Chapter 878 Good Leadership

None of the bosses who had harmed him were caught!

Instead, several seemingly unrelated people were taken away!

Isn't this the higher-ups trying to fool people?

So the people became angry again!

They began to hold banners to demand justice, saying that profiteers would be punished!

Or just raise workers’ wages a little higher!

This matter has not stopped!

Instead, the commotion got bigger and bigger!

Because everyone feels that if they don’t take advantage of the current popularity to raise their salary, it will be difficult to have such an opportunity again in the future!

This time it is a conflict between workers and capitalists, not a problem with a certain boss or a certain leader!

The workers don’t need you to deal with anyone!

Because none of these benefits fall on oneself!

What they want is a salary increase so that they can fully enjoy the benefits.

Anyway, now the workers have started to make trouble!

Moreover, although people in the factory are still working, their work efficiency is no longer as good as before!

Although the bosses have tried every means to persuade the workers not to dream about raising wages, but to work hard is the way to go!

But the workers just feel that if they don't make a fuss, their wages will not only not rise, but may even fall!

This is not what they want to see!

So be sure to grab your chance!

And the bosses are naturally very worried!

Give them a salary increase out of nowhere, how is this possible?

Which boss would be so stupid as to give workers a free salary increase?

So as the quarrel continues, the conflict becomes more and more acute!

The people at the top feel that arresting people in this way does not seem to have any effect!

So what exactly is the problem?

What do these people want?

So the leaders started an in-depth visit!

"I don't know much, but I know that when I work, I am the hardest and most tired, but I get the least money!"

"I am a skilled worker. Although the salary seems quite high, for the skills I have mastered, the salary is still too low!"

"Everything costs money now, prices are rising, but if our wages don't rise, what will happen?"

"You are the leaders, you have to give us an explanation!"

"Shit, we don't want to argue, we want to raise wages!"

"Increase wages, increase wages, increase wages..."

After the leaders came down, the masses were very active in speaking!

I also made my demands clear and clear!

After the leaders collected the feedback information, they finally understood it!

The most fundamental reason why the workers are making such a fuss is that they work too hard!

Since they have worked so hard, give them more holidays!

So after many meetings and discussions, the leaders came to a decision, which was to increase the workers' lunch break from half an hour to one hour!

"it is good!"

"That's a good idea!"

"In this way, the workers will have more time to rest, and the workers will be more motivated to work after resting!"

"What a good decision. Why didn't I think of it?"

The relevant documents were formed immediately, and they were also red-headed documents!

I don’t know about other places, but the working hours in this province will start to be adjusted from now on!

Newspapers also began to publish the results of the leaders’ discussions!

Because there were announcements in the news a few days ago, people are still looking forward to it, because they have indeed been quiet for a day!

Then just wait and see if the leaders will raise everyone's salary?

When the newspaper came out, almost all the workers bought it!

In fact, it’s okay for two or ten people to read one newspaper!

But the workers felt that this should be a historic moment!

If we can really raise everyone's wages, it will cause a huge response not only at home, but also abroad!

It might even go down in history for this!

So everyone feels that today's newspaper must be very precious!

Buy a copy now and keep it in your collection!

Some people have more money, so they buy a few more copies!

The operators of major newspapers never dreamed that this newspaper would be sold out in an instant!

And people actually started calling back to say they wanted to print more copies!

There was no way, the newspaper company couldn't make money without making money, so they immediately asked the printing department to rush to work and continue to print tens of thousands more newspapers!

This phenomenon has made a lot of noise in the past two days!

The workers thought that since they had made such a big fuss, their superiors should have taken it seriously, right?

After all, so many people and such powerful forces put pressure on them, but it would be really unreasonable if they didn't express anything!

No matter how much you can increase, at least it should be an increase!

Isn't this a little higher than before?

So many workers opened the newspaper with great anticipation, wanting to see if the red-headed document issued above really asked entrepreneurs to raise wages for workers?

However, things backfired!

"Am I wrong?"

"Yes, I also suspect that it is wrong. Could it be that it was printed wrongly?"

"Why is the lunch break extended by one hour? There is no mention of a salary increase?"

"What a fucking extension, your start time has been moved forward by half an hour, and your off work time has been pushed back by half an hour! Inside and outside, we even put in half an hour backwards!"

"Oh no, not only did this not increase our wages, it actually reduced them!"

"Isn't that true? I worked half an hour more for no reason, but my salary didn't say it was going to go up!"


Someone started yelling!

There was such a big fuss before, and the leaders even came down to investigate!

Most people talk about wages!

Because it is related to their future income and is also a matter of personal interests, so workers and people all know that they must express their thoughts clearly at this time!

Moreover, those who have come down from the leadership, many workers, or people from all walks of life have raised their desire for a wage increase to the highest level!

And it was expressed clearly!

In the end, they actually pretended not to hear it!

He even "thoughtfully" increased everyone's lunch break to an hour!

If my mother could rest for half an hour more, many of them would become immortals!

The workers are angry and helpless now!

How dare you shout for a long time, but it doesn't work at all?

The leaders are looking at their masterpieces in the office!

"Xiao Liu, you see, the idea of ​​extending the lunch break is a very good idea!" A leader of the bureau who was in a bad mood was drinking hot tea and reading the newspaper with satisfaction and said with a smile!

The assistant named Xiao Liu next to him also responded: "That's because you are a good leader!"

