April, Chicago, Materials Research Institute.

As a scientific research institution affiliated with the aerospace giant Boeing, they have just received a big task.

That is to develop a new high-temperature resistant superalloy.

"FXXK, who set this indicator?"

As soon as he received the performance parameters of the superalloy that needed to be developed, Prius couldn't help but curse.

"Are those people pigs?"

"Such performance is simply impossible to achieve under our current conditions!"

Next to him, Brandon, the director of Boeing’s aerospace department, elegantly drank a cup of coffee and said:
"There's no need to be angry, Precious."

"This performance parameter requirement is a requirement from the military."

"It's useless to be angry unless you can convince the military people to modify their requirements."

Prius naturally knew that this was impossible.

After all, the military is a violent machine, although in this capital country, it is seriously affected by capital.

However, it is not something that a small researcher can change.

"What are they going to do with this?"

"Today's aerospace alloys, no matter what kind of rocket they are used in, do not have such performance requirements."

Preuss still doesn't know that this super alloy will actually be used in hypersonic missiles, which is why he is more confused.

Even if such a superalloy is developed, it will cost a huge amount of money.

According to the current federal utilitarian space exploration policy, such a project that is obviously not cost-effective should not be approved.

"That's why I came here to talk to you face to face."

Brandon said slowly and leisurely after drinking the coffee in his cup.

"This matter must be kept secret."

"No one in the institute can know except you."

At this time, Prius was also aroused by Brandon's words.

It seems that this seemingly unreasonable performance parameter also contains some inside information that he is not aware of.

After receiving a positive answer from Prius, Brandon began to tell the whole story from the beginning.

Since they learned about Longguo's hypersonic missiles due to accidental collision, they decided to start developing their own hypersonic weapons.

Of course, the research and development work at this time was still relatively slow, and it was mostly still in the theoretical development stage.

After all, the range of the hypersonic weapons (land-based hypersonic rockets) developed by Longguo at this time cannot pose a substantial threat to them.

But during their second weapons experiment, things began to change.

Not only has the range increased significantly compared to the first time, but the speed has also been slightly improved.

The most important thing is that the hypersonic weapons tested this time (ship version of hypersonic rockets) can already pose a substantial threat to their naval base in Sasebo Port!

It was after this time that Congress began to increase investment in the research and development of hypersonic weapons, and research and development work officially entered the actual development stage.

At this time, although the emphasis on hypersonic weapons has increased, Dragon Kingdom's hypersonic weapons can only threaten the position of the first island chain.

What really scared people in Congress into a cold sweat was that in April last year, Longguo tested the latest ultra-long-range hypersonic ballistic missile.The range has reached more than [-] kilometers, which can directly threaten many of their industries on the west coast!

Although Boeing's main production base is located in the Great Lakes region, they also have many industries on the West Coast.

Therefore, at that joint meeting, even Boeing, which would not be directly threatened, voted in favor of the proposal to accelerate the development of hypersonic weapons.

Then in less than a year, with the efforts of ARRW chief scientist Jason, they actually developed a hypersonic missile.

Unfortunately the first test failed.

Even Jason was court-martialed.

However, this has not affected Congress's determination to develop hypersonic weapons, and in some respects, it has even increased their confidence in investing in this area.

After all, it’s just money, and as long as the money printing press is running, you can have as much money as you want.

But once a missile comes from across the ocean, life is lost.

"So, do you understand now?"

"For the big guys, they're going to use this thing to build confidence, just like nuclear deterrence used to be."

After talking endlessly for more than half an hour, Brandon finally made it clear.

Brandon, who felt a little thirsty, poured himself a cup of coffee and found that Precious was still in a state of shock.

"Don't be too surprised. Congress is very determined, and all your scientific research funds will be available soon."

When talking about funding, Brandon smiled and said:

"Your research institute is so lucky, because your task is very important, and the budget was directly given to 1.2 million yuan!"

Preuss, who had already regained his composure and was about to speak, was shocked again when he heard this astronomical figure.

Last year, their research funding for the whole year was only 6000 million, which is equivalent to two years of research funding.

"This time the money is coming from the military and Congress, so it will naturally be more."

Brandon saw the other person's surprise and confusion, and took the initiative to explain.

After the two parties were polite for a while, Brandon left after getting what he wanted.

As the director of the aerospace department, Brandon would naturally not come to the door if he didn't have what he wanted.

Just ask your subordinates to send Prius an email, and they will never explain the cause and effect clearly.

Brandon's youngest son will go to college next year, and he prefers Cornell University.

Price has a tenured professorship at Cornell University, and being able to get his recommendation letter will be of great help to his younger son's admission to Cornell University.

Although he received sufficient scientific research funding, Preuss was not as happy as others imagined.

Because this task is very difficult, even for Prius, who has in-depth research in the field of materials science.

Even after get off work that day, Price returned home still troubled by the incident.

In addition, his son actually forged a report card and was scolded by his wife.

Holding her son's forged transcript in hand, an increasingly clear idea began to appear in Preuss's mind.

"Yes, since our current technology cannot achieve such performance."

"Then why don't I forge a performance test report?!" (End of Chapter)

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