Chapter 894 Traffic Jam

and so!

Tao Lisu can only fight alone now!

She has lost the Tao family to be her back-up!

From the current point of view, it seems that Tao Baisha's side has more support from many people!

And Tao Lisu still hasn't understood why the leaders above want to hold him accountable!

She didn't even realize that Tao Baisha had already begun to attack her!

Let’s not talk about this yet!

Let's talk about Liu Yuejin and Hu Yong. After they got Tao Lun's answer, they were not happy!

If ordinary people heard what Tao Lun said, the two of them might think that the matter was stable!

But as the relevant leaders of Santa headquarters, they knew clearly that what Tao Lun meant by these words was to perfunctory him!

But they have already said that they can consider it, which means they have agreed to your request!

It also directly blocks what you want to say next, leaving you speechless!

This answer is fatal!

On the surface, it seems that your request has been resolved!

But it actually has no effect at all!

After you leave, Tao Lun will still have to do whatever he has to do!

And you can't do anything to him!

Unless it would directly affect his interests if he didn't change people, he would solve the problem immediately!

But Tao Lun also knew that this matter would not affect him at all!

When Santana entered the Central Plains, she had many connections in the country. Later, it was the Tao family who came forward to let Santana in!

Otherwise, now in 1995, everyone would still be driving domestically produced cars!

It’s even possible that the three major pieces were all made from tractors!

Of course, with the needs of the development of the times, some foreign products and technologies will definitely be introduced!

But it’s not necessarily you Santana by then!

So Santana is actually very grateful to the Tao family!

The management team can be replaced, but the people on Tao's side cannot be replaced!

In other words, Tao Lisu can be replaced, but only with someone from the Tao family!

So for Tao Lun, this actually has no impact on him!

Although Tao Lun also has a son and a daughter, he knows how important his children are to his daughters!

They can't compare with Tao Lisu!

Let alone Tao Baisha!

Therefore, Tao Lun felt that it would be better for his children to honestly take over the management of some small businesses!

As for Santana, it's best to let someone more capable do it!

Otherwise, it will be difficult to tell what kind of chaos it will cause!

Liu Yuejin and Hu Yong looked at each other!

He looked a little embarrassed!

After all, I came with everyone’s expectations this time!

The purpose is to get a satisfactory answer from the Tao family and go back!

As a result, we can only get an ambiguous answer now!

Do they need this?

They don't need it!

What is important is that Tao Lun can take action immediately!

"This..." Liu Yuejin hesitated to speak!

At this time, the role of Hu Yong is reflected!

Hu Yong said: "Mr. Tao, why don't you just call Tao Lisu back? You can send anyone from the Tao family there, as long as it's not Tao Lisu!"

Among the people who asked Tao Lisu to go, Tao Lun was also there!

After all, Tao Lisu is pretty good overall!

The image is great!

You can become the spokesperson of Santana directly!

Whenever she appears at an event, everyone will see her and upon further inquiry, they will find out that she is the domestic president of Santana!

You’ll understand as soon as you hear it!

When I see her again in the future, or when I see this name, she is the one that everyone thinks of!

So Tao Lun is quite supportive of Tao Lisu!

After all, Tao Lisu is from the Tao family!

As a result, Hu Yong was here directly telling Tao Lun to let her leave Santana?

Doesn’t this also deny Tao Lun?


Tao Baisha and Tao Lisu were fighting, and it was nothing but a life-and-death fight between them!

After all, they are all from the Tao family!

But now!

Hu Yong, this guy, didn't hold back his words, he actually directly said that he wanted Tao Lisu to dodge!

This is equivalent to the Tao family's affairs, Hu Yong, an outsider, came over to give advice!

So Tao Lun's expression suddenly changed!

He immediately looked at Hu Yong!

Liu Yuejin immediately felt something was wrong!

Hu Yong's reaction was a bit slow at first, but when he saw Tao Lun's expression, he knew that he had just said the wrong thing!

Then my mind started to work rapidly, and I started to make up for what I just said!