This ass is well done!

The idea of ​​extending the noon time, advancing the work time, and then delaying the off work time was actually proposed by this leader!

He felt that only in this way, the workers could rest at noon, and they would not have any complaints!

Now that he looks at his work, he couldn't be happier!

"Hey, that's right, Xiao Liu!" The leader took a sip of tea and asked immediately as if he thought of something; "The workers should be very happy now, right?"

"I'll ask!"

Xiao Liu understood immediately!

The leader has created a masterpiece, and of course he wants to see the people's feedback immediately!

Whether it's good or bad, you have to show it to me, right?

Xiao Liu walked out immediately and saw some staff outside reading newspapers!

He walked over and asked one of the employees, "What do you think of this decision?"

This decision has not been announced yet which leader made it!

However, as employees, after spending some time in this kind of workplace, they have become very shrewd!

Although they don’t know which leader made such a decision, they also know that it must be a big leader!

Otherwise, how could it be adopted casually?

So you must be careful what you say!

Now the leader's assistant comes out and asks what do you think about this decision?

Obviously, smart people have already guessed who it is!

Even if you haven't guessed it, or you have heard it mentioned by a leader before, and even if you have some opinions about this leader, you should know at this time that you can't talk nonsense!

So the person who was asked said: "Very good. It can be seen that he has a complete and in-depth understanding of the real needs of the people, and he has actually provided benefits to the workers!"

Then Assistant Liu asked several other people!

Most of their answers are like this!

Assistant Liu then went back to report the situation to the leader with great satisfaction!

In fact, before Xiao Liu came back, the leader was already looking forward to good news!

He was even a little worried that the feedback from outside was not very good!

When he saw Xiao Liu coming back, the leader's heart suddenly lifted!

"How was it? What did they say?" the leader asked immediately!

"Very good, they all said this decision was really wise and powerful!" Xiao Liu said with a smile!

You can tell that his words are sincere!

The leader felt like he was flying after hearing this!

It seems that my decision is really useful and has really helped the working people!

It seems that in history, I should be the one to laugh!

The leader’s face is full of smiles!

And outside!

The people directly scolded the person who made this decision!


It’s no longer useful!

Because after a day of cooling-off period!

Many people no longer have the passion to continue making trouble!

And many bosses are trying their best to let this matter go without raising wages!

When the cooling-off period comes, the bosses start to have their own evil ideas!

If the decision is made to reduce your wages, then I will be kind and righteous and will not reduce them, but will keep them as they are!

But if it is a salary increase, then fine, as long as other bosses follow suit, I have no reason not to increase it!

I'll put the words here. Can you work with peace of mind now?

Well, from the perspective of the workers, there was a lot of trouble, and the leaders above also sent people down to investigate!

And they even made a special trip to visit the workers!

The workers also expressed their thoughts very clearly!

Then leaders should ask everyone to increase their wages!

Even if you don’t go up, you can’t go down, right?

So the workers listened to the boss and did not continue to make trouble, but continued to do their jobs!

In this way, everyone's passion will also stop at this time!

This is the moment when the leaders’ decision is announced!

People and workers were very angry and disappointed when they saw this decision!

Just a pity!

After a calm day, everyone was relieved!

In short, it will be difficult to get together again in the near future!

Then this is exactly what the capitalists want!

This group of people can't make trouble, so they can only work for themselves honestly!

Don't dream about raising your salary all day long. What's wrong with it?

Slowly, after two or three days, this matter quickly cooled down!

Even if someone mentions it, it won't make much of a splash!

The leader who said he wanted the workers to take an hour's break at noon was in a great mood!

He felt that he had finally done a good thing for the workers in his life, which was worthy of the country and the people!

Little did he know that by doing so, he was causing great harm to those workers in the company who could have had an hour and a half or even two hours of rest at noon!

Originally, they lived a working life from [-] to [-]!

As a result, as soon as this decision was made, the unit had to follow suit and shorten the lunch break to one hour!

In fact, the root cause of this error is that the leader did not really ask the workers at the bottom!

He just led a team to ask middle-level and even high-level workers what they thought!

Because he felt that everyone he asked was the same, so he shouldn't go to the bottom floor. The workers there were smelly and ugly, and going there would make him feel disgusted!

So I won’t go and ask!

And the feedback you get should actually be the same!

So why go?

Then after the interview, what the senior workers said was considered universal by the leaders!

Anyway, the hard-working people at the bottom of high school are all suffering the same hardship now!

So this is the situation now!

Chen An actually just wanted to make money quietly!

I don’t want to pay attention to these things!

But who knew that the workers outside were making such a big fuss, and that the leaders actually came down to ask about the situation!

It was just when Chen An saw that these leaders were holding a meeting in the square that the main workers themselves had spoken!

Or select some outstanding people from several companies and let them talk about the underlying situation!

So the information obtained is very incomplete!

But the leader didn't think that his collection was incomplete!

So this result came out!

However, Chen An felt that these leaders simply had nothing to do because they were full!

Such a stupid decision can actually be made!

Now there are actually reporters coming over to ask me what I think?

As for these reporters, Chen An had to accept their interviews!

Because if I didn't accept their interview, I don't know what they would write about Chen An?

"Everyone has returned to how they were before, which is actually pretty good. At least they haven't gotten any worse!" Chen An said!

(End of this chapter)

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