Chapter 119 Can’t bear to find fault with him
When the strong wind carrying yellow sand blows, the prey huddled in the chicken pen is indeed affected.

The tarpaulin and chicken pen had been blown away, but because there was a wall behind them, the wind could not take them away, and they remained in the front yard shrouded in yellow sand for the time being.

Wen Qizhou and the others waited for the wind to subside, put on goggles and masks, and walked to the front yard with flashlights to look for prey.

Wisps of white light passed through the yellow sand, guiding them towards the direction where the prey was hiding, and they walked forward step by step against the wind and sand.

The prey hid in the corner and shivered.

They were frightened, and when they saw humans approaching, they flapped their wings and ran all over the yard. It took a lot of effort for everyone to catch them back to the living room one after another.

"Two pheasants were stoned to death." Wen Qizhou put down the bloody pheasants and stood by the door stamping his feet, causing the yellow sand on his body to fall down.

The rest of the people also shook off the yellow sand on the ground.

Seeing that the tops of their hair and exposed skin were still covered with sand and dust, Ming Ming said: "Go and wash them quickly, don't let them fall into the bowl and eat a mouthful of sand later."

Xie Changxiao smiled: "Huangsha bibimbap is not bad." He clapped his arms and teased Xunsong: "Xunsong, do you want to try it?"

Xunsong: "..."

He is not a fool.

Xunsong hummed and pushed Xie Changxiao's legs towards the kitchen: "Hurry up and scoop out the water!"

There is a water tank in the kitchen.

They scooped a bucket of water one by one and carried the round bucket into the bathroom to clean. Wen Qizhou gave Ge Huai and Yan Shuo two sets of unworn clothes to avoid them having to walk next door again.

There was a sound of running water in the bathroom.

Chi Yue raised her wrist, her eyes fell on the dial on her wrist. Seeing that lunch time was approaching, she got up and walked into the kitchen, calling Ge Qinyao and Wen Yaxian to help her.

She put the chicken cut into pieces into a stainless steel round basin, added cooking wine and oyster sauce and marinated it for about 15 minutes. She poured peanut oil into the pot, stir-fried and sprinkled the onions, ginger and garlic prepared by Wen Yaxian, and then poured the chicken in. stir fry.

Until the color of the chicken turns white, add a little bean paste, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and white sugar, stir-fry until the flavor is absorbed, pour boiling warm water to cover the chicken, wait for five or six minutes, then pour in Ge Qinyao and cut it pot of potato cubes.

While it was simmering, she moved to another pot on the stove and stir-fried diced rabbit with fresh pepper.

"Qinyao, is the rice cooked?" She turned her head to look at Ge Qinyao while holding the spatula to stir-fry the diced rabbit.


"Then you ask Ge Huai to come over and make the rabbit head."

The rabbit head was taken care of by Wen Yaxian. After she came out of the pot, she gave Ge Huaiteng the chance to make the spicy rabbit head.

Not long after, three dishes were served.

The portions of roasted chicken with potatoes and diced rabbit with fresh pepper were enough to feed 11 of them, but the quantity of spicy rabbit heads was small.

"Try it quickly." Ge Huai thoughtfully cut six rabbit heads in half and asked each of them to take one half and taste it.

Except for Master Mingzhang and the Ge family brothers and sisters, the rest of them had never eaten rabbit heads. Under the urging of Ge Huai's eyes, they stretched out their chopsticks to pick up half of a rabbit head out of curiosity.

The rabbit head has less meat.

At Ge Huai's signal, they picked out the meat around the cheeks and put it into their mouths to taste it carefully.

The spicy yet sweet, sweet yet numbing taste instantly filled everyone's mouths. They chewed it twice with weird expressions on their faces, unable to say "delicious" against their will. "It's...cough, not bad." Yan Shuo choked on the pungent spicy taste, covered his lips and coughed twice.

Yun Qi concurred, "I think so too." He silently ate a piece of chicken to suppress the strange smell.

Ge Huai smiled with satisfaction.

His eyes moved and fell on other people, as if he would not give up without getting their evaluation.

"...There's a bit too much chili pepper." Chi Yue couldn't stop him and said, "It's not acceptable to people with light taste."

"Okay, then I'll do it less next time." Ge Huai accepted the suggestion humbly and then asked, "How do you feel?"

"Very good." With those eyes full of expectation, Xie Changxiao and others couldn't bear to find fault with him.

But he really has no talent.

In order to avoid wasting food and causing damage to their taste buds, they made up their minds not to let him show his hand again.

Ge Huai still didn't know how "hateful" their thoughts were, so he was immersed in the praise and eating his rice happily.

Just as he was racking his brains to think of new dishes and prepare surprises for them, there was a sudden knock on the door.

The sound of "knock knock" fell.

"Xiaowen, are you at home?"

"Here." Hearing Zheng Yuanyang's voice, Wen Qizhou put down his chopsticks, stood up, walked to the door, opened the door and invited him in.

Zheng Yuanyang's raincoat was stained with yellow sand.

He was worried that the yellow sand would fly to the dining table and had no intention of going inside. Wen Qizhou simply brought two low stools over and motioned for him to sit down and talk: "Brother Zheng, have you eaten?"

"Eat." He turned off the flashlight and put his hands on his knees: "I forgot to tell you before, sandstorms often occur in Honggou Village, and they last for a long time. Were you not scared just now? There is still enough food. Do you want to eat?”

"Enough to eat." Wen Qizhou held the kettle and poured him a glass of warm water: "We were indoors at the time and there was no danger. It's just that it was our first time to encounter a sandstorm and we were not used to it."

"It's normal. A Hui and I also slowly adapted after two or three attempts." Zheng Yuanyang took two sips of the steaming tea and patiently told them the precautions.

Honggou Village is close to the desert and is frequently harassed by sandstorms. He and Lu Hui, mother and son, have lived in the village for almost a year and have gradually figured out a way to deal with sandstorms.

He spoke in detail. After hearing Qizhou and the people sitting at the dining table, they all pricked up their ears and listened carefully to his experience.

"Brother Zheng." Chi Yue waited for him to finish and asked about the frequency of sandstorms: "How many sandstorms have there been this year?"

“That’s four times counting today.”

"How long did the first three times last?"

Zheng Yuanyang recalled carefully: "The first time was half a month, the second time was eight or nine days, and the third time was nearly four months."

"So long?"

"Well, I heard that one incident the year before last lasted for eight months. I don't know whether it's true or not."

He recalled the situation described by the Yang family, and suddenly thought of one thing: "By the way, have the Yang family looked for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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