A big country of aerospace with black technology.

Chapter 181 The pride of 3 million people!

600 years ago, Wan Hu, who was bound with dozens of rockets and tried to go into space, died at the end of his beloved rocket.

600 years later, the dream of thousands of households flying to the sky has finally come true in our generation!
"Manned spaceship, the orbit is running normally!"

Yang Hongwei in space is in much better condition than everyone imagined.

Through the personal health monitoring system integrated in the spacesuit, it can be seen that all functional indicators are in good condition.

"Report to the ground command center that the spacecraft is flying around the earth at a speed of 10 minutes!"

As the No.1 domestic space player, Yang Hongwei's good condition has given everyone a lot of confidence.

In fact, in previous lives, astronauts who had just entered space were not in such a good state.

The main reason is the rocket system, and the degree of integration between the various subsystems is not enough.

When the rocket was launched, the cabin where the astronauts were staying experienced strong vibrations, which caused a strong sense of discomfort to the astronauts aboard.

Only after the manned spacecraft enters space and enters a low-gravity state will it be much better.

In fact, it is normal to experience discomfort when riding a rocket for the first time and launching into space.

Even if you have gone through various trainings on the ground, you will still feel physical discomfort when the rocket's surging push is loaded on your body.

This point, even in the future with more advanced technology, there is no good way to solve it.

After all, it is impossible to overcome the gravity of the earth itself and enter space without a certain speed.

Unless the world can point out the technology of space elevator, but judging from the current materials science and engineering, it is impossible to point out the space elevator within 50 years without a miracle. This technology is necessary for space development. of.

Although they have just entered space, the astronauts still showed good qualities and started various tasks in an orderly manner according to the scheduled procedures.

"How does it feel to see Earth from space?"

After checking the flight parameters of the manned spacecraft, the ground control center breathed a sigh of relief and found that there were no problems. As the commander-in-chief, Zhao Tianming even had the time to ask a question that everyone was more concerned about, but in fact Issues that are not on the to-do list.

"Unprecedented spectacle!"

Yang Hongwei, who was floating in the orbital module, looked through the porthole of the manned spacecraft, and then transmitted his voice back to the ground.

From space, looking at the ground from a distance, the first thing that attracts attention is the cloud systems that are separated but seem to be connected.

When the manned spacecraft flies over the Pacific Ocean, you can even see the typhoon vortex that is slowly forming in the Pacific Ocean.

And when flying over the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, these mountains and rivers that could only be seen in full on topographic maps came into view so clearly for the first time.

Winding and twisting, it presents a several-shaped mother river on the northwest plateau, running through the great river in the middle of the country!

There are several large plains formed by the Dabie Mountains in the central and eastern parts of the country.

As well as the hometown that I have been dreaming of, even in space, the Northeast Plain attracts my attention.

Next to the blue-green bay, is my hometown.

In space, look in other directions and discover many beautiful scenery that you have never discovered before.

Even the continuous mountains in the southwest are unprecedentedly clear.

Vaguely, you can still see touches of white, some of which are white clouds, and some of which are the ice and snow that have not melted for many years on the peaks thousands of meters above sea level.

Only from space can we discover that there are so many mountains and rivers here.

Yang Hongwei slightly adjusted the position of the camera in the cabin, pointed the lens of the camera at this blue-and-white planet, and took his first photo after entering space!
The photo data is transmitted to the control center after being transcoded through the communication relay satellite in space and the receiving station on the ground.

A very special photo of the country is presented in front of everyone.

Although before this, most of us as aerospace workers have seen a few photos taken by satellites.

But this is the first time I have seen such photos of the country taken from a human perspective.

Even this photo, because of the photography equipment, the pixels are not particularly high.

But it still captures the magnificence of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

In the three domestic control centers, everyone admired the first photo taken by a Chinese from space.

"The shooting angle is not badly chosen."

Zhang Xingyang unconsciously touched the stubble he had just shaved off with his left hand and commented secretly in his heart.

A few minutes after the photo was sent back to the ground, someone completed some repairs and then sent it to the media who were still waiting.

Although it is almost lunch time, because the rocket launch day is Saturday, many families have been waiting in front of the TV all day, waiting to see news about the manned spacecraft.

After all, new media at this time has not yet developed the soil.

Everyone receives information, except newspapers and magazines with a certain lag, if you want to know all kinds of information at the first time, you can only rely on the TV.

On this day, at least tens of millions of people stayed in front of the television, waiting for the first-hand information sent back by astronauts from space.

Especially the audience who just watched the rocket launch and were aroused interest.

The first one to get the news was naturally Yang Ma.

The news channel broadcast almost no other news today, all related to manned spaceflight.

After receiving the transmitted space photos, the news program host introduced them to everyone with a little excitement.

"Dear audience, this is the first photo taken by our astronauts just now in space."

"We can see that this is a bird's-eye view of our country's territory."

"From the photos, we can see the Yangtze River and the Yellow River!"

For many people in front of the TV, this was the first time they saw the country they were in so clearly.

Before this, many people had no clear idea about this.

While most people on the ground were still looking at the photos, the astronauts in space had already started their next mission.

Yang Hongwei activated the recording function on the camera and started recording video.

Each hand held a small flag, the blue and white Union flag and the fiery red national flag.

"The peaceful use of space benefits all mankind!"