"Well, that's not what I meant. What I meant was that Miss Tao should come back first to report the situation to the Tao family. Well, she just came back to take a rest. It's nothing. I'm just caring about her..."

The more Hu Yong talked about it, he couldn't even believe the nonsense he had made up, and the more he spoke, the softer he became!

But the good thing is that Tao Lun didn't say much!

He retracted his body, and then said coldly to Liu Yuejin and Hu Yong: "You can go back and wait for the news now! I still have things to deal with!"

After saying that, he left!

Liu Yuejin and Hu Yong were left standing there stunned!

The two of them knew that this time they would definitely fail!

If Hu Yong hadn't talked nonsense, Tao Lun might have been able to take some practical actions just now in order to comfort the two of them!

But now that Hu Yong said this, it was reasonable at first, but now it has become unreasonable for them!

Tao Lun could just reject them!

So Liu Yuejin knew that coming here this time ended in failure!

As for Tao Baisha, his team has been formed!

Everyone is thinking about seeing benefits immediately!

So we were discussing in a meeting how to make Tao Lisu's team thunderous!

As long as there is a thunderstorm, Santana will definitely consider changing teams immediately!

Or urge the Tao family to replace Tao Lisu!

As for this position, currently, Tao Baisha is actually the most suitable!


What should I do to cause a thunderstorm?

"It's very simple. Buy popular newspapers and publish news about Santana's decline for a week!"

"Yeah, I don't believe this matter won't become a big deal by then?"

"Why don't you find someone to pick up Tao Lisu!"

"It's okay, Tao Lisu will feel very lonely and helpless at this time! Suddenly a man appears who can rely on her, I believe she will immediately throw herself into his arms! Then she will be distracted from work!"

"I support this!"

The method everyone is discussing now is still relatively conservative!

After all, everyone knows that that woman is Tao Lisu!

Behind her is the Tao family!

Although I also have Tao Baisha’s support here!

But we are a family, and you are just an outsider!

By then, the two brothers and sister have reconciled. If you, an outsider, come up with bad ideas here and the two brothers and sisters join forces to mess with you, you will be sad!

So everyone is not very open-minded!

Tao Baisha also heard everyone's restraint!

But he can understand it, after all, you are shouting and killing here, no matter what, you and Tao Lisu are both named Tao!

Others are outsiders! So it’s impossible for other people to just shout along with you!

But at least they all came up with good ideas!

It's just that after Tao Baisha analyzed it, he felt that these methods would take too long!

He does have a better idea!

So Tao Baisha said: "Everyone, please be quiet! I have an idea! But I need everyone's cooperation when the time comes!"

"What's the idea?"

"Master, just tell me!"

"Yes, we will try our best to cooperate with you however you need us to!"

As long as the idea comes from Tao Baisha, even if he is asked to set the fire, when the Tao family comes to investigate, he can throw the blame on Tao Baisha!

But if you come up with the idea yourself and then foolishly run to implement it, you are really stupid!

At that time, the Tao family will only be able to hold you accountable!

When the Tao family is angry, no matter how big your capital is, you will still tremble!

Tao Baisha felt happy when he heard that everyone was willing to cooperate!

So he said: "This method is actually very simple, as long as everyone has it!"

"I have received news that Tao Lisu will fly from Shanghai to Beijing for a meeting tomorrow!"

"She has already booked her flight tickets!"

"This meeting was originally decided to hold because of the decline in sales!"

"So time is tight!"

"This way, it also gives us a greater opportunity!"

"When Tao Lisu rushes to the airport tomorrow, we can create a big traffic jam!"

"Or it could be a car accident. Anyway, as long as Tao Lisu doesn't get to the airport!"

After hearing this, all the investment experts suddenly became enlightened!

It has to be Tao Baisha. Otherwise, why is he the smartest among the younger generation?

His method is really good. It can prevent Tao Lisu from going to meetings and leave her image of laziness to higher-level leaders!

Then you will feel that Tao Lisu is obviously wrong in this position!

They will consider replacing them!

And it can not hurt Tao Lisu!

