"Also, who are you, am I older than you?" Gao Zhihua retorted.

Although Shen Xiaojun didn't speak, judging from his expression, he also agreed with Gao Zhihua.

Ding Shiping thinks he is the biggest, "Why don't we compare and see who is the biggest."

"Just compare." Gao Zhihua said forcefully.

All three of them gave their dates of birth. Gao Zhihua and Ding Shiping were the same age, and Shen Xiaojun was one year older than them.

Compared with each other, Shen Xiaojun is the biggest and Ding Shiping is the youngest.

But Shen Xiaojun's stature is the shortest and thinnest among them, which Gao Zhihua and Ding Shiping can't accept.

They feel that Shen Xiaojun should be the younger brother who needs their protection, not the identity of the eldest brother.

However, the three of them didn't struggle for long, and no one mentioned it again.

But the three of them silently kept this matter in their hearts at the same time.

"No, I'm starving to death, let's eat quickly." Gao Zhihua broke the deadlock.

It was the first time for Shen Xiaojun to sit at the same table with other people for dinner, and he couldn't describe his mood at the moment.

He also ate hot pancakes for the first time, and also drank tomato and egg soup, which was a very important experience in his life for him.

He glanced at Gao Zhihua and Ding Shiping who were laughing, and there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

Both Gao Zhihua and Ding Shiping advised Shen Xiaojun to eat more, either to bring him cakes or eggs.

"Shen Xiaojun, Gao Zhihua, eat more, don't leave any leftovers, my sister-in-law doesn't like to eat leftovers." Ding Shiping said.

Gao Zhihua laughed and said: "I think you are afraid, it's too bad to let your sister-in-law see the cakes you make."

In fact, it wasn't too bad, only two pieces of cake were not baked well, and they were a bit mushy.

Ding Shiping did not refute, "That's fine, so you must eat all the cakes, otherwise don't expect me to cook for you next time."

The two sang together like this, causing Shen Xiaojun to eat a lot, until he was full in the end.

This was the first time for Shen Xiaojun to feel full. His stomach was uncomfortable, but he felt very good.

Shen Xiaojun felt that he would always remember this feeling.

After eating, Shen Xiaojun ignored the obstruction of the other two and took on the job of cleaning up the mess.

Shen Xiaojun has strong hands-on skills, and quickly cleaned up, even tidying up the kitchen. When Ding Shiping saw him, he couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

The three of them lay on Ding Shiping's bed to digest food, and Shen Xiaojun listened silently to the conversation between Gao Zhihua and Ding Shiping.

Although he did not participate in the chat between the two, even so, Shen Xiaojun already felt that it was very rare.

Listening to it, Shen Xiaojun fell asleep unknowingly.

When Gao Zhihua saw it, he quickly silenced his voice, and when Ding Shiping saw it, he also hurriedly shut up.

The two stopped talking, closed their eyes, and soon fell asleep.

After waking up, the three of them went to the river again. In the afternoon, the three of them had good results, catching five small fish.

The fish are not big, the biggest is only a pound.

In order to thank Ding Shiping for his lunch, Gao Zhihua offered to give all the fish to Ding Shiping.

Shen Xiaojun doesn't know how to do it, no matter who the fish is given to, he doesn't want it anyway.

Ding Shiping felt embarrassed, the three of them had been busy for a whole day before they caught these, so why not give them all to him alone.

"Why don't you still eat at my house at night, and let my third sister make fish for you to eat."

Ding Shiping was a little uncertain, but he still said it.

Gao Zhihua and Shen Xiaojun looked at each other, thinking of Gao Wen, hesitant.

Shen Xiaojun spoke first: "I won't, I'm not hungry, and I don't like fish either."

Gao Zhihua echoed: "I'm not going either. I have to go home, or my mother will beat me up."

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