Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 359 Something happened in Beitian

In the end, Qiao Xi took out the things. As for what Qiao Xi would do with it in the end, it was up to the Ding brothers to decide.

After finding the golden wood, it also means that they have to return.

They went back to the desert city and saw Ding Da who was still lying on the bed.

Ding Da, who was tortured by the dark energy, was as thin as skin and bones. After taking the medicine to ensure that there were no other side effects, Lu Yun left some medicine before preparing to leave.

But before that, Lu Yun extended an invitation to Ding Wu.

With his talent, it would be a pity not to become a swordsman.

"hold on."

Ding Wu was moved, especially after seeing the performance of Lu Yun and Meng Lin, he knew that the disciples trained by the sect were not comparable to wild cultivators like them.

His older siblings also support him.

But he wanted to wait until the situation in Desert City calmed down and his brother and sister recovered before he set off.

Lu Yun didn't force it. He left a souvenir that could be used to prove his identity and set off.

Not only them, but the other teams' tasks have also made progress one after another. Lu Yun has been keeping in touch with Wen Ruyu.

On the way to the Hidden Sword Sect, which was only one day away, on the treasure ship, Lu Yun rubbed the jade communication slip in her hand, her eyebrows deep in thought.

"what happened?"

Meng Lin asked, his junior sister had been frowning since yesterday.

"I can't contact Wen Ruyu, nor can I get in touch with Senior Brother."

These two people, one responsible for exploring the position and the other responsible for finding materials, went to the most chaotic northern sky.

There had been correspondence before, and yesterday was the day they should have communicated with each other, but the messages she sent were ignored, and there has been no response until now.

This is true for both of them.

This made Lu Yun have to wonder if there was something wrong there.

Lu Yun didn't know anything about the situation in Beitian, but the good and evil sides were arguing endlessly, especially those demonic cultivators, who had long since broken away from the control of the five demonic sects, formed their own sect, and acted on their own terms.

Regarding the formation, the demon cultivators also knew about it, but no one was sure whether they would cooperate.

She was afraid something would happen over there.

There is no news from Yuntian who is currently in charge of the sect. She has also asked people from the Shenzhen Sect, but she has also lost contact with Wen Ruyu.

"Since you are worried, do you want to change the route and go take a look?"

Their mission here was completed, and the things were brought back by the people from Linlang Pavilion. They were supposed to go back to the Hidden Sword Sect for business.

Meng Lin was also worried about those two people and simply suggested.


Lu Yun thought about it and agreed.

It was decided that the twins also supported it and even lent their treasure ship.

After putting down the people from Linlang Pavilion, they sailed the treasure ship to the north.

The treasure ship was sailing at high altitude and at high speed. Lu Yun did not meditate and rest, but kept trying to contact the other side.

The moment she stepped into Beitian's chassis, she received a message that Fu Xiu from Fu Xianmen had met him in Shuiyunjian.

Over the years, we have contacted each other occasionally, and the other party is very good at playing talismans.

In this operation of the Nine Sects, many disciples from medium-sized sects were also dispatched to help. Fu Xian Sect was one of them, and Fu Xiu happened to be assigned to Beitian.

Speaking of which, Fu Xiu and Wen Ruyu had also met before, so they acted together after meeting.

Lu Yun had been informed about this matter. After losing the news of Wen Ruyu, she also contacted Fu Xiu, but also received no response.

I didn't expect that the other party would send a message now.

The northern sky has been covered by wars all year round. The monks' wars are enough to move mountains and seas. Many mountains and rivers have been flattened, and some places are pitted and even formed into basins.

Apart from the impact of the war, the landscape here is full of traces of artificial excavation, which is mixed with the natural existence, which is a unique experience.When Lu Yun found Fu Xiu, he was still lying on the boat with a pale face.

When he saw Lu Yun, his eyes lit up and he struggled to get up, but Lu Yun held him down.

"what happened?"

The messages from Fu Xiu on the communication jade pendant were intermittent. As soon as she arrived, she heard that Fu Xiu had just woken up from a coma.

He pressed his fingers on the opponent's pulse. He was extremely weak and looked like he was seriously injured.

"It was done by those demon cultivators in Beitian."

Fu Xiu coughed and her face turned red, but she still pulled Lu Yun, her eyes filled with the morning light of hope.

"Ayun, you have to save them."

Fu Xiu waited until the cough subsided before telling Lu Yun what had happened in the past few days.

Almost when Lu Yun returned after finding the golden wood, their survey of the formation area was almost completed.

Next, Wen Ruyu is needed to set up the position and wait for the materials to be delivered.

Before this, Beitian's Jiuzong and those demon cultivators had discussed that the fight could continue, but the arrangement of the formation could not be affected.

After all, this formation is related to the future of the entire world of cultivation. Even these rebellious demon cultivators are also part of the world of cultivation. From this perspective, the positions of both parties are consistent.

The other party agreed happily.

They were very cooperative at first. Wherever Wen Ruyu and others went, the demon cultivators even took the initiative to evacuate.

Of course, they were not stupid enough to believe those people, so they always kept people around to be on guard.

Ji Hongxi, who was also looking for materials in Beitian, had smooth sailing. After finding something, he was ready to meet here.

Letting Ji Hongxi and others come here is also to strengthen the combat power here.

A powerful swordsman is full of intimidation wherever he goes.

The two parties met successfully.

The day after they met, their stronghold was attacked by those demonic cultivators.

The sneak attack came suddenly, and their defenses seemed to have no effect at all, and they were easily broken through by those demonic cultivators.

There are ghosts.

They were clearly aware of this at the time.

When the word "ghost" came up, Lu Yun clearly felt that Fu Xiu's mood was not right. Lu Yun did not interrupt, but listened to what the other party said.

Because of the appearance of the inner ghost, those demon cultivators caught them off guard.

And the target of the demon cultivator is also very clear, which is Wen Ruyu.

As the core of the formation, Wen Ruyu must be protected with all their strength, but after being stabbed in the back by the mole, their resistance was too hasty and weak.

Caught off guard, those demon cultivators succeeded after all.

"There is a very powerful person among the demon cultivators. Once that person appears, Senior Brother Ji is no match for him."

Fu Xiu recalled the scene that day, with residual horror in her pupils.

Once that person took action, the people on their side couldn't resist at all.

Fortunately, the man just wanted to arrest people and leave, so he evacuated after catching Wen Ruyu, so there were not many casualties on their side.

As for Fu Xiu, he was also injured by the other party.

Before he fell into coma, he saw...

"Senior Brother Ji has led people to rescue Senior Brother Wen."

It was said to be a rescue, but since the person has not returned yet and has also lost his trace, we know that the rescue operation is not ideal.

If that's all, that's it. (End of chapter)

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