The impact caused severe bleeding, which shows that a lot of force was used.

A pregnant person touches herself, how could she touch it like this?
However, although there must be someone doing harm over there, it still serves as a reminder to Lian Ruzhi that he should be more careful at home.

Since there was something hidden, An Hongshao also became interested, "Is this caused by the family? Or is it someone else?"

With a large family, it is rare for people to have intrigues.

Lian Ruqi shook his head, "There is no conclusion yet."

The incident happened suddenly and has not been found out yet.

However, after Pang Wen left Beijing, Feng Ge became so angry that he had a pile of dung piled outside Pang's house that day.

An Hongshao was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Is this fight so blatant?

Shouldn't it be done in private and until death?

However, An Hongshao started to groan again when he thought of the appearance of the excrement.

Lian Ruqi quickly brought the wooden basin to serve. An Hongshao groaned a few times, her eyes filled with mist. She waved her hand to signal Lian Ruqi to stay by her side.

Just as Lian came back with the pastries as scheduled, An Hongshao immediately put a piece into his mouth.

I have to say that the food in the palace is indeed good. It tastes sour and sweet in your mouth, but it refreshes your mind.

An Hongshao looked at the rest next to him and couldn't see what it was made of.

According to custom, even though the items were small, An Hongshao would still divide them into three parts, and both mothers would send some over to try.

Lian Ruzhi twitched his lips. Naturally, he hoped that An Hongshao would eat more for himself, but his mother didn't care. The problem was that An Hongshao had to share a share with his mother-in-law, so it would be hard for him to talk to his son-in-law.

It seems like he cares about this thing so much that he is reluctant to let his mother-in-law eat it.

I'm just weighing it, and if I have a chance next time, I'll take more.

The rain has no intention of stopping yet. It seems to be getting worse and worse. The footsteps of people delivering messages below are all buried in the heavy rain.

The door opened, and the wind blew some rain in. When Holly got the news, she quickly closed the door, hurried in, and reported in a low voice.

It was said that Pan's mother saw her outside.

Originally she went to the An family, but since Li was not in the house, she couldn't see anyone at all, so she had to come to the Lian family.

It was raining heavily today and it was difficult to walk on the road. Pan Zeyu would naturally be late when he came back from his errands, so Pan's mother took advantage of this moment and ran out.

She knew exactly who made her son's career go wrong.

I thought, take advantage of the heavy rain to fight with her old bones, if even her family agrees, that's it. If not, I will take advantage of the rain to kill this old bones and pave the way for my son.

Lian Ruqi still held the scissors in his hand. After hearing this, he immediately put the scissors aside heavily.

"I've been so busy these past few days that I didn't have time to take care of them, so I climbed up on the pole and came to me. Tell Lu You, and you can send them to the official!" I still want to die outside the door of Shangshu Mansion, and I don't think about her enough. Not qualified.

If you don’t want to live anymore, then die in prison!

He wanted to see if Pan Tanhua would bow his head and beg for mercy when he learned that his mother was imprisoned.
When the time comes, Pan Tanhua's self-esteem will indeed be severely trampled on.

What are you thinking about making yourself sick?
An Hongshao stood up and held Lian Ruqi's hand, "Commander of the Imperial Court, I, a housewife, can't do anything about him, but I can still take care of others."

Lian Ruqi slowly raised his head, looked at An Hongshao's serious face, and the haze in his brows dissipated, and then chuckled, "Sit down and rest, what are you doing with this effort?"

An Hongshao shook his head, "I have a solution, you don't have to worry about it."

Lian Ruqi stood up and hugged the person in his arms, "I said it will be over. Don't worry about it." However, An Hongshao insisted on taking matters into his own hands, and Lian Ruqi did not stop him.

There were unscrupulous people making trouble at the door of Shangshu Mansion. It was really a trivial matter. They were brought to the government. Not to mention that no one outside noticed it because of the heavy rain today, even the family members were not disturbed.

Pan's mother thought that all places were just like An's house where she could make trouble at will. In Lian's house, even if she killed people on the street, she deserved it.

After being sent to the government, it would be fine if Pan's mother was honest. If she was dishonest, then if the Lian family targeted Pan Tanhua, the people below would be able to silence her.

If you have evidence, you can report it to the Lian family. If you don't have evidence and bite people with red lips and white teeth, the Yamen does not need to report it to the Yamen, and they can be dealt with directly in prison.

Who would give her the face to frame a high official in the imperial court?

What about Pan Tanhua's mother? She had no royal title. Besides, once Pan Tanhua became the co-lover and had no real power in his hands, who would take it seriously?
The facts are before our eyes. Even though Pan Zeyu is the top pick in high school, there is still a huge difference between him and the Lian family.

In the evening, Lian came back earlier as scheduled and left early the next day. When An Hongshao got up and wanted to relieve himself, Lian had already left as scheduled.

As Lian Ruqi said himself, he was too busy to keep his hands free. He was really busy.

For those little people, it is really impossible to take action against them.

After all, it’s hot today, and it’s more comfortable when it rains. When the sun comes out the next day, I feel that this day is even hotter than the previous two days. The water vapor from below is rising, and people are being steamed above like steamed buns.

Dongqing brought more ice cubes this morning.

The pastries that were not finished yesterday were placed in the ice cellar. An Hongshao was vomiting early in the morning and did not want to eat, so he just used the pastries to cushion his stomach.

With just a few pastries, Dongqing was worried that An Hongshao would eat too much and get a cold stomach, so she looked at them eagerly, making An Hongshao feel guilty for eating alone.

An Hongshao put down the cake, "I'll drink porridge, I'll drink porridge, right?"

She can't smell anything smelly, so eating some plain porridge is the safest way.

However, the white porridge was bland, so An Hongshao begged Dongqing and added a few pickles.

She can't eat anything that tastes strong now, but she can't eat anything that is bland either.

After forcing herself to drink a bowl of porridge, An Hongshao waved her hand and hurriedly asked Dongqing to take it down without wanting to take another look.

Pulling the basin of ice cubes towards him, he felt more comfortable, took care of the general affairs, and asked Dongqing to send a message to the shop.

Pan Zeyu's former boss had caused them to lose money before, but in the end the shop compromised, at least on the surface they had an extra friend with whom they could talk.

Asking the shopkeeper to find an excuse to visit his home, he only revealed that Pan Zeyu's mother seemed to be crazy and was sent to the government office.

There is always an evil side to human nature, and Pan Zeyu's quarrel with his former employer was ugly.Pan Zeyu, the top pick in high school, must also know about it.

The people who once prostrated at their feet are now standing high above them. They must be unhappy, and they are still celebrating the holidays, and they may be worried about being retaliated against.

The people can never defeat the officials.

But what if someone told them that Pan Zeyu couldn't stand up?

A merchant would definitely not know what kind of job Pan Tanhua had, but they should have heard about it when Zhengbapin Xielulang came out.

After all, it is still a thing to serve people.

It's impossible for that merchant to take no action.

The old employer might have some kind of handle on Pan Zeyu, so naturally someone would take care of Pan's mother in the Yamen.

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