Xu Sanduo's surprised expression looked so uncomfortable and annoying to Chengcai.

Chengcai even regretted that he shouldn't have found Xu Sanduo.

Obviously he came to Xu Sanduo just to talk about what was on his mind so that he could feel better mentally, but now it seems that the more he talks about it, the more he becomes more and more blocked in his heart.

Especially when he saw Xu Sanduo's eyes full of admiration when he heard what he said about Li Meng, he was even more unhappy.

So Chengcai asked Xu Sanduo unconvinced: "Can he pack a cigarette box a mile away? I can. Can he lie down in the stinking ditch for a whole day waiting for a target? I'll wait. He used rat meat as a festive dish. ? I eat. He..."

Chengcai seemed to be showing off his excellence, proving himself, and more like telling the injustice of heaven to him.

However, after Chengtai said so much, Xu Sanduo just looked at him and smiled bitterly. The accomplished man suddenly felt that there was no substantive significance for him to prove these things in front of Xu Sanduo.

Today's Xu Sanduo is no longer what he used to be. He is obviously stupid, but in everyone's eyes, he is indeed very good. This kind of excellence does not seem to be obtained by people like Cheng Cai.

If a good person performs well in the past, everyone will take it for granted, but if a very bad person suddenly becomes very good, it will be another kind of accident in the eyes of others.

As for Chengcai and Xu Sanduo, they happen to belong to these two categories of people.
Chengcai looked at Xu Sanduo's wry smile and suddenly felt very depressed. His voice became a little deeper and he said to Xu Sanduo: "I've been thinking about it these past few days. If only I were as down-to-earth as you, I would still be here in Q[-]." Lian, I don’t think about anything except my sniper rifle... Sanduo, it’s really tiring to think about those things every day.”

Xu Sanduo's heart suddenly tightened, and he stared blankly at Chengcai.

Chengcai was complaining to Xu Sanduo, but in Xu Sanduo's view, Chengcai was not the unfortunate one. In comparison, Qilian was the unlucky one. If he had stayed in Qilian, even now, I'm afraid he wouldn't be as well off. Where to go.

Now Seventh Company, adaptation is like a knife hanging over his head. All Seventh Company, these days, are waiting for that knife to fall. I really wait for the moment that knife falls, Seventh Company may not be there. It’s what everyone sees.

Maybe many people will leave. Xu Sanduo has been aware of this from the moment the monitor left, and now the Seventh Company adaptation has made Xu Sanduo even more aware of this.

Although Chengcai now wants to go to a place he doesn't want to go to, at least he already has some confidence in his heart. As for Seventh Company, even Xu Sanduo doesn't have any psychological confidence at all. He doesn't even have the confidence to go somewhere. Know where your future destination is.

Xu Sanduo did not tell Chengcai about the change in the curve. He felt that Xu Sanduo was already uncomfortable now and there was no need to stimulate him anymore.

This meal was not a happy one, because it was a farewell banquet, and Chengcai had specially waited for Xu Sanduo. In fact, his luggage had already been packed.

After the meal, Xu Sanduo personally sent him a message to Changchun. When the two were about to separate, Xu Sanduo spoke to Changchun in a sincere way.

"Growing up, Class 5 is really not what you imagined, and you are so good. No matter where you go, you will still be you. I believe that you will soon find the path you should take."

Chengcai smiled at this moment. No matter how sad and uncomfortable he was before, at least at this moment, he got the purpose of this trip to find Xu Sanduo, which was to get a word of comfort from Xu Sanduo and a word of comfort from a true friend.

Although this comfort came too late, it was still better than nothing at all.

Changchun smiled, he smiled very happily and arrogantly. He smiled and said to Xu Sanduo: "You idiot, you just said a human word, but I think you are very right. Who am I?" Yeah, I am the best soldier in the entire regiment." Seeing Cheng Cai, he smiled. Although he smiled arrogantly, Xu Sanduo was still happy for him, because Cheng Cai now no longer looked as sad as when he first met him. , so he also laughed.

Xu Sanduo smiled and said: "Growing up, just now you called me Xu Sanduo, now you call me San Duozi again!"

These words obviously had an air of complaint about Ke Chengcai, but they sounded so comfortable, so he smiled even happier. He smiled.

"Three idiots, three idiots, hey, I'll call you three idiots."

Chengcai didn't blame Xu Sanduo, nor did he keep a straight face. He just laughed with Chengcai.

After laughing, it was separation, a real separation. Chengcai became serious at this moment, and he said to Xu Sanduo seriously.

"Xu Sanduo, just wait for me. I will be back soon!"

Xu Sanduo nodded and said, "I believe it!"

Growing up waved his hand: "Okay, you three idiots, I'm leaving. I'll be fine, and you should be fine too. Let's just say goodbye."

Looking at Chengcai's leaving figure, Xu Sanduo waved to him and then said to his back.

"Growing up, if I have time in the future, I will go to Class 5 to see you!"

Chengcai waved his hand back without looking back. He never looked back, because he knew that although he was a little strong, he was often very fragile. As soon as he turned around, the strength he showed would be gone. Nothing left.

Watching Chengcai walking further and further away, Chengcai couldn't help but think of Class 5 again. When he left, he also told the people in Class 5 that if he remembered the time, he would go back and take a look.

But now, when he left, he once again said such words, but the reality is that he broke his promise. He once said he would go back, but he never went back.

As for what he just said to Chengcai, he doesn't know if he can still realize it, because Seventh Company is about to change. He doesn't know what will happen to Seventh Company after the change. As for where he will go in the future, he doesn't know either. , In fact, Xu Sanduo in this class seemed even more confused when B left.

Thinking of Class 5, he naturally also thought of the people in Class 5. From the information Chengcai gave him when he left, he knew that Li Meng was at the regiment headquarters, and that the regiment headquarters was not far away. He decided to go and find Li Meng. Meng, let’s find out what’s going on in Class 5.

When Xu Sanduo walked out of the editorial office of the Youth League newspaper, he became even more depressed. Lao Wei was gone. That was the information revealed to him by Chengcai, but Chengcai did not tell him that the squad leader and Lao Ma were also gone and went to Jili. Even Li Meng didn't know.

And Li Meng is still pursuing his literary dream, but he just pins it on that Mr. Zhang, and has a little more philistine.

At that moment, the Class [-] and [-] that Xu Sanduo was worried about had changed drastically. It was no longer the Class [-] and [-] in his mind. Except for Xue Lin, who had not left because of caution, Class [-] was completely broken up. It will never go back to the way it was before. .

(End of this chapter)

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