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Chapter 241 Infinite Loop 25

Chapter 241 Infinite Loop 25
They also pointed out the knowledge points they remembered to No. 20.

"Students should help each other." Wufeng couldn't afford to smile.

Everyone remembers differently, although it is still not comprehensive, but it is much better.

If there is something you don't understand, the 20th will take the initiative to ask Song Qi.

Song Qi also spoke patiently, and several other players were also listening.

Wufengbububu and Wuhuaizai got together.

"I think it will work this time." Wu Hu Ai Zai said firmly.

Wu Feng also nodded, "Indeed, there is great hope."

"This player looks familiar." Wu Huaizai recalled it carefully, "I seem to have seen it in the rest area."

Wu Feng couldn't afford to reply, he didn't remember seeing these people before him, he thought that the people he found for this game should all be from different rest areas.

In the past, it was a rest area to enter the game together, and it would be filled in when the dead people died.

Wufeng couldn't afford to be convinced that he had never seen these people, so he thought that the game this time would be very different.

After the rules of the game were announced at that time, many people formed teams in the game area. This time, this game really dealt them a heavy blow.

Alas, but he is remembering, and there is no wind to interrupt him.

"Players who have cleared so many games always have something special."

Another part is good luck, there are bosses in the game leading them to pass the level.

Wuhu Aizai glanced at Wufengbubu, he didn't know what kind of Wufengbubu was, but Song Qi was indeed capable.

Silver bell...

Alas, I have secretly developed a heart, and the female players who can survive to the present cannot be underestimated.

Song Qi over there was giving a lecture to No. 20, and the eyes of the NPCs in the classroom seemed to condense into substance to kill people.

Yinling turned her head, met the eyes of those NPCs, and then turned her head away to ignore them.

There are rules in the classroom, and Song Qi has plenty of ways to get them taken away by the teacher for breaking the rules.

Song Qi's lecture was very detailed, and he could basically understand it after listening to it on the 20th.

The further down the story, Song Qi found out that number 20 shouldn't be that bad. Her comprehension ability is obviously good, and she doesn't know why her grades are always at the bottom.

Seeming to see that Song Qi was puzzled, No. 20 said softly, "My grades were actually pretty good before."

Song Qi put down his pen and looked at her. Number 20 seemed to be interested in talking, and of course the other players listened with pricked ears.

"In the past, my grades were at the upper-middle level. Although it was not very good, it was not as bad as it is today."

The players all thought of Mr. Jiang, how could a student who had endured gossip still maintain the same attitude towards learning as before.

No. 20 pursed his lips and remained silent, so the players didn't ask.

Song Qi was waiting, and they were also waiting, waiting for an opportunity for the 20th to speak to them.

After speaking more than half of the topics, Song Qi went to the bathroom, and there were other people on the 20th in the classroom watching.

Now there is one node left, and that is the stage where the evening self-study class teacher counts the student number.

Song Qi got up, and was about to open the door of the compartment, but found that someone seemed to be pushing outside.

"Go, pour that bucket of water in."

Voices came from outside.

Song Qi took out the hatchet and slammed it on the door.

The NPC pouring water was startled by the sound, and the bucket fell to the ground with a bang, and the water spilled out.

Those who blocked the door trembled in fright, the door was broken open, and they saw Song Qi coming out with a chopping knife.

(End of this chapter)

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