In CF, I actually turned into Xiaohong!

Chapter 242 The collapsed Thunder Tower

Chapter 242 The collapsed Thunder Tower
The Sky Spider's infection failed because the Sky Spider Knight used methods to expel the Terminator virus from its body.

But who can guarantee that the blitz organization really does not have similar means?

You can despise the enemy in everything, but you must never despise the enemy.

Otherwise, you won’t know when the car overturned.

There was a lively fight outside, but there was no idleness inside either.

Shen Lang and other Terminators stabilized their bodies inside the Evil Emperor Dragon Armored Beast while continuously injecting it with the Terminator virus.

But just when he thought he could hide in the belly of the Evil Emperor Dragon Armor Beast forever.

A sudden powerful force swept all the Terminators, including his biological matrix, out of the way.

As soon as he came out, Shen Lang saw an extremely horrifying scene.

I saw a huge Thunder Tower, and seawater was already seeping in!

Due to the terrifying battle between the furious Sky Spider Knight and the Evil Emperor Dragon Armored Beast, the Thunder Tower was unable to withstand the strong pressure of this man and one beast.

The aftermath of the battle hit the Thunder Tower, causing scars one after another that seemed like nothing, but actually hid huge hidden dangers.

These small scars, combined with the damage caused by the Destroyer's laser cannon, finally made them unable to hold up.

In this way, the outer protective layer of the Thunder Tower, used to balance the pressure in the deep sea, began to gradually collapse.

Gradually, start from the outer layer and extend to the inner layer.

Not long after, the entire Thunder Tower began to sound the pressure alarm continuously.

However, Professor S was helpless about all this.


From this moment on, this Thunder Tower research base can be said to be completely useless.

He could only give it up, even if he was very reluctant.

Fortunately, they have more than one organization for deep-sea research bases like Thunder Tower.

As for the biochemical behemoths like the Evil Emperor Dragon Armored Beast, they don't only have this one.

In the Thunder Tower, the Evil Emperor Dragon Armor Beast and the Sky Spider Knight are still fighting.

Professor S thought for a moment, stopped managing the matter, and directly chose to leave this place with his subordinates.

During the period when the Sky Spider Knight was in custody, the organization had obtained many experimental samples from the opponent's body.

With these samples, sooner or later they can create biochemical weapons that are as powerful as the Spider Knights, no, even more powerful than the Spider Knights today!

Meat Grinder is one of the successful individuals. Although the opponent is currently not as capable as the Sky Spider Knight, they have taken the first step towards success.

Rather than the uncontrollable Sky Spider Knights, what they need more is the controllable clone Sky Spider Knights.

As long as a complete clone of the Spider Knight is created, it means that they will be able to produce endless clones of the Spider Knight in the future!
Coupled with the upgraded Sky Spider mecha, once the Sky Spider Knights are born, the world will completely surrender to the organization!

Under the current circumstances, the value of the Sky Spider Knight is no longer very high.

The cost of conquering it is no longer directly proportional to the subsequent benefits brought by the other party.

Therefore, Professor S no longer thinks much about this matter.

Before leaving, he wanted to take the mysterious girl away with him, but he had just had this idea. The Sky Spider Knight on the other side seemed to be feeling something, staring in his direction.

Helplessly, in order to prevent this madman from fighting him to the death, Professor S could only give up the mysterious girl, a good experimental subject that he finally obtained again.

Fortunately, he had already collected enough experimental samples from the mysterious girl.

Even without the main body, thinking about it, it can support the completion of the experiment he has in mind.

that's it.

Professor S left the Thunder Tower on a deep-sea battleship that looked like a sophisticated version of the Saratan battleship and headed for other deep-sea experimental bases.As for the battle between the Sky Spider Knight and the Evil Emperor Dragon Armor, just wait until Doctor X arrives.

The Evil Emperor Dragon Armor only listens to Dr. X's words. When Dr.

As for the Sky Spider Knight, Dr.

Then it can only be reduced to an organizational experiment again.

It's just that if he is caught again, then from now on, there will be no possibility for the Sky Spider Knight to escape.

Professor S left, taking a group of his own people with him.

The crumbling Thunder Tower also contains many biochemically modified creatures, a huge number.

But Professor S didn't pay attention to all this at all.

They are just a bunch of beasts. If you want them, there are a lot of them in seed banks everywhere. The most indispensable thing in the organization is these things.

The Guardian Organization wants to clone a living body, which consumes extremely huge resources.

However, all of this has become an assembly line business for their blitz organization.

Especially after Dr.

Biochemically modified organisms are being hatched continuously.

And all they have to do is simply provide enough energy sources for the ancient giant lizards.

The poor defenders of the United Headquarters still don't know that their lives have entered a countdown.

Everyone is still fighting for a little bit of power and resources.

It's so ridiculous, so sad, and so ridiculous.

Thunder Tower was poured in by sea water, and the bottom layer was gradually soaked.

The pressure balancing system begins to fail.

The terrifying water pressure began to squeeze the entire Thunder Tower 360 degrees, and there were bursts of extremely terrifying squeaking sounds. It seemed that the entire Thunder Tower would be crushed by the pressure in the next second like an empty can.

Shen Lang, who had just come out and noticed this scene, felt his scalp numb and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He subconsciously looked at the system panel. It would take several minutes to transform the Thunder Tower's biochemical field, and it was impossible to complete it in a short time.

For a few minutes, it was deadly.

Looking at the current situation of the Thunder Tower, if it can hold on for two or three minutes, it is considered a mercy from God!

He couldn't understand at all how he could be so unlucky!

Just enter a void passage, and at the end of the void is the Thunder Tower.

This is not over yet.

When he first arrived at the Thunder Tower, the prelude hadn't started yet, and he hadn't even beaten a few mobs before the boss Sky Spider appeared directly in front of him.

Not finished yet.

Even if the Sky Spider appears, this thing is not that scary. Apart from its large size and enviable size of the prostate, it has no use at all.

Later, it was directly self-destructed.

Chun Chun just came out to show her face.

Thinking of Sky Spider.

Shen Lang subconsciously looked at the head of the Sky Spider, which was not completely dead.

Without thinking, he came directly to the opponent and injected the Terminator virus into the opponent before he was completely dead.

(End of this chapter)

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