village blind doctor

Chapter 101 Guess what happy event it is?

Chapter 101 Guess what happy event it is?
Hearing Lu Tian's words, Qu Dongmei's heart sank completely.

Just now she just suspected, how could a blind doctor see a doctor?
But seeing that Lu Tian didn't even look at it, and said that her father was not sick before he got close, she felt that this matter was hopeless.

Zhao Xiaojuan also felt weird at this time.

Based on her understanding of Lu Tian, ​​he would not draw any conclusions without complete assurance.

But at this time, he didn't even look at anyone, so he concluded that Father Qu was not sick?
You should at least check the pulse, look at the eyes and tongue!
Even I, who don't know medicine, know what to see, hear, ask and ask!
Zhao Xiaojuan thought so in her heart, but she looked embarrassed.

Of course, Lu Tian could also understand and guess what the two girls were thinking, so he went straight to the bedside.

Then she turned to Qu Dongmei and said, "Go and get a glass of cold water."

At this moment, Qu Dongmei was only concerned with sadness and despair, standing there stupidly as if she couldn't hear Lu Tian's words at all.

But at this time, Zhao Xiaojuan still reacted first, and immediately pushed Qu Dongmei's arm, and said, "Go and get a glass of cold water!"

Seeing that Qu Dongmei was still standing there in a daze, she continued: "At this point, don't hesitate, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!"

"Also, Dr. Lu is a well-known miracle doctor in our Tian'an Village. Since he came to our Tian'an Village, he has never missed a shot!"

Hearing this, Qu Dongmei regained her composure and hurriedly nodded to get water.

After getting the water back, Lu Tian took the glass and splashed it on Father Qu's face.

This move of his almost made the two women scream out.

Zhao Xiaojuan was dumbfounded, she often sees Dr. Lu for medical treatment, but she has never seen him so rude before!

Qu Dongmei was even more stunned at the moment.

This is not curing a disease, this is celebrating the Songkran Festival!

However, when the two women were in a daze, father Qu on the bed suddenly coughed violently.

Lu Tian hurriedly helped Qu's father up from the bed, and then slapped him on the back.

At this time, Qu Dongmei also stepped forward immediately, seeing that Qu's father was about to vomit, she hastily pulled some tissues.

In a few seconds, Qu's father spit out a few granular things from Zuicheng.

Qu Dongmei used a paper towel to touch the transparent granular things, completely dumbfounded.

He hasn't eaten for two days, so what is it that he vomited out?

At this time, Zhao Xiaojuan noticed that Qu's father's face turned from blue to reddish.

"Alive, alive! Dongmei, my dad is alive!"

Hearing this, Qu Dongmei wept with joy...

After half an hour, the room finally calmed down.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaojuan asked Lu Tian, ​​"Lu Tian, ​​what's going on, Uncle Qu?"

Lu Tian sighed slightly, and said, "Two days ago, someone fed him something that blocks the airway. This thing was the size of a grain of rice when it was fed."

But after something enters the esophagus, it will slowly expand and float up, automatically looking for the respiratory system.

So, two days ago, Father Qu suddenly fell into a coma due to respiratory convulsions.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, BM was used to make Father Qu look like a dead person.

Obviously, this was a premeditated incident.

Of course, the hospital's diagnosis results also need internal cooperation.

Combined with Lu Tian's simple interrogation of those two people just now, he can guess the general situation of the matter.

At this moment, he continued, "Zhu Liufu came up with this method of reselling human organs because he owed a huge gambling debt and couldn't repay it."

First, let them think that Qu's father is powerless to return to heaven, and then take advantage of Qu's father's usual practice of Buddhism, and let Qu Dongmei sign an organ donation agreement.

In fact, that agreement is a sale and purchase agreement!
After listening to Lu Tian's analysis, Qu Dongmei gritted her teeth with hatred.

The husband who usually looks like a dog is actually so cruel, designing and creating such a big conspiracy!
Under Zhao Xiaojuan's suggestion, Qu Dongmei decided to sue Zhu Liufu.

Just when the two were making up their minds, Zhao Xiaojuan's phone rang suddenly.

It was the Town Public Security Bureau who called.

The content is about the two people who broke into the house illegally just now, and what they confessed, which is the same as the result analyzed by Lu Tian.

Qu Dongmei was needed to cooperate with the police investigation. After hanging up the phone, Qu Dongmei planned to go to the police station.

Because Lu Tian brought Qu's father back to life, the Qu family's father and daughter were very grateful, and before leaving, they gave Lu Tian a string of Buddhist beads.

The Buddha beads had been in Qu's father's hands for decades, and they had a very nice luster.

Until he left Qu's house, Lu Tian kept playing with the string of Buddhist beads.

In fact, when he saw the string of Buddhist beads for the first time, a person came to his mind.

Just a few years ago, when he first joined the medical team of the Border Special Operations Group, the first person to receive him was a monk.

That person's legal name is Xuan Kong, five years older than Lu Tian, ​​but he looks very mature.

Xuan Kong gave Lu Tian a meeting gift, which was exactly the same string of grass beads Bodhi that Father Qu gave him.

In the Buddhist scriptures, there is a saying that there is a plant, a tree, and a bodhi. Every flower, every leaf, every grass, and every tree have their complete worlds, and human beings are just one of the living beings among all living beings in the vast world.

Of course, this is a state of mind and perception.

If the heart knows, it will understand, and if it understands, it will respect everything in the world.

However, in Lu Tian's eyes, this kind of thing is a kind of heat-clearing and detoxifying existence.

Back then, Lu Tian liked the bodhi string of grass beads very much, but he said he would carry it with him every day.

It's a pity that after that incident, the string of grass beads Bodhi was also lost.

Coincidentally, Lu Tian never saw Xuankong again.

At this moment, he held the string of beads in his hand, and the past was flashing through his mind, so he couldn't help but sighed softly.

Zhao Xiaojuan asked in confusion; "Lu Tian, ​​why are you sighing?"

Lu Tian came back to his senses and said, "Qu Dongmei's father has been practicing Buddhism for many years?"

Zhao Xiaojuan was startled, and said after a while: "How old is it?"

She thought that Lu Tian was asking him how many years Qufu had been practicing Buddhism, so she answered that.

Seeing that Lu Tian didn't say anything, he continued: "Lu Tian, ​​do you think Zhang Qiang can really come back to me?"

Hearing this, Lu Tian put the matter behind him and said, "Wait and see."

Such an ambiguous answer made Zhao Xiaojuan feel at a loss.

Back to Tian'an Village, it was already noon, and Han Han started preparing lunch at home at this time.

Seeing the two of them coming back, they immediately greeted them excitedly and said, "Oh, you're finally back!"

Seeing Han Han's excited face, Zhao Xiaojuan hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

Han Han said: "Wang Yi received a call today, what do you think is the happy event?"

Zhao Xiaojuan glanced at Lu Tian first, she really couldn't guess what surprise Wang Yi would bring them.

Seeing that Lu Tian didn't speak, she shook her head and said, "I can't guess, tell me!"

As soon as Han Han pursed his lips, his eyes fell on Lu Tian, ​​and he said, "Lu Tian, ​​guess what surprises do you think Wang Yi will bring us?"

(End of this chapter)

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