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Chapter 235 Infinite Loop 19

Chapter 235 Infinite Loop 19
Song Qi memorized as much as she could, and at the beginning of the next cycle, she might be able to verify her conjecture.

No. 20 was crying silently in his seat, the teacher was speaking the papers on the podium, and the students below were writing hard.

The other players could already guess that this cycle would not pass, so they simply wrote down their thoughts on paper.

Write down what you can do and what you can't do, which can be regarded as broadening your thinking.

"Listen to the class carefully!" The English teacher on the podium looked at No. 20 coldly.

On the 20th, she wiped away her tears, not daring to cry anymore.

The other student NPCs also turned their heads to look at No. 20 with malice in their eyes.

The atmosphere in the classroom is a bit weird, and the players have also noticed it.

These NPCs are indeed very malicious towards No. 20, no wonder helping No. 20 will attract hatred.

After the evening self-study get out of class, they returned to the dormitory as usual.

Yinling walked in, and No. 20 had already returned.

Song Qi next door didn't care about the NPC on his side, and reached out to touch the paper ball in his pocket.

Something was different on Yinling's side, the two NPCs in the dormitory were staring at her.

Duanpen on the 20th went out to wash up, and the two NPCs walked towards Yinling.

"You have a good relationship with No. 20. I heard from people in other classes that you even helped her in the toilet."

Yinling frowned, the news spread too fast, she wondered if Song Qi next door was doing the same.

The two NPCs pressed forward step by step, their faces distorted and distorted.

Yinling just felt strange, not scared, because she killed these two NPCs yesterday.

Song Qi next door also vaguely sensed that something was wrong, the three NPCs were always looking at her.

Song Qi got down from the bed, and the three NPCs came over.

"You helped number 20 tonight."

The NPC's tone was firm. Song Qi looked at these people, and it seemed that they knew about the incident in the toilet, and the hatred value was transferred to her, and it should be the same with Yinling.

The three NPCs pressed forward step by step, with hideous expressions on their faces, as if they were going to tear Song Qi alive in the next second.

Song Qi took out the firewood knife, but she wasn't afraid of these three NPCs, so she went over and closed the door, so that the dormitory auntie would come over when the time came.

The dormitory should be kept clean and tidy. Last night, Yinling killed the two NPCs and cleaned it for a long time in the middle of the night.

It's not yet time to check the bed, Song Qi is going to wait before doing it.

Not long after the door was closed, the auntie in charge opened the door and came in. Song Qi put the machete back into her backpack and waited for the auntie to count the number of people.

The door was closed heavily, and Song Qi took out the knife again, put it on the neck of the NPC, and killed him with a single blow.

If you don't kill them, don't even think about having a good rest tonight.

Yinling also waited for the housekeeper aunt to leave before doing anything, this time in front of No. 20.

No. 20 screamed, but Yinling had no time to take care of her. It was already confirmed that today's cycle could not be broken, and keeping these NPCs was just a hidden danger for themselves.

Yinling took a bucket to wash the blood on the ground, and she saw that Song Qi did the same.

Number 20 fell down on the bed, crying uncontrollably.

Before turning off the lights, Yinling took the time to look up at her.

"Only when you are strong, you will not be bullied."

No. 20 turned a deaf ear, and the crying turned into soft sobs. Yinling had no choice but to clean the inside and outside by herself, and stuffed the bodies of the two NPCs into the toilet and locked them up.

The lights had already been turned off, and Yinling crawled into bed in the dark, as did Song Qi next door. She was the only one in this dormitory tonight, and there were Yinling and No. 20 next door.

(End of this chapter)

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