unusual relationships with major financial groups.

The consortium has a great influence on the Ministry of Finance, which governs the national economy.

If it hadn't been Yingjiang who was attacking this time, the Ministry of Finance might actually have helped them.

However, in the face of the even more oppressive Hawk-chan, the pressure that the consortium can exert seems so insignificant!
"Suzuki-kun, even the Minister of Finance cannot disobey Taka-chan's wishes."

The young man's face didn't look good either.

He himself should have a bright future in the Ministry of Finance, but looking at it now, he must bow to apologize and resign.

Yamamoto poured himself a glass of sake in front of him and drank it all in one gulp.

After feeling the clear wine flowing down his throat, he said:
"Suzuki-kun, you should think carefully about how to explain it to investors and the stock market!"

In the past few years, the Mitsubishi Consortium, where Suzuki belongs, has not seen much growth in the carbon fiber industry.

But in order to maintain relatively good-looking financial reports, they have been manipulating the data.

Let the stock price continue to increase.

From five years ago to now, the share price of carbon fiber companies on the Tokyo Stock Exchange has increased by 250%!

It can be called the most dazzling pearl after this "lost decade".

After Yamamoto finished speaking, Suzuki's originally angry face suddenly turned frightened.

If Yamamoto, who was once responsible for the carbon fiber industry in the Ministry of Finance, may have to resign after this.

So Suzuki, who bears the wrath of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of investors, may have his flesh eaten and his blood drank by the investors who have suffered heavy losses!

"Tomorrow is Monday, the day when the stock market opens." Yamamoto drank one glass after another and said as he drank:
"Not many people know the news now, so you still have time to process it."

"Otherwise, it won't be that easy if you want to leave after the market opens tomorrow!"

After Suzuki heard this, he suddenly looked up at the other party, his eyes wide open.

Suzuki had already understood the implication of the other party's words.

If you want to run away, tonight is your last chance, otherwise it won’t be that easy when the market opens!
But once Suzuki runs away, everyone can pour all the dirty water on his head.

He never wants to come back for the rest of his life.

"If I leave, where can I go?"

After Suzuki took off his breath, he said with some frustration.

There is definitely no way he can stay in China. Those investors and investors who have lost their savings for more than ten years will definitely want his life.

"I have a way for you to go to the West Coast."

At this time, Yamamoto stopped pouring wine with his right hand and said.

"When you get there, no one knows you and you can start a new life."

"I can also personally sponsor you 100 million yen."

Yamamoto, who looks very kind, naturally has his own little thoughts.

As long as he leaves the familiar environment and arrives in a foreign country, no matter how Suzuki handles it, it is very simple.

At that time, whether he lives or dies is not a matter of his own thoughts?

Suzuki naturally knew that this road was definitely not as good as the other party said.

But now, I am a fish and a fish.

Apart from that, he didn't have any other options.

"Okay, I'm leaving tonight!"

Suzuki made up his mind in the blink of an eye.

Yamamoto smiled, poured the other party a glass of wine, and raised his glass:

"I wish you a good start in a foreign country!"

Suzuki picked up the wine glass, drank it down viciously, and said:

"I hope you don't lie to me!"

The lights of Ginza seem to be always on, even late at night.

At Narita International Airport, in the middle of the night, Suzuki got on a plane to the West Coast and left his post before disaster struck.

The next day, before the market opened, all kinds of gossip began to fly all over the sky.

All are related information about the carbon fiber industry, which may suffer a major blow.

Someone preached: "The low-priced carbon fiber products from the Dragon Kingdom are about to cause a devastating blow to their domestic carbon fiber industry."

Not many people believe this, because most people know that carbon fiber is protected by the industry in their country.

It is not easy for foreign products to come in.

Even if they come in, they will face ultra-high tax rates, which will make it difficult for them to sustain themselves in the country.

If this news is not enough to worry about, then the next widely circulated news is enough to scare everyone.

"The Ministry of Finance is about to adopt ultra-low tax rates for the carbon fiber raw materials and finished products of Eagle Sauce!" Faced with the Eagle Sauce that has been weighing on them for so many years, they all have an unconscious sense of fear.

So much so that when employees of the Tokyo Stock Exchange came to work on Monday, they noticed a very solemn atmosphere in the air!

Time slowly came to nine o'clock, and it was time for the Tokyo Stock Exchange to open.

For the first half hour, it was business as usual.

Many investors and traders felt that the news was false.

It was not until 09:30 that someone from the Ministry of Finance personally admitted this point that had been widely circulated before.

Suddenly, stocks related to the carbon fiber industry on the Tokyo Stock Exchange started their diving career!
The most important carbon fiber companies under Mitsubishi and Toray even fell by 20.00% before the market closed at noon!
The entire carbon fiber plate is green!
The overall decline of the sector reached 11.00%!

The Tokyo Exchange is similar to the Longguo Exchange, both using red for rising and green for falling.

Affected by the fierce decline in the carbon fiber sector, the entire Tokyo Stock Exchange once fell by [-]% before closing at noon!

