I draw Mingbi live, all my water friends are gods

Chapter 483 What bad intentions can a bear have?

Ye Yu wanted to go find Gohan, but he didn't have much time. Wasting it here and delaying the healing time for three days was already Ye Yu's limit.

"Let's start treating the severely ill patients."

After thinking deeply, Ye Yu said to the guard.

There are more than three thousand pills in the lucky bag space.

There are about a thousand severely ill patients in the isolation area.

Ye Yu estimated that to cure these 4,000 seriously ill patients, using her treatment method and maintaining the recovery time limit of three days, it would take about 2,500 pills.

In this way, Ye Yu could still have more than a thousand miles of elixir left in his hand.

"Okay, I'll get ready right away!"

The guard responded, took out the walkie-talkie, pressed the call button, and began to order the soldiers to go to the isolation area for critically ill patients, set up a stove, and prepare enough glutinous rice porridge. At the same time, he urged the soldiers who were building a pool to speed up the construction progress. , don’t delay the treatment time of seriously ill patients.

Listening to the guard's orderly arrangements, Ye Yu nodded silently, and at the same time, he had a new understanding of the guard's identity.

The guard is definitely not a simple guard.

It was the guys sent down from above to monitor and record her treatment process.

However, Ye Yu can still understand this kind of behavior. After all, it is related to the life and death of 20,000 people.

Ye Yu continued to use the wall-breaking machine to spray the medicinal powder, and the elixirs in the lucky bag space were also being consumed rapidly.

After about an hour, Ye Yu finally prepared all the required medicinal powder.

"Find someone to move these buckets containing medicinal powder, cover them, stop scattering them, and move them to the critical isolation area. You don't know the specific dose ratio. I have to distribute the powder myself."

Ye Yu turned to the guard and said.

"Okay, I'll call someone to move it right away!"

After hearing Ye Yu's instructions, the guard nodded in response.

With that said, the guard took out the walkie-talkie, pressed the call button, and started calling for help to carry the powder that Ye Yu had prepared.

Ye Yu was worried and urged the soldiers to seal all the barrels containing the powder with lids, and then followed the guards towards the severe isolation area.

Arriving at the critical isolation area, Ye Yu personally poured all the medicinal powders in the wooden barrels into different doses into the pot of glutinous rice porridge. After stirring evenly, he said: "These glutinous rice porridges are hot and do not need to be heated. Now let’s have people serve porridge and feed it to these critically ill patients.”

"Each person has a bowl of glutinous rice porridge. It's okay to have more, but not less than one bowl."

"Those who have finished drinking the glutinous rice porridge are immediately carried to take a bath in the glutinous rice water."

"The other processes are the same. I'll leave it to you to supervise. I'm going to take a rest and prepare the medicine for tomorrow."

Ye Yu ordered the guard beside him.

"Okay, Miss Ye, go and rest."

Hearing Ye Yu's words, the guard nodded and said.

Ye Yu waved to the guard, walked out of the severe isolation area, and came to the outside of the mild isolation area. He found Xiao Hei waiting for him at the door, and led Xiao Hei towards the simple room assigned to him to rest.

It's a good time when you come, Gohan and Xiaobai are both there.

Now only Xiao Hei is left.

It tastes so good, but I don’t know where it went.

Arriving outside the simple room, Ye Yu paused.

I didn't know where to go to eat Meixiang for a long time, but I was lying in front of the simple room, soundly asleep.

That loud purring sound is like the sound of a hundred cats lying next to your ears.

Seeing this scene...

Ye Yu is angry and funny.

This silly bear is really quite speechless.

Ye Yu rolled his eyes, raised his little foot, and kicked Chimamaxiang hard.

"Ah..." He kicked Chi Ma Ma Xiang. Nothing happened to Chi Ma Ma Xiang. He just waved his front paws like a fly, then turned over again and continued to sleep soundly. Ye Yu himself, holding his little feet in pain, jumped on the spot for a long time.

"Obviously he looks like a fat, furry bear, but his body is harder than steel, and even his hair is like steel bars."

Ye Yu stared at the sleeping Chi Ma Ma Xiang and muttered angrily.


"Xiong Xiong, I am cultivating the physical body."

"Don't say it's you. Even the little monkey in the fairy world hits the bear with his golden cudgel, and it's like scratching an itch."

Chi Ma Ma Xiang opened one eye and secretly glanced at Ye Yu, who was fuming and his cheeks were bulging like an angry little puffer fish, and snickered in her heart and murmured.

"Stinky Bear, wait for your sister!"

Ye Yu glared at Chi Ma Ma Xiang again before opening the door of the simple room and limping into the room.

Ye Yu slammed the door, walked to the simple camp bed, sat down, took off his shoes and socks, and his toes became red and swollen.

"Damn it..."

"You stupid bear, wait for your sister."

Ye Yu muttered angrily.

With Ye Yu's current strength, even if he kicked a hard rock, the pieces would definitely be broken by the rock, not Ye Yu's little feet.


Ye Yu really didn't expect that his little feet, which were already harder than rocks, would suffer from Chi Ma Ma Xiang.

Ye Yu took out the golden sore ointment he prepared and applied it on himself before lying on the bed and letting out a sigh of relief.

After searching for Gohan for three days in a small town without sleeping for more than a few hours a day, Ye Yu was already busy preparing powder for patients infected with corpse poison. Ye Yu was already tired and sleepy.

Now he was lying on a simple camp bed. Although the bed was hard and not comfortable at all, it was much more comfortable than when Ye Yu slept on the street in a small town a few days ago.

People who are overworked can easily become sleepy in a comfortable environment, especially when lying down.

After a while, Ye Yu fell asleep.

When Ye Yu woke up again, it was already the highest moon in the sky.

In the isolation area, there were roars.

Those are the patients who turned into corpses.

Strictly speaking, they are already half-human and half-corpse.

He is no longer a human being.

At most, it's a conscious corpse.

If Bian Que hadn't said that he could cure these patients who had turned into corpses, Ye Yu would have been helpless.

Compared with Bian Que, Ye Yu's medical skills are still several blocks behind.

Without Bian Que speaking, Ye Yu had already suggested to Chen Wei that all the patients who had turned into corpses should be shot to death and burned to ashes.

Ye Yu stretched, stood up from the simple camp bed, and turned on the light in the room.

As the lights came on, the plates on the table attracted Ye Yu's attention, and his stomach began to growl unsatisfactorily.

"So hungry~"

Ye Yu muttered, walked to the table, pulled out a chair, sat on it, picked up chopsticks and started eating.

Glutinous rice, roasted lamb leg, red dates, lotus seeds and white fungus soup, braised eggs, all delicious and delicious.

There's also yogurt and a small portion of fruit.

Seeing Ye Yu moving his index finger.

(End of this chapter)

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