Chapter 233 Ding Shilei Broke His Leg
As soon as Ding Shiping took a breath, he choked up with red eyes and said: "Second brother has an accident."

Gao Wen frowned and asked, "What happened to your second brother?"

Ding Shiping shook his head and said, "I don't know either, I just heard that my second brother fell and is now in the hospital."

When Gao Wen and Ding Xiaolan heard that they were in the hospital, their faces became ugly.

Ding Xiaolan's lips turned white, and she asked tremblingly, "What happened to the second brother?"

Gao Wen tried to calm himself down, guessing that Ding Shiping didn't know anything, so he said, "Stop talking, let's go to the hospital quickly."

Upon hearing this, Ding Xiaolan and Ding Shiping nodded their heads and walked out of the store.

After locking the two stores, the three rode tricycles to the hospital.

On the way, through Ding Shiping's narration, Gao Wen learned that after Ding Shilei's accident, the contracting team rushed him to the hospital.

Then they sent someone to Ding's house to inform, but there was no one in Ding's house, so they had to tell the people in Xiaoshenzhuang.

The people in Xiaoshenzhuang didn't know where Ding's shop was, so they went to the school to find Ding Shiping.

When they arrived at the hospital, the contractor and another person were guarding outside the operating room.

After learning that Ding Shilei was undergoing surgery, Ding Xiaolan and Ding Shiping couldn't bear it any longer and both cried.

Gao Wen didn't know how to persuade the two of them, so he ignored them.

And she also felt uncomfortable, unable to resolve it.

Gao Wen asked the contractor with difficulty, "What's wrong with Ding Shilei?"

The contractor felt guilty and did not dare to look at Gao Wen, "He, he fell off the roof."

Hearing this, Gao Wen's whole heart was pulled together, and his throat was blocked.

She suppressed all her emotions, and continued to ask in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

The contractor sighed, and then spoke.

Today is the day to build a beam. This matter is very important. The family who built the house figured out the timing.

At 8 o'clock sharp, the group of them started to make big beams.

Ding Shilei and another member of the contractor team carried a large beam to the roof.

When he put it down, the man didn't put it down properly, and pressed his hands, and he withdrew his hands in pain.

But the girder was not stabilized, Ding Shilei wanted to stabilize it, but he failed and fell from the roof.

Fortunately, the current houses are relatively short, only about three meters high, and Ding Shilei touched the ground with his feet first, so his life should not be in danger.

After hearing this, Gao Wen remained silent for a long time.

"Did the doctor say how Ding Shilei is doing?" After a long while, Gao Wen asked again.

The contractor pondered and said, "The doctor said that the leg was broken."

A broken leg is no small matter. If it is not handled well, it is very likely that the leg will be useless for a lifetime.

Hearing this, Gao Wen frowned even deeper.

She comforted herself that at least her life was saved, and with proper treatment, her legs would still recover.

After that, no one spoke again, and they all waited outside the operating room, looking inside worriedly and anxiously.

After a while, a nurse came out of the operating room with a pen and paper in her hand.

She glanced and asked the contractor, "Is the family still here?"

The contractor hurriedly pointed at Gao Wen, and said, "Here she is."

Gao Wen looked over, not knowing what to do.

"This is the surgery notice, sign it."

Gao Wen didn't even read it, and just signed his name at the end.

"Nurse, how is Ding Shilei?" Gao Wen asked as he handed over the list.

The nurse didn't respond, but said: "Just wait." After speaking, she went in and closed the door tightly.

Gao Wen had no choice but to continue to wait.

An hour later, the lights in the operating room were finally turned off, and several people rushed over.

After a while, the nurse came out pushing the hospital bed. Ding Shilei on the bed had his eyes closed and his face was pale.

(End of this chapter)

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