At that time, she was a brothel girl who went shopping. She accidentally met her mother and told her what she had experienced over the years.

It turned out that those who kidnapped them that day were not bandits, but just a theater troupe.

Someone sent them a letter and asked them to kidnap the family in the wilderness. If you kidnap them, just leave.

The troupe knew exactly how much money, how many servants the family brought, and how old the master was. He struck quickly and ruthlessly, and left without a fight after he succeeded.

After the fake girl was snatched away, life was naturally difficult, and the men in the troupe took turns to get her. The class leader originally wanted to let her sing in an opera, but she was no longer suitable to open her voice at her age. After several attempts to train her, she was sold directly to a brothel.

Because she had thin skin and tender flesh, the old madam didn't care how the other party got this girl. It looked like she was not a perfect woman, and she had nothing valuable, so she took money to kill her.

The other party knew so clearly that it must be the Qiao family, the enemy of this fake girl. After thinking about it, he knew that it was Qiao Sulan's handiwork.

Qiao Sulan is thoughtful and has dealt with low-class people, so she knows some of their jargon. Moreover, if she can go to the Yamen to sue someone and have the guts to make a right decision, then it must be her.

Mrs. Yao had already suffered losses from the Yamen, but this time she learned the lesson wisely and went all the way back to Taoyuan County and begged the Ge Wen Mansion.

No matter what, since Mr. Yao has come to complain, Miss Qiao must be called in for questioning.

After Miss Qiao came in, she had already learned the whole story from the official's mouth, but she didn't even look at Yao after she came in. She kowtowed to Ge Wenfu in a polite manner, "The daughter of the people has been wronged."

"Bah, you bitch, you are cruel and ruthless. You are just jealous that we treat your sister well, so you kill her!" Yao cursed. When he got angry, he struggled to pounce on Qiao Sulan. "Bitch, you've made your sister suffer so much!"

The officials wanted to stop the Yao family immediately. In the high hall, Ge Wen's mansion banged the gavel tree heavily, "Quiet!"

Qiao Sulan knelt in accordance with the rules. She kowtowed heavily and said, "Sir, Mrs. Qiao seems to have no evidence. If anyone can make false accusations against others, how can we talk about following the laws of the country? Please make the decision for the daughter of the people."

Some newcomers didn't know what was going on, and whispered that it was not appropriate for Qiao Sulan to call her biological mother that way.

Some neighbors who knew the whole story casually explained what disgusting things the Qiao family had done in those years.

"God is watching what you do, you will be punished!" Yao couldn't hit Qiao Sulan, so he could only live with his mouth.

Qiao Sulan smiled bitterly, "Retribution? It's probably retribution. I don't know what sins I did in my previous life, but I will end up with parents like you in this life!"

It was also said that Qiao Sulan was dealing with the lower class. That was not because she was teased by the nanny. Not only did she work since she was a child, but when she got older, she was sold to a nanny, where she was teased hard.

Qiao Sulan put her trembling hands on the cuffs, revealing an arm with criss-crossing scars, "Mrs. Qiao, let me ask you the truth, what kind of intention do you have to expose my scars?"

Qiao Sulan wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, "You left me here alone, have you ever thought about how I would live? Mother, you have never regarded me as your daughter. If you do, you are all evil in your hearts!”

Yao took a sip and said, "You fart, it's because you are jealous of your sister who has repeatedly framed your sister. We can't discipline you, so we took your sister away. But despite this, we left a place in Qiao's yard for you!" "

After hearing Yao's words, Qiao Sulan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, "Look, this is the kindest daughter in your mouth."

I didn't see any house at all.

When the Qiao family's parents left, the fake girl had already pawned the land deed and left. They saw that Qiao Sulan was pitiful, so they kept letting Qiao Sulan live there. Over the years, Qiao Sulan made money from doing business. Although the house was redeemed, the documents were all there at that time. If you are interested, you can find them. The Ge Wen Mansion immediately called the pawnshop owner to come and check the accounts on the spot. It was indeed as Qiao Sulan said.

There are two courtyards in the Qiao family, and both of them have been pawned by the fake girl.

Qiao Sulan has no place to live and no money. How can she have the opportunity to commit evil?

Moreover, according to the shopkeeper, after Qiao's parents left, Qiao Sulan could only take shelter under the eaves of the door. She shivered from the cold several times when he saw her, which made the other party feel compassionate and lost a yard.

In other words, Qiao Sulan was poor and did not have the ability or time to collude with the robbers.

Yao was dumbfounded when she saw this scene, "How is that possible?" Her daughter would never lie to her.

However, the black and white information about the pawn shop cannot be deceived.

"Sir, Miss Qiao is kind-hearted and will never be such a heinous person." People watching the excitement outside also interceded for Qiao Sulan.

Over the years, Qiao Sulan has made money with her flexible mind and diligent hands and feet. However, he often does good things. It's not a secret that Qiao Sulan regularly sends money to the Yamen.

Moreover, during the flood the year before last, everyone saw with their own eyes that Qiao Sulan saved a child from her hometown regardless of her own danger.

In everyone's hearts, Qiao Sulan is the living Bodhisattva.

Others speculated that maybe the fake girl was evil-minded and didn't want to make others feel better when she was in trouble.

"Impossible, impossible. You are all accomplices, all accomplices!" Yao couldn't bear it for a moment and started talking nonsense.

When Yao came here, except for the fact that the petition he handed in was normal, the rest of the crazy people had nothing to say to his ears.

There was no evidence at all, especially now that there was more evidence of Qiao Sulan's innocence, the Ge Wen Mansion had to release Qiao Sulan on the spot.

As soon as Qiao Sulan went out, the people gathered around her to comfort her, especially the newlyweds who shed tears. They probably feel the same way, and it is their children who are the ones doing the wrong when they meet parents who are biased.

Yao didn't know what those people said that stung her. Yao, who had just left the Yamen, pounced on Qiao Sulan again.

Just because there were so many people in between, she didn't knock Qiao Sulan down, but the big man caught several of them.

People are not used to Yao. You beat people for no reason outside the Yamen. Is that okay? Just in time, before she could get far, she was dragged back by the officials.

Qiao Sulan looked back at Yao family outside the Yamen. At that moment, Ge Wenfu caught it with indifference and boredom.

Ge Wenfu is a very serious person. He originally planned to submit an invitation to go back to Beijing, but it was shelved.

He took the complaint handed over by Mr. Yao and the so-called evidence and looked at it carefully.

"Master, this matter has been made clear. What's there to see?" The boy couldn't help but muttered beside him.

I have finished writing all my manuscripts, and I will probably finish them all by the weekend~~

It’s time to look for poetry. Let’s find out what the names of the male and female protagonists of the new book are good~~~

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