Yang Hongwei's determined voice was transmitted back to the ground from hundreds of kilometers away in space.

This is our good wish and our attitude on space development.

At this time, everyone still adopts the attitude of peaceful development to deal with possible space cooperation.

Of course, judging from the situation of future generations, it is only our good wish to develop space peacefully for the sake of all mankind.

After decades, space has quickly become an advantage that developed countries use to bully other countries.

However, everyone still holds such good wishes at this time, thinking that everyone can unite as one and go to the universe.The video was transmitted to the ground, disseminated by major TV stations, and naturally among the people, causing a large-scale discussion upsurge.

There are those who are happy and excited, and those who are contemptuous and disdainful.

"It would be great if we could all develop space together in the future!"

This is the view of the happy and excited.

"Yingjiang, what can you do more than 40 years ago? What's there to be proud of!"

This is the inner thought of those who despise and disdain.

But no matter what others think, they can't hide the fact.

That is, after this, there were only two countries in the world that independently mastered manned spaceflight technology, which increased to three.

Most people are still very proud of this, especially those related to aerospace, feel a strong sense of honor.

For example, a very special group is the family members of astronauts.

The first batch of astronauts, out of various considerations, selected people with families.

Not only is it considered that after performing space missions, it may have a certain impact on the astronauts' bodies, which may cause fertility problems.

Moreover, people with families generally have better psychological quality.

But now, these very special military wives are all very excited in the space base, watching the broadcast of the spacecraft. (The first batch of domestic astronauts all have military membership, so their family members are also military wives.)
But among these people, the most important figure is missing, that is the wife of the astronaut in space.

Let's adjust our line of sight to the ground flight control center thousands of kilometers away from the base.

Wearing a black uniform, Yang Hongwei's wife stood a little excitedly in front of the communication platform of the control center, ready to talk to her husband in the sky.

As a military wife, they were together when Yang Hongwei was a fighter pilot.

At that time, whenever Yang Hongwei took off in a fighter plane, she couldn't help worrying.

When her lover was selected to become an astronaut, this worry once subsided. After all, in her mind, there were so many astronauts in the first batch, and the chance of choosing her husband was not that high.

But after knowing that Yang Hongwei would be the first astronaut to fly into space, she still firmly supported it.

Fortunately, the most dangerous launch phase has passed.

"Hongwei, how does it feel in space?"

With a trembling voice, she asked her husband who was far away in space.

Yang Hongwei didn't know beforehand that his wife would be talking to him.

So when I first met my lover, I was a little surprised, but soon the feeling became warm.

"I feel great!"

Although they couldn't see their wife's face, the two could hear each other's concern from their voices.

As for Yang Hongwei's statement that it feels very good, it is true. The main reason is that in the microgravity environment of space, the human spine no longer has to bear the pressure of gravity and will feel much relieved.

"How does it feel to see Earth from space?"

The gentle woman asked with a smile after caring about her husband.

“The view is spectacular and beautiful!”

While Yang Hongwei was talking, he looked at the earth under the porthole of the manned spacecraft.

The speed of the spacecraft is very fast, and it can circle the earth in nine to ten minutes, so in his eyes, the scenery of the earth will hardly change.

Even those white clouds that move extremely fast above the ground seem to be like cotton nails nailed to the earth and ocean.

"We all saw the photo you sent back, it was beautiful!"

Yang Hongwei's wife said with some excitement:

"We are all proud of you and everyone is happy!"

At this time, she greeted a little boy next to her.

As the control center of manned spaceflight, children normally do not exist, but he is special.

He is Yang Hongwei's only son.

"Speak to Dad."

The little boy yelled into the microphone:


Yang Hongwei, who was far away in space, also happily replied when he heard his son's voice:


Everyone in the control center smiled and watched the warm scene in front of them.

After a brief exchange, the family members left the control center where various tasks still needed to be performed.

And Yang Hongwei, who was inside the manned spacecraft, also started his various tasks.

When the unmanned spacecraft was launched several times before, although it also carried a lot of scientific research instruments.

For example, last time, it was equipped with a space crystal growth furnace, a space cell fusion test bench, and so on.

However, these devices started to work under the action of the automatic control system at that time.

Not only can't respond on the spot, but also solve various problems that arise during the experiment at any time.

There is no way to design experiments on site based on the conditions in space.

Yang Hongwei skillfully opened the equipment carried on the spacecraft, including cosmic high-energy ray observation equipment, solar wind particle detector, solar ultraviolet spectrum monitor and so on.

Because the space of the manned spacecraft has increased a lot, it is equipped with more experimental equipment than in the previous life.

And the more important thing here is a set of space growth circulation system.

It is used in the microgravity environment of space to provide the necessary nutrients, air, sunlight and water for the growth of plants.

At present, this set can only allow small and medium-sized plants to grow.

But in fact, in the future, after such a system is expanded, it can be used as the necessary equipment for human beings to survive in the space city, the biological circulation system!
But now everyone is not aware of this and only regards it as part of the space biological experiment.

As China's first astronaut on-orbit activity, Yang Hongwei's time in orbit was not as long as six months when later space stations were built. His mission time was only 60 hours.

However, this still does not prevent the 13 billion people on the ground from being proud of these short three days!

From now on, Dragon Kingdom will quickly surpass other countries in the world in terms of spaceflight! (end of this chapter)

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