Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 562: Expanding the Qin army! The legion exceeds million!

Chapter 562: Expanding the Qin army! The legion exceeds million!
"Da Qin, wins!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng waved his hand.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, the five marshals and many generals in the Lingxiao Palace suddenly showed excited expressions.

Just as the five marshals and many generals in the hall showed excited expressions, Ying Zheng also showed a heavy look at this moment: "Although we won this war!"

"But it has to be said that the Great Qin Empire also paid a very heavy price in this war."

Ying Zheng's eyes showed an unprecedented heaviness.

For Ying Zheng, although the Great Qin Empire indeed won the war, the price paid by the Great Qin Empire could definitely be considered painful.

The strength of Tianting and Lingshan is not weak.

Even though he seems to have defeated the Jade Emperor and Tathagata, the five legions of the Great Qin Empire can also completely crush the subordinates of Tianting and Lingshan.

But this is a serious war after all. Where can there be immortality in a war?

The price paid by the Qin Empire in this war is here, and casualties are inevitable.

But they finally won the war!
Facing Ying Zheng's words, the five marshals and many generals all showed heavy expressions.

Obviously, as the marshals of the five legions, they naturally know what the casualties of the soldiers among their five legions are.

Although it cannot be said to be a serious injury, it can definitely be regarded as a heavy casualty.

Facing this scene, they all naturally felt a deep heaviness.

Regarding the heaviness of the five marshals and many generals, Ying Zheng, who was sitting above the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, said seriously at this moment: "From now on, the Great Qin Empire must start to recuperate!"

"Century Plan!"

"This is a plan I made!"

"What the Qin Empire needs to do is to return to its former peak within these hundred years, and to become even more powerful at its former peak!"

"Can you do it?!"

I saw Ying Zheng speaking seriously.

Regarding what Ying Zheng said, the five marshals and many generals below just looked at each other. They all saw an unprecedented seriousness and excitement in each other's eyes.

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

For the five marshals and many generals at this moment, the current situation is completely obvious.

The strength possessed by their army became even greater.

As the top brass of the military, they would naturally be happy to see the military become stronger. It is impossible that they, as the top brass of the military, want to see their military become weaker, right?

That's impossible. If they really want the army to become weaker, I'm afraid the soldiers in the five legions will never let go of these generals.

When the five marshals and generals all showed a hint of excitement, Wang Jian, the military minister, said with a trace of inquiry in his eyes: "Your Majesty, are we going to expand the army next?" Wang Jian saw a look in his eyes. He spoke with a hint of inquiry.

Yes, in Wang Jian's view, there is no problem at all in restoring them to their former peak, but His Majesty said that what they need to do next is to make their army stronger. Doesn't this mean Do they need to expand their military?

So if we want to expand the army, how much should we expand?

In response to Wang Jian's inquiry, the other marshals and generals continued to look at their Majesty.

"How much will the army expand?"

"ten times!"

Ying Zheng said with seriousness in his eyes.

That's right, Ying Zheng is planning to directly change the army of the Great Qin Empire from tens of millions per legion to at least 100 million per legion in the future!

Today's Great Qin Empire has taken over all the Hua Qiangu and White Snake Worlds. At this time, the territory owned by the Great Qin Empire is no longer as simple as the Yanhuang World in the past.

The territory owned by the Great Qin Empire has been directly expanded from the original one to the current three. After all, the strength possessed by the Hua Qiangu World and the mainland of the Great Qin Empire are basically the same, not to mention the world possessed by the White Snake. .

The world in The Legend of White Snake is even more powerful than the Great Qin Empire itself. If it weren't for Ying Zheng who occupied the Hua Qian Bone World first, I'm afraid the Great Qin Empire would have been directly defeated by the entire Hua Qian Bone World. Annexation is not impossible.

But the Qin Empire finally won the war!
Now that the Great Qin Empire has won this war, the Great Qin Empire will naturally have to make good use of these two worlds.

First point, the army must expand well!

The current number of troops in the Great Qin Empire is only 50 million, and each legion has tens of millions of soldiers, but now it is completely insufficient in Ying Zheng's opinion.

The Great Qin Empire was founded by force. Military was a top priority in the Great Qin Empire. No one could reduce the strength of the army. Even he, the Emperor of Great Qin, would not do such an unwise thing.

After all, without a powerful army, how could the Great Qin Empire conquer world after world in all the worlds?
What Ying Zheng believes in is to rely on strong strength to solve one country after another. It may be easier to conquer the world than to defend it, but if you haven't conquered it, how can you defend it?
Only when this world is completely defeated can we talk about how to protect it.

The premise is that only after the world has been completely defeated can we discuss how to completely defend the world.

Therefore, the top priority is the army. Now it is obvious that we need to expand the army.

When Ying Zheng finished speaking, the five marshals and all the generals in the Lingxiao Palace showed excited expressions.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years!"

In the blink of an eye, excited shouts began to echo throughout the Lingxiao Palace.

As excited shouts began to echo throughout the Lingxiao Palace, Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, showed a satisfied smile.

"Great Qin Dynasty for ten thousand years!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand.


(End of this chapter)

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