At this time, they no longer had to worry about whether they knew these people or not. All they had to do was pack up their bodies.

The rain of stones has stopped temporarily, but according to past experience, it will still rain in the near future.

Those corpses that had already been hit by stones would turn into pulp after being hit a few more times.

Even for themselves, they have to collect the bodies of these unknown people.

Give them a place to rest.

They also need to clean up the dirt and stones on the ground and keep the happy base clean.

Otherwise, infectious diseases will occur.

A rain of stones has already killed so many people. If another infectious disease comes, they won't even have to live anymore.

They spent a day cleaning up the bodies and taking care of the wounded.

There were many people whose legs and feet were smashed, who were obviously still alive, but after being rescued by them, they chose death without hesitation.

They asked their rescuers to give them a good time.

They are useless.

A cripple cannot survive long in this cruel world.

They don't want to linger, they want to be happy.

The person who rescued them sent them away with red eyes.

"When will this day end?" Some people couldn't help complaining.

"I really can't live anymore. It's so hard to get so many supplies, but in the end..."


Why is God so cruel to them.

Why did they just see some hope and then despair again.

He really felt that this was so cruel.

He watched them part ways, and sometimes, he was actually a little lucky.

Fortunately, I am a lonely person. One person has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry.No one would be sad if he died, and he wouldn't be sad because of someone else's death.



Why do you have to live like this?

What is the meaning of living like this?

Now, they are just living for the sake of living.

He felt really tired.

However, there is no other way.

There is really no way.

He couldn't bear to die.

He couldn't explain why, but he just couldn't bear to die.

Don't want to die.

Countless times, death passed him by, and he almost died.

But he still wants to live.

Although he didn't know why he wanted to live.

But just, I don’t want to die.

"Just get used to it." The person next to him looked at him and replied.

"How can I get used to this? I can't get used to it. I thought I wasn't afraid of blood anymore, but looking at the blood everywhere, I still feel dizzy." He obviously wasn't dizzy from blood, but why was he so dizzy now.

"It's not just you, it's me too." Who can get used to it.

Who would get used to it.

Although everyone is sad, life still has to go on, so Su Yinhe's supermarket is open again.

And because of the buy one get one free event, a lot of people came.

Especially many.

More than before.

They only smile a little when they are in the supermarket.

Seeing so many things in the supermarket, they bought so many things.

But once they leave the supermarket, they feel very sad.

Sometimes, it is quite sad that in order to live, they are not even qualified to grieve properly.

They must quickly sort out their mood and prepare for tomorrow.

They haven't figured out the pattern of stone rain yet, so no one in the Happy Base dares to stay outside for a long time.

Either buy something in the supermarket, or rush back to the base.

Return to the only remaining house in the base that has not collapsed.It is also the strongest building in the base.

The weak ones have been crushed by stones.

"Looking at it, supermarkets are the safest." Lin Murong feels that supermarkets bring people a sense of security that cannot be given elsewhere.Didn't you see that after the people from the Happy Base came, they didn't want to leave after buying something, and they had to wait in the supermarket.

Touch the floor.

Lin Murong also feels that the supermarket is very safe and the floor is tactile, making it easier to sleep.

He fell asleep.

He felt very emotional.

He loves it.

love it.

"If you like her so much, please make the floor. Don't go back to your room to sleep." After Lin Murong expressed his love a few times, Su Yinhe replied.

She is not targeting anyone.

She is, how should I put it.

Lin Murong talked too much next to her.

She couldn't help it.

"Then...then I don't like it so much."

"Tsk." Su Yinhe smiled and said nothing.

Things in the supermarket are really cheap, and there are really buy-one-get-one-free deals, and many people buy them.

But now they go out to buy things and don't dare to stay outside for too long.

The rain of stones could fall at any time, and they were always on guard.

Thanks to this vigilance, when the stone rain came again, not many people died.

Although there were still some people who died or were injured before they had time to escape, but fortunately it was not as tragic as the last time.

And the things they bought in the supermarket also helped them a lot.

It rained stones for several days.

They hid in sturdy houses and survived by eating food bought in supermarkets.

But they didn’t dare to eat more.

You are hiding in the house now, why are you eating so much?

Eat a little when you're hungry, just don't make yourself so hungry.

The remaining food will be left for later.

Everyone in the Happy Base knew that the supermarket came suddenly and out of nowhere. No one knew how the supermarket appeared.

They don’t know how supermarkets appeared, and naturally they don’t know when supermarkets will disappear.

The supplies they bought in the supermarket were not enough.

Too little.

They still don't have enough.

They have to save.

Work harder and try to live longer.

Even though life is so difficult now.

However, they still want to live longer.

Feiyun's home did not collapse or be hit by rocks. However, this time, he happened to not be at home when the rocks rained down.

He happened to be on the road, and when the stones rained down, he found a place to hide nearby.

Then, enemies meet on a narrow road.

Met Bai Aotian and the others.

Bai Aotian and the others happened to be hiding here.

They looked at each other.

"Feiyun." Changying, who was almost healed from his injuries, was still very angry when he saw Feiyun. He gritted his teeth and called out Feiyun's name.

"What a coincidence." Feiyun greeted them and then found a seat to sit down.

The place where he was hiding was not Bai Aotian's territory, but the official place of Xingfu Base.

Needless to say, he was so polite to Bai Aotian, and he didn't need to worry, Bai Aotian and the others were going to kick him out.

Besides him and Bai Aotian, there are others here.

There are also official people.

So Feiyun sits very naturally.

When Changying saw him, he was going to explode with anger.

"I'm going to kill him." Feiyun hurt him and laughed it off.



Feiyun didn't even smile.

(End of this chapter)

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