Everyone will not be held accountable by the Tao family later!

So everyone nodded to express their agreement!

At this time, Tao Lisu foolishly thought that she had a way to solve it!

That night, she stayed up very late to catch up on materials!

The purpose is to rush to the airport tomorrow for the flight from Shanghai to Beijing!

Then hand this information over to higher-level leaders!

In Tao Lisu's consciousness, she rushed out now, then went to sleep, and then got up tomorrow and rushed to the airport to take off!

There is no such thing as traffic jam at this time!

All roads are smooth!

Therefore, there is no concept of traffic jam in Tao Lisu's consciousness!

I just feel that when I go out, I will definitely arrive at the airport on time!

Little did they know that Tao Baisha was arranging a big show for her!

That night!

Tao Lisu finally prepared the information!

On the second day!

Tao Lisu can still get up on time!

Then pack yourself up, and then ask someone to drive you to the airport!

On the way, she continued to look at the information in her hand, checking for possible errors and omissions!

At the same time, also write down the content on the information!

When she went to the capital, Tao Lisu had to speak out the contents of this document silently. If she read the document by herself and then explained it to the big leaders at the same time, the impression would not be very good!

"I've almost memorized it!" Tao Lisu put down the document, then rubbed her eyes, feeling a little sore!

"Are we almost here?" Tao Lisu asked the driver!

"Soon!" the driver replied!

Then Tao Lisu looked at the watch on her wrist!

The time is just right!


An accident happened at this time!

I saw more and more vehicles on the road!

Tao Lisu didn't notice anything at this time!

But there are indeed more cars!


The driver suddenly slammed on the brakes!

Tao Lisu suddenly rushed forward!

He almost hit the back of the seat in front of him!


Tao Lisu screamed, and then asked: "What's wrong? How do you drive?"

The first thing she thought was that the driver didn't know how to drive, or maybe he did it on purpose!

The driver is still very nervous at this time!

Because the car in front of him suddenly stopped suddenly, causing the driver to almost hit it!

This made the driver break out in a cold sweat!

This is the first time I have encountered this situation!

"There seems to be a car crash ahead, miss!" the driver said!

Tao Lisu looked forward and found that it was indeed the case!

There are two cars close to each other!

"Go around!" Tao Lisu said immediately!

Tao Lisu doesn't like watching this kind of excitement!

And she clearly knows she's in a hurry!

How could she go and watch at this time?

The driver received the order and immediately started to turn!

However, when he was about to turn out, a car suddenly rushed over from this direction and blocked the direction they were going out in!

Then a few people got off the car opposite and pretended to be watching the fun!

In fact, I was just acting for Tao Lisu!

The driver immediately backed up and then turned to the other side 1

But at this time!

Just like before, a car suddenly rushed out here!

These two cars immediately blocked Tao Lisu's way out!

Tao Lisu doesn't like to watch, but others love to watch!

And this is not a place with relatively empty mines on the ground!

It's on a bridge!

This means that it is impossible for other cars to drive!

It can only be that everyone is blocked on this bridge!

There were cars on both sides and cars in front and behind blocking them!

And further out, there are many cars blocked!

So it is simply possible to get off the car and adjust the car!

Unless you’re walking there!

But it only takes a few minutes to get to the airport from here if you drive!

But it would take several hours to walk there!

Highways are the shortest and best routes!

It would take several hours to walk there in this way, so it was impossible for Tao Lisu and the others to take a shortcut!

So when they got here, Tao Lisu and the others felt like they were trapped!

"What are you doing? Why are there so many cars?" Tao Lisu stretched her neck and looked out!

Want to see what the car that blocked you is?

However, when she got out of the car, what she saw was densely packed with cars front, back, left and right!

She had never seen so many cars at once in her life!

Even in the parking lot, we can see this grand scene!

But here, she actually saw it!

Moreover, this situation made it impossible for him to move forward!

"Driver, go down and coordinate and ask them to give way to us!" Tao Lisu said while sitting in the car!

(End of this chapter)

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