Chapter 210 Gao Zhihua's Jealousy
Ding Shiping has nothing to do.

Shen Xiaojun said, "Why don't you give me my desk."

Shen Xiaojun was not reluctant, he really wanted to give the desk to Gao Zhihua.

Gao Zhihua's cheerful personality and his help helped Shen Xiaojun get out of the haze in his heart.

He is very grateful to Gao Zhihua and wants to do something for Gao Zhihua, since he learns everywhere anyway.

However, Shen Xiaojun was embarrassed, after all the desk was given to him by Ding's family, but he could only give it to Gao Zhihua with something given by others.

But he himself has nothing to give Gao Zhihua.

Shen Xiaojun didn't know if it was right for him to do so, but he did it anyway.

Gao Zhihua quickly waved his hand and refused, "No, I don't really want it, I just see that you all have it, I don't, I'm a little envious."

"I'll give it to you, I didn't really want it." In order for Gao Zhihua to accept it, Shen Xiaojun said something against his will.

"I do not want……"


Looking at the two people who were giving in to each other, Ding Shiping's head was full of black lines, and he suddenly thought of something.

"Stop—" Ding Shiping called the two of them to stop, "I said Gao Zhihua, you come to my house every day to do your homework.

You don't study at home. Excuse me, why do you need a desk? "

Gao Zhihua was stunned, and smiled awkwardly, "Yeah, how did I forget this?"

Ding Shiping looked at his stupid look and gave him a blank look.

Then he turned to Shen Xiaojun and said, "Leave him alone, he is just jealous that we have desks."

Shen Xiaojun looked at Ding Shiping, then at Gao Zhihua, not saying anything in a daze.

Ding Shilei worked greedily from morning to night for half a month, and finally finished all the furniture and sent them to the villagers.

However, only two of them gave money, and Ding Shilei gave it without asking for it.

The remaining two families did not give any money, saying that money is tight now, and they will pay after they sell their corn and have money.

Ding Shilei looked at the unsold corn in the two yards, thinking that it might be really difficult, so he didn't force them to give money.

There was one more day before the appointment with the contractor, and Ding Shilei wanted to sell the corn at home while he had time.

"Sister-in-law, how much corn do you want to save for cornmeal?"

Gao Wen didn't like to drink corn porridge, but it was okay to change the taste from time to time.

"Just keep one bag."

Ding Shilei agreed.

Now when selling corn, you can wait for the people who come to the village to collect corn, but it is two or three cents cheaper to sell it this way.

You can also take it to the county to sell it yourself.

Ding Shilei was going to sell in the county, and he planned to borrow the village's ox cart.

He also told Gao Wen about this idea. Gao Wen didn't understand these things, so he let Ding Shilei figure it out.

"Can you give money or things for borrowing an ox cart?" Gao Wen asked.

"You don't need money, but you have to give something."

Gao Wen understands that using other people's things can't be used in vain.

"I'll bring the things back tomorrow night, and you can take them back when you return the ox cart." Gao Wen said.

Ding Shilei agreed.

Ding Shilei went to the talkative old man's house to borrow an ox cart, and the old man lent the ox cart to Ding Shilei without saying a word.

"Thank you, sir." Ding Shilei thanked.

"Thank you, I also use your thresher."

The uncle is willing to lend Ding Shilei the bullock cart, not only because of this, but also because Ding Shilei knows how to be grateful.

Unlike some people, using an ox cart for a day not only harms the cattle, but also does not feed the cattle.

Such a family, even if it is an old man, is not willing to borrow it.

The uncle did not tell Ding Shilei to feed the cow, because he knew that Ding Shilei would definitely feed it, and he would not harm the cow.

The corn just fills an ox cart, not too much.

When Ding Shilei was carrying the corn sacks, Li Fang came over.

(End of this chapter)

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