And while each ethnic group is counting the number of infected people, people are still being "infected."

But fortunately, the initial symptoms of "mania" are not serious, except that there will be an extra voice in the mind, or strange thoughts will appear from time to time to affect the thinking.

But as long as you don't act on those weird thoughts, your "illness" will not be aggravated.

In addition, less than 1% of infected people reach the middle stage of "mania".

The temperaments of these infected people have all changed drastically, but they are still under control.

The number of people in the final stage of mania accounts for between 0.1% and 0.01% of the total number of infected people. This type of infected people is basically hopeless.

Creatures whose personalities have been completely changed become completely different people. In this case, their brains have completely turned into chaos, and there is no way they can go back.

It is filled with all kinds of abnormal desires such as destruction, gluttony, lust, arrogance and so on.

The only effective solution is to shoot and incinerate them on the spot.

What’s even more frightening is that a large number of [Sound Calling Arrays] are drawn in the homes of these terminally infected people.

You must know that as long as this thing is drawn according to a certain number and direction, and supplemented with blood or corrupted energy, it can summon the big demon to come.

Law enforcement officers in many areas also discovered through memory retrieval that the arrays prepared by these people were basically joint arrays used to sacrifice planets.

Fortunately, all the clans received the reminder from the "First Princess" in time, and this did not lead to a big mistake.

As for the remaining 99% of patients, they are only in the early stages of mania and will not have much impact.

As long as the mania is under control, it will not get worse.

Once the passage between the doomsday barrier and eternal Eden is opened, trillions of members of all races will be saved.

After settling these matters, the three empires first affirmed Varzinko's contribution, and at the same time promised to permanently recognize her status as the first princess.

They all agreed that she should regain her position as crown prince and expressed regret for her previous misjudgment.

As for the damage caused by the third princess. . .This is more difficult to determine.

Because the third princess is seizing power and is not recognized by the current queen.

She deceived her sisters and deprived Vardenko of her inheritance under the pretense of the queen's will, so to a certain extent, Vardenko's guilt was only a personal act.

But then again, the third princess was able to ascend to the throne only after some military and political ministers nodded and supported her.

So, this is still a problem with the empire itself.

Moreover, the affected area affected by this crisis is too large and wide.

If you want to shirk the blame and say that the Valkyrie Empire has no responsibility at all, it doesn't make sense to tell the truth.

At least the "poor supervision" line is definitely gone.

But the First Princess has saved so many people, so it’s not impossible to offset the merits and demerits.

Some of them were less severely affected and were friendly to the Valkyrie Empire, so they didn't say much.

But some civilizations are not so easy to talk to.

Demonstrations demanding compensation frequently took place outside the consulates of the Valkyrie Empire in various places.

This is quite restrained.

Some of the more radical ones even started beating, smashing, and looting, and a lot of bloodshed broke out.

After all, there are 1 people of all kinds, let alone trillions of races.

In addition to the "lively" diplomatic conflicts.

Within the Valkyrie Empire, there are also many people with different opinions.

There are those who are willing to take responsibility, and there are those who want to ignore those low-level civilizations.

But because the queen was seriously ill, the eldest princess was exiled and the third princess fell.

Although the second princess has the support of the civil servants, the problem is that the generals with military power are not convinced by her, so the empire is also surging.

We urgently need someone who can control the situation and take charge of the overall situation.

Originally, the uncle of the eldest princess was able to do this.

Not only did he have real power, he also had considerable say. However, after the incident with the Three Emperors' Girl, all the hatred that that guy had was exposed.

Vardenko's aunt, who couldn't bear the humiliation, was immediately killed. In addition to discovering that his uncle was having an affair with his niece Valnico, he was also deeply infected with "mania".

And not only is he deeply infected, but the whole family is as well.

This also led to Uncle Vardenko's entire family being taken out to offer sacrifices to heaven. . .

This scene is embarrassing.

Now, the only one who can control the situation is the wandering eldest princess Varzinko.

Whether it was his previous prestige in the military or the public opinion brought about by solving "mania", it was an existence that everyone expected.

But the problem is that we are in Eternal Eden. Even though there is a "Level 7 Hidden Race" that can kill the middle demon to protect us, safety is not a problem.

But if the princess wants to go back, it is difficult for the time being~.

There's no way, it's not okay to keep Xunsi in such a mess after the high-level discussions go to the end.

In the end, although the second princess was reluctant, she could only listen to the opinions of her subordinates.

Prepare to take the lead and send out a fearless fleet to break through the doomsday barrier and welcome back the eldest princess.

Save the empire, save the civilization of the Star Sea.

But in fact, it is not certain what these people are thinking.

Just to save the princess?

Not at all.

The conditions for setting off the fearless fleet and unsheathing the sword of the empire are not sufficient if it is just for a princess.

But it would be different if we could take this opportunity to stabilize our defense and even seize Eden of Eternity.

The interests and resources involved can even determine the future rise and fall of the empire.

That is to say, the destiny of the country is involved.

It can be said that because of the human race's sideways thrust and good timing, it not only directly captured the most critical "gate" of Eternal Eden, but also put the princess on the front line of the battlefield.

