Soldier Assault: Rebirth Grassland Class Five Squad Leader

Chapter 698: Is it possible to drill wood to make fire?

Chapter 698: Is it possible to drill wood to make fire?

Ma Zhi said: "Although there were not many of them coming over at that time, I saw that their equipment was not bad, at least they were using 95, and it can be seen from their actions when they returned that they were better than you before." Those who have conducted drills and confrontations are not much worse when they first start up. It can even be said that if you meet them when you first get up, your chances of victory will be almost the same as if you meet you. Can you understand this?"

After listening to Ma Zhi's words, Qi Huan first thought about it seriously, and then asked Ma Zhi again: "Old squad leader, do you mean that this time the red side's combat effectiveness is equal to ours? "

Ma Zhishi responded: "Whether I can be as good as you, this cannot be simply concluded, but I am a person who pursues that is to never underestimate the opponent. I think at least for the one I have seen before Red side, for me, we must first treat it as the same level, or a higher level, only then will our error tolerance rate be lower!"

Qi Huan felt that what Ma Zhi said was very reasonable. In the past, their A-Brigade had always underestimated all their opponents, so that in the last exercise, their A-Brigade played the worst performance ever. An ideal battle situation.

After all, in the last performance, Team A's original plan was to have zero casualties, but because they underestimated their opponents, not only did they suffer casualties, but they also had several people captured.

It is understandable that there were casualties, but being captured was the first time in the history of their A-Brigade.

While Qi Huan was still thinking about Ma Zhi's words, Ma Zhi had already arrived.In the area where the largest number of members from A were resting, he looked at the people in front of him and said, "Don't rest, everyone. Aren't you still hungry? Why don't you hurry up and get something to eat."

This time Zhang Shihua was not taken away by Yuan Lang's name. After hearing Ma Zhi's words, he stood up from the crowd and said to Ma Zhi: "Captain Ma, we brought beef jerky when we came out. Do you want to eat it now?" , we don’t bring much.”

In fact, Ma Zhi knew that he had brought dry food for combat readiness, but the amount he brought was really very small. On average, each person only had 150 grams of beef jerky, which was too little and could not last for long.

Ma Zhi did not decide at the moment. He would use dry food for combat readiness now. He said: "You only know how to eat dry food for combat readiness. I really doubt whether your ability to survive in the wild is up to standard. What is the environment like now? Why don't you look for something else? .”

When Ma Zhi said this, all the members of Team A present understood what to do, and without Ma Zhi telling them anything, they all took action and scattered in search of food.

As soon as the man left, Ma Zhi planned to go out and look for some edible food, but at this time Qihuan stopped him, he said to Ma Zhi.

"Monitor Ma, that's not right. We were talking about the next step before, but you haven't even talked about it yet."

Ma Zhi looked at Qi Huan's serious look, sighed and said to him: "Old Qi, you didn't listen at all to what I just said. I said we need to fill our stomachs first. You still expect to fight when you are hungry, don’t be stunned, act quickly and find something to eat!”

Qi Huan didn't turn around for a while, he said: "No, can't we talk about the plan? You can go find it while eating."

Ma Zhi didn't want to waste any more time with Qi Huan, so he said to Qi Huan, "Forget it, I'll go if you don't want to. To be honest, I'm really worried that everyone can't find decent ingredients. I can't help it if I don't care about it."

After Ma Zhi said this, he left Qi Huan and left. He had no choice but to chase after him.Qi Huan wanted to continue to pester and ask more questions. Ma Zhi really didn't want to be pestered by him anymore, so he could only say to him: "Old Qi, the arrangement was wrong just now. I just wanted to let everyone go out to find ingredients." I forgot about it, I still have to ask everyone to find firewood, forget it, luckily I have you, if not you can help collect some ingredients, we can’t let everyone waste time for a while.”

Qi Huan saw that Ma Zhi really wanted to spend all his energy on eating, and it seemed that he could only return to this topic after the food was settled.

Qi Huan sighed: "Okay, then I'll collect firewood."

After Qi Huan left, Ma Zhi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he found a nearly withered banana tree and immediately ran towards the banana tree.

In the past hour, everyone finally came back, and what surprised Ma Zhi was that the people who went out to look for ingredients did not forget to bring back some wood. Maybe they also realized that just looking for ingredients was not enough. How to process stone if there is no wood.

In this regard, Ma Zhi has to say that the people in Team A are very thoughtful. If it were still the original Class 5, if Ma Zhi arranged to do something, the others would really just do as they were told, and they would never do it. Think of other things.

The members of Team A who came back naturally noticed the banana tree that Ma Zhi brought back. Of course, none of them regarded the banana tree as food, so it was unreasonable to use it as firewood. After all, the trunk of the banana tree was still If it's wet, it's impossible to start a fire.

Ma Zhi didn't pay attention to the ingredients brought back by the members of Team A at first, but looked at the firewood in front of Qi Huan. He stepped forward and took a closer look. Seeing that the firewood was very plentiful, he turned his head. He looked at Qi Huan and said.

"Old Qi, you brought these firewood back, so I'll leave it to you to make the fire. Don't tell me that you don't know how to make a fire. I know that the first subject of survival in the wild is to make a fire."

When Qi Huan heard Ma Zhi mentioning survival in the wild, he subconsciously thought that Ma Zhi was testing him. He is a person who will not admit defeat, so he said: "Isn't it just making a fire? What's so difficult? The skill of making a fire in the wild, I’m more than one.”

When Ma Zhi saw that Qi Huan was still serious, he wanted to be more serious with him depending on the situation. Naturally, he did not want to provoke him anymore. Ma Zhi arranged Qi Huan's life just to find something for him to do so that he would not have to pester him all the time.

He didn't expect that Qi Huan had misunderstood him, but he didn't ask, he just stood aside consciously and gave up his position.

Qi Huan squatted down and began to choose suitable wood. Oh, Zhang Shihua, who still did not change his appearance, came up. He handed Qi Huan a knife, and then asked Qi Huan.

"Which way of life are you going to use? Do you know how to drill wood to make fire? Do you want me to demonstrate it first?"

(End of this chapter)

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