Yang Aishuang doesn't like to hide things. If she is proud of her, she will walk with you and talk to you.

If she wants someone she doesn't like, she won't even look at you.

As for the original owner, Gao Wen, Yang Aishuang looked down on him, and he was very dissatisfied.

It's not that Yang Aishuang is unaware of the changes in the village's opinion of Gao Wen's style, but she is still dissatisfied with Gao Wen.

She always felt that how could a person change so much.

Perhaps the villagers saw that Gao Wen could make money, so they spoke out against their will.

But through Gao Zhihua's incident, Yang Aishuang felt that Gao Wen might really be different.

Yang Aishuang came to give Gao Wen a dozen eggs with the attitude of giving it a try.

Gao Zhihua ate at Ding's house every now and then, and when he got home, he would show off the delicious food made by Ding's house and Gao Wen's good craftsmanship.

Yang Aishuang didn't take it seriously, ribs, meat, such a good thing, she can also cook well for her.

But Yang Aishuang is not a person who likes to take advantage, her son always eats at Ding's house, if she doesn't express it, it's not justified.

Gao Wen was a little surprised when he saw the eggs she brought, "Sister-in-law, why are you bringing me eggs?"

"Isn't that brat in my family always eating at your house, don't be too little." Yang Aishuang said the reason.

When Gao Wen heard it, it turned out that this was the case.

"Sister-in-law, you really don't need to be like this. Xiaohua and Xiaoping have a good relationship, and I like Xiaohua, too. Why don't you have some food?" Gao Wen hastily refused.

Yang Aishuang raised her eyebrows, surprised that Gao Wen would say such a thing.

She immediately changed her opinion of Gao Wen.

"You are willing to let him eat at your house. You are willing to give me the eggs. You have to accept them for me."

Hearing this, Gao Wen suddenly knew who Gao Zhihua looked like.

Both mother and son have such a hearty and straightforward character.

Gao Wen had no choice but to accept the eggs, and Yang Aishuang left satisfied.

Soon it was time to harvest the corn.

Ding Shiping and the others had just started school for more than a week, and they took the busy farming leave and went home to work.

Master Zhao has a lot of work, and Ding Shilei wanted to ask for leave to collect corn, but Master Zhao agreed.

However, after Gao Wen learned about it, he did not ask him to ask for leave.

"Even if you're at home, I've made plans to ask the villagers for help."

Ding Shilei couldn't resist Gao Wen's decision, so he could only let her go.

Gao Wen is going to let Ding Xiaolan go to the store, while she stays at home and cooks for the workers.

First, she went to find Li Fang.

She remembered that when Li Fang was selling wheat, Li Fang asked Ding Shilei to help her family sell it for a day.

"Aunt Li, our family will harvest corn tomorrow.

However, Ding Shilei has work in the county and has no time. Xiaolan has to open a shop, so Xiaoping and I are left at home.

We are too busy, can you and my Uncle Ma help us? ", Gao Wen asked straight to the point.

Hearing this, Li Fang's expression changed, and his eyes flickered.

She thought to herself: Your family is all going to earn money, let us work for your family for free, you are beautiful!
Li Fang said with a look of pity: "This can't be done, our family has to harvest corn tomorrow, you should find someone else."

"Didn't you say..." Ma Sheng was about to say something when Li Fang stared back.

Gao Wen saw all of this.

She pretended to complain: "Aunt Li, your family sells wheat, and my family Ding Shilei helped sell it for a day.

At that time, he had work in the county, but he still went to help your family. "

Li Fang smiled awkwardly, "Oh, your Uncle Ma also watered the ground for your family.

We really don't have time tomorrow, otherwise we would definitely help. "

Gao Wen already knew that Li Fang would not help.

"That's fine. I also know that you really don't have time. Who told us to harvest corn in a day."

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