This decline is already very close to the year when the Plaza Accord was signed!
At noon, the Ministry of Finance held a press conference.

Yamamoto announced their investigation into the carbon fiber industry giant, Mitsubishi Group!

During the investigation, it was discovered that there had been financial fraud in the past few years.

The main operator of this incident is Hideki Suzuki, the executive of Mitsubishi's carbon fiber company!
Next, they will investigate Hideki Suzuki!
As soon as the press conference came out, by the time the afternoon session started at 12:30, the carbon fiber-related sectors were plummeting!
It is even about to break down the fuse that has not been used for many years!

The stock price of Mitsubishi Carbon Fiber Company fell by 40.00% compared to last Friday!
Together with the parent company's share price, it also fell by 15.00%.

Even though Mitsubishi Group quickly dumped the blame on Hideki Suzuki, who had disappeared, it still could not save the falling stock price.

By the time the market closed at [-] p.m., the Tokyo Stock Exchange was down nine percent as a whole!

The carbon fiber sector fell overall by 20.00%!

The one with the heaviest losses was Mitsubishi Group's Carbon Fiber Company, which fell by 30.00%!

The overall valuation suddenly dropped from the original 2500 billion yen to less than 1600 billion yen!

It can be said that more than half of the market value has been directly evaporated!
Countless speculators who placed heavy bets on Mitsubishi Carbon Fiber in the stock market lost everything in one day!

Ginza is one of the most prosperous places in the world.

Within this day, a very strange scene ushered in.

Countless men and women wearing high-end suits and high-end evening gowns jumped from the top of a high-end Ginza hotel more than ten stories high!

Yamamoto was sitting in a quiet room near the street, looking at the human bodies floating by outside the window with a calm expression.

Yesterday, when he and Suzuki were drinking, he had already thought of this scene.

It can also be said that the formation of this scene was also driven by him.

A girl with a graceful figure and wearing a shiny black evening dress quickly flew past Yamamoto's eyes.

Yamamoto could even see the grayness in her eyes.

Presumably, this is also a speculator who has a heavy position in the stock market and even uses leverage.

The recent stock price declines have been too drastic.

Many people who only use two cups of leverage cannot bear it!
In many high-end restaurants or hotels in Ginza, countless professional managers and investors who have spent a lot of money are enjoying the last dinner of their lives.

The amount of their losses ranged from millions of yen to tens of billions of yen.

In this country where the underworld is legal, if they don't want to implicate their families, it seems that there is no other good way except jumping from the building!
On the wide streets of Ginza, the sound of ambulances never stopped during this night.

Of course, except for those who were lucky enough to survive.Most of them died on the spot, without even the whole body.

According to unprofessional statistics afterwards, hundreds of stock market-related practitioners died that night.

Most of them choose to jump from the tall buildings in Ginza.

There are also a few people who choose other ways.

For example, jumping into the sea from a yacht that no longer belongs to you.

He committed suicide by slitting his wrists while lying in the bathtub in his apartment.

After closing the doors and windows, the gas pipe was opened.

Yamamoto drank sake all night in a quiet room in Ginza.

Until it was almost time for him to go to work.

During this night, more than ten of his old friends fell in front of him.

"Suzuki-kun, go in peace, I will take care of your wife and daughter for you."

Yamamoto whispered into the phone on the table.

"Yamamoto, I love you Immortal!"

A national quintessence sound came from the other end of the phone, followed by a fierce gunshot.

Yamamoto didn't say anything about this. After all, he still had enough heart for a dead man.

As a thoughtful person, Yamamoto naturally would not let Suzuki, who knew too many things, live well in this world.

As for whether there is any intention of Mitsubishi Group in this, it is unknown.

After putting on his suit jacket, Yamamoto carefully buttoned his shirt that was originally open.

Walking onto Ginza's always-busy avenue, the large blood stains on the ground had disappeared.

There is only an indelible dark red hidden in the corners of some masonry.

Tourists who got up early to go shopping did not seem to be affected by last night's jumping incident.

It took Yamamoto a while to reach his place of work.

Today will actually be his last day working at the Ministry of Finance.

Today, the Ministry of Finance will hold a press conference, at which Yamamoto will resign as the person in charge.

The stock market on Tuesday looked worse than Monday.

The market has been in decline, and the downward trend has spread from the carbon fiber industry to other industries.

By the time the market closed at [-] o'clock, the market had dropped by [-]%!

The carbon fiber sector fell by 15.00%!
Mitsubishi Carbon Fiber continues to fall, almost falling back to the stock price seven or eight years ago before it rose!

At the press conference, Yamamoto bowed ninety degrees sincerely, apologized to everyone, and announced his resignation.

However, for Yamamoto, the impact of the entire incident on him basically ended here.

However, for the entire footbath, the turmoil caused by this is far from over.

In the next few days, some people will jump from the tall buildings in Ginza every day, and some people will walk into the deep lake and sea to end their lives!
So much so that land prices in Ginza, which seemed to be rising forever, have seen a slight drop! ! ! (End of chapter)

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