Chapter 603 Keep an eye on her!
"Old Ma, look at the one in front. Is it one of our people in disguise?"

Yuan Lang pointed at a woman passing by him and whispered to Ma Zhi.

Ma Zhi shook his head and responded to Yuan Lang: "Captain, that's not the case."

Yuan Lang said: "How can you be sure it's not the case? You said you should pay attention to details. I started to watch her carefully as she walked along. She was dodging. Moreover, she never spoke. I think that's it!"

Ma Zhi smiled and said to Yuan Lang: "Captain, if you think so, then go up and kick his ass."

Yuan Lang quickly shook his head and said: "That's not possible. If not, it will ruin the reputation of our army."

Ma Zhi said: "Captain, you just said you thought it was the case, why are you so timid now?"

Yuan Lang said unconvinced: "Why am I cowarded? Am I not 100% sure? Besides, you also said that he is not one of our people, right? I have to give you some face."

Ma Zhi then said: "Captain, I have told you before that we must pay attention to details. Look at her feet. At first glance, she is only size 37. Her feet are size 37. Whose feet do you think ours has?" Can it be that small?”

Yuan Lang was stunned and said: "Old Ma, your eyes are quite poisonous. It turns out that the details you mentioned also include these. This is indeed something I didn't expect."

Ma Zhidao: "Of course, captain, we have to identify whether they are our people in disguise. In fact, physical appearance characteristics can also give a basic indication, such as shoulder width, leg shape, and waist-hip circumference difference. These are all data that can be used as a reference. There are still very big differences between men and women in these aspects."

After listening to Ma Zhi's words, the railway man next to him smiled and said to Ma Zhi: "Captain Ma, it turns out that you also have research on this aspect!"

Ma Zhi was instantly embarrassed. He explained to the railway: "Captain, you have completely misunderstood. How could I study this aspect? This is just some common sense, common sense. I learned this common sense from books." What you read, yes, is what you read in books. Reading more books at ordinary times can actually be of great help to us."

Railway laughed at Ma Zhi's explanation. As for whether he believed Ma Zhi's explanation! , it's hard to say, but he agrees with Ma Zhi's words that reading more books is also beneficial.

Railroad pointed at a woman smoking a cigarette with her back leaning against a lamppost, and asked Ma Zhi: "Old Ma, which one do you think?"

Ma Zhi looked in the direction of the railway finger. He only glanced at it, and then said to the railway: "That's not true. The other party is skinny. Although our people are not fat, they are strong, so there is no need to do more. To tell the truth, the other party is definitely not."

After Ma Zhi finished speaking, he did not look away, but walked straight towards the other party.

Yuan Lang and Tie Tie, who were nearby, saw Ma Zhi's actions and couldn't understand what Ma Zhi was trying to do. Could it be that Ma Zhi had made a new discovery.

"Old Ma, didn't you tell me that the other party is not one of ours? You are walking over here..." Yuan Lang caught up with Ma Zhi and asked Ma Zhi in a low voice.

Ma Zhidao: "I went there just to confirm one thing."

Railway asked: "What are you trying to confirm?"

Ma Zhidao: "I'll talk to you later."

After Ma Zhi finished speaking, he left Tietie and Yuan Lang behind and walked straight towards the woman.Yuan Lang and Tie Tie did not catch up, but stood there and watched. They watched Ma Zhi and the woman pass side by side. There seemed to be no interaction between the two.

It didn't take long for Ma Zhi to circle back again. Yuan Lang and Tie Tie approached him curiously. Yuan Lang asked Ma Zhi in a low voice.

"Have you finished confirming it? Can you speak now?"

At this moment, Ma Ri turned his attention to the railway with a serious look, and then said seriously to the railway: "Captain, I found some problems, and now I need to contact the local JC. By the way, you live nearby. ………”

Railway shook his head and became serious. He asked Ma Zhi: "What happened? If there is any illegal or criminal matter, we can help solve it first!"

Ma Zhidao: "Captain, I suggest that there is still a place to deal with it."

After Ma Zhi finished speaking, he turned and swayed to the side, and then grabbed a tall woman. Then, without causing the tall woman to react, he said to the woman with a serious face.

"Did you see that smoking woman over there? Keep an eye on her!"

After Ma Zhi handed over the tall woman, he stood up and left. At the same time, he also said to Yuan Lang and Tiezi: "I'm going to call the police."

Yuan Lang and Tie Tie realized that Ma Zhi had discovered a serious problem. They were curious about what Ma Zhi had discovered. It was certain that it must be related to the smoking woman, but Ma Zhi did not know what it was. Inform them.

Although Yuan Lang and Railway wanted to catch Ma Zhi and ask questions carefully, Ma Zhi has now left them and ran away. Since there is no way to figure out the problem now, let's follow what Ma Zhi said just now and keep an eye on it first. That woman.

It was at this time that Yuan Lang and Tie Tie looked at the tall woman held by Ma Zhi and asked the other party.

"who are you?"

"Captain, it's me, Zhang Shihua!" the tall woman responded.

Hearing the tall woman's male voice in response, Yuan Lang and Tie Tie thought highly of Ma Zhi.

They didn't expect to find the disguised A-Brigade commandos operating in the busy neighborhood. The two of them had been searching for a long time, but they still hadn't found one. But Ma Zhi pulled it casually and found the right one. .

It turned out that Ke Ma Zhi proposed an assessment to Yuan Lang and Railway. The content of this assessment was the assessment of the makeup and camouflage skills that the commandos of Brigade A had just learned.

The content of the assessment is also very simple, that is, all the commandos of Group A move forward to disguise themselves, and then blend in.A night market in a small town near the film and television city, and then Railway and Yuan Lang, led by Ma Zhi, came to separate them.

For this assessment, the commandos of Team A are very concerned about it, so each of them works very hard when putting on makeup, striving to get a good result in this assessment.

Although this assessment did not propose any rewards or punishments, it was precisely because of the two previous attacks that these commandos desperately wanted to prove themselves. Therefore, even if there were no Reward, they are equally serious.

(End of this chapter)

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