In CF, I actually turned into Xiaohong!

Chapter 185 Failed to Conquer Giant Hammer Beast and Titan

Chapter 185 Failed to Conquer Giant Hammer Beast and Titan
Seeing that five giant hammer beasts and two ordinary titans were about to fight, Dr. Fontaine in the office was furious and kept ordering those guys to stop.

Luckily, the Titans were bound by the control chip, so they quickly recovered. They didn't care about the provocations of those stupid big guys, and returned to the team.

However, things didn't go so well for the giant hammer beast.

Although they are also restrained by control chips in their bodies, as mentioned before, they are irritable, warlike, and easy to get into trouble.

Therefore, even if there is a control chip, they must give them a good beating at this time and vent their anger before venting.

The control chip created using nano-spiker technology emits bursts of current and a series of other containment measures, allowing the giant hammer beast to feel maximum pain without being fatal.

Logically speaking, due to the instinct of pain, a creature will stop everything in such a situation, without exception.

However, the Giant Hammer Beast at this time happened to be that exception.

There are a few strong species, but they have the IQ of five-year-old children. Even if the control chip keeps stinging them, they have to fight those titans a few times to have a good time before talking.

Regarding this scene, Dr. Fontaine's face was extremely dark.

She didn't understand, and she couldn't understand it very much.

Why are the other biochemical behemoths becoming more and more obedient as the versions are updated from generation to generation.

Exactly!But this giant hammer beast is an exception!
Although the first-generation Heracross was not as powerful as the current versions of the giant hammer beast, its ability to obey orders was the highest among the versions.

Perhaps Heracross didn't listen to other people's orders very much, but he absolutely obeyed those orders given to her.

The second and third generation giant hammer beasts behind them also obeyed orders.

But starting from the fourth generation, one by one, it can be said that with a weight of one hundred catties, 50 catties are rebellious!Once it enters a state of rage, it will be even more rebellious!

If you don't let them vent, don't even think about them being obedient!

Just like now.

Looking at the five giant hammer beasts in the picture, Dr. Fontaine subconsciously looked at a device.

That device can control the nano-control chip in the giant hammer beast to self-destruct.

And once this button is pressed, it cannot be reversed. With the control chip starting the self-destruct program, the biochemical giant parasitized by it will also enter the countdown of life.

Once pressed, it cannot be undone.

She didn't really want to press this button unless she had to.

But now, in this situation, she had to make a decision.

Looking at the giant hammer beasts that were confronting the titans in the picture, because their movements were too large, they originally only wanted to provoke ordinary titans, but accidentally injured the two giant titans by mistake.

Ever since, the two giant titans joined the battle without any hesitation.

Originally, five against three was fine, as the giant hammer beast didn't feel any pressure yet.

Although the titans are strong, the individual strength of ordinary titans is actually not much stronger than these giant hammer beasts.

Among all Titan models, except for those prototype Titans that failed to be modified, ordinary Titans are the weakest, bar none.

But ordinary titans are ordinary titans, and giant titans are giant titans.

They are twice as tall as ordinary Titans, reaching over ten meters, and are equipped with giant anti-aircraft guns made of special materials by the blitz organization behind them.

After they joined the fight, the scene became even more chaotic.

Although the giant hammer beasts didn't want to provoke these two giant titans at first, but since they have already provoked them, they are not afraid.

A fight between biochemical behemoths is much bigger than a fight between human mercenaries.

Especially when the giant titans all make one shot.

The giant titan fired an anti-aircraft cannon, which made even the thick-skinned giant hammer beast extremely uncomfortable.

But their behavior undoubtedly aroused the emotions of these giant hammer beasts even more.

Seeing that the fight was getting more and more intense, Dr. Fontaine had no choice but to press the self-destruct button.

However, there was one person who moved faster than her.

The moment he saw the giant titans joining the battle, Shen Lang had already taken action.

These ten giant hammer beasts and titan biochemical giant beasts were encountered with great difficulty, but they were all his little treasures. If they died like this, where could he reason with them?

Although he was not sure whether the slave potion could work on these biochemical behemoths, he took it out immediately and tried to see if he could inject it into the bodies of giant hammer beasts and other biochemical behemoths.

The idea is good, but the reality is that the servant potion can't inject these giant hammer beasts at all.

Noticing this scene, Shen Lang frowned slightly, and could only find another way.

Immediately, he set his eyes on the drooping mouth of the giant hammer beast's big tongue.

After finding a good opportunity, he flew quickly and accurately threw five bottles of slave potion into the mouths of the five giant hammer beasts.

As for the other five titan biochemical behemoths, they didn't open their mouths, so he could only think of another way.

At the entrance of the servant potion, the giant hammer beast felt a foreign object in its mouth. Instead of instinctively spitting it out like most creatures, it bit down directly in a very abnormal way, and directly crushed the slave potion injection bottle like a hard candy!
Then, following its movements, most of the servant's liquid medicine contained in the injection bottle flowed into the throat, and the smaller half flowed out.

The giant hammer beast chewed the foreign object in its mouth with great relish. It even thought it was a bit delicious and wanted to eat dozens more kilograms.

Seeing these giant hammer beasts enjoying themselves so much, and seeing the system prompt that the slave potion could not take effect on the biochemical giant beasts, Shen Lang's face darkened.

You should have said earlier that it is ineffective against biochemical behemoths!Blind me five bottles of medicine!

The servant medicine can't take effect on these giant biochemical beasts, so he can only try to infect and assimilate them through infection.

If the method of infection and assimilation does not work, then he can only use strong means to directly suppress it with force!

After observing the battle just now, he has roughly come to a conclusion - these biochemical behemoths may be stronger than him in terms of strength, but in terms of overall combat power, he is stronger!

In this way, it is very simple for him to handle them.

And this is calculated without adding those buff potions.

After all, they are a group of modified monsters with no IQ. If the facilities cannot keep up, no matter how powerful the software is, it is impossible to fully exert its effect.

If you don't have enough IQ, giving him an artifact is not much different from giving him a stick.

Now that he has decided to use the Terminator virus to infect and assimilate him, he won't waste time whirling around.

The flying potion only lasts for 3 minutes. Before it expires, he still has to find a way to find the woman named Fontaine in Valkyrie!
Since the other party is a high-level member of the blitz organization, he definitely has a lot of information. In this case, he must capture him no matter what and make him one of his own!
(End of this chapter)

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