In a sense, the Valkyrie Empire was equivalent to taking the lead.

After capturing Eden Eden and receiving rewards according to merit, if the human race is first, then their Valkyrie Empire will have to be second, and they will have absolute priority in resource allocation.

This wave of troops was sent under the guise of bringing back the princess and restoring legitimacy. In fact, the original intention of the Valkyrie Empire was to seize control of Eden.

As long as they move fast enough and take down the Doomsday Barrier, the Valkyrie Empire will definitely get a big piece of the cake of Eternal Eden.

And if you want it to be fast enough, the cost is nothing more than consuming some resources.

As long as they are willing to put in the effort, the breakthrough of the Doomsday Barrier is only a matter of time for a serious empire.

The reason why I was unwilling to use all my strength before was because I was afraid that the Chaos Legion would retreat to Eden when the situation was bad.

But this time is different, because the long-distance penetration of the human race not only grasped the "portal" of Eternal Eden and established a fulcrum, it was also equivalent to directly cutting off the Chaos Legion's military lines and logistics.

Let the Chaos Legion of the Doomsday Barrier become a rootless ping.

This kind of opportunity created by the human race can be called a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If the Valkyrie Empire fails to seize this opportunity, it will not be qualified to become one of the four great empires of the Star Sea.

Of course, the other three empires also know this. After all, the think tanks of the great powers are not just for free.To put it mildly, these think tanks will know what they ate yesterday as soon as their opponents stick their butts out.

They guess and play tricks and can't hide anything from each other.

Similarly, basically all the top [-] races have seen this, and have called them one after another to participate.

As for other level 6-7 civilizations, they are not so discerning, and most of them declined the invitation to go on the expedition on the grounds of recuperation.

It is too late for the Valkyrie Empire to be happy about the short-sightedness of these civilizations. If they were not afraid of being criticized by other races in the future, they would not even take the lead publicly.

After all, the cake in Eden is only so big. When the number of races is around 1000, it can basically guarantee that everyone is full. If there are more, there will be an embarrassing situation where there is not enough food.

Of course, it would be better to have less than 1000 races. No one would refuse to eat more resources.

Therefore, for those civilizations that refuse an invitation, even if they regret it, the Valkyrie Empire will not take them to play again.

Soon, the Valkyrie Empire took the lead in this expedition and brought over 600 large-scale forces.

There are not many warships from each race, and there are only more than 1 ships per family.

The quantity is small, but the quality of the fleet is extraordinary.

Battleship?It is only suitable as a supply ship and an industrial ship. The main battleships sent by various forces are all flagships.

The Valkyrie Empire directly sent a fearless fleet and the only Titan ship in the universe to bring them over.

In this way, you may not have any idea about Titan ships, and your impression is that Titan ships are relatively rare.

But in fact, the dreadnought is nothing compared to the Titan.

First of all, in terms of size, a dreadnought is equivalent to a frigate parked next to a battleship.

In terms of battleship firepower, even if the Titan ships only have close-range firepower, they are all M-type or even L-type.

There are more than 200 keel cannons in total.

The bow of the ship is equipped with the legendary giant cannon [Star Destroyer]. Destroying stars with one shot is just a routine operation of the Titan ship.

The magnitude difference can be said to be astonishingly large.

There is no doubt that Valkyrie Empire has pulled out the most unique skill this time.

The same three empires are not bad either. Although it is not a dreadnought fleet, the number of dreadnoughts in the fleet has reached more than 60%.

It can be seen that they are really determined this time.

After all, it is always so expensive with the Chaos Legion, and the Star Sea Civilization cannot afford it.

It is even more urgent to alleviate the problem of resource scarcity.

Why not take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do something with them.

. . .

These aliens are making a lot of noise.

But Zhao Feng, who was in Eternal Eden, had no intention of leaving soup for them.

After stabilizing the situation and completely killing the big demon, the human base directly started a wartime defensive posture.

On the border, dense air defense towers rose from the ground, because when the teleportation base came over, a wave of building layouts were readjusted.

In addition to the turret walls, the entire perimeter is covered with dense air defense towers.

At this time, all the air defense towers were raised, and the corresponding operators were already in place.

The first wave of attacks from the Chaos Legion was also belatedly arriving at this moment.

I saw dark clouds billowing on the horizon, like storm clouds, but if I zoomed in on them through the sighting system, I could see that they were not clouds at all.

It was the vanguard composed of densely packed Chaos Air Force.

"Dark clouds" surged into the sky. On the horizon, a thin black line became deeper and deeper as time went by.

On the ground, countless deformed creatures were seen one after another, like a rolling tide, rushing towards the human base.

This swarming of chaotic creatures is not just coming from one or two directions, but from all directions with no blind spots!

It looks fierce, but from the perspective of human players, this is not a big scene at all.

Many soldiers even took the time to hit Hache to express their boredom.

Despite their ferociousness, the Chaos soldiers who attacked were basically all elementary beast-shaped monsters and a small number of intermediate aberrations.

This kind of Laqua's mixed team is basically a waste for the soldiers on the Doomsday Barrier who deal with super-order distortion complexes every day, and it has nothing to do with strength.

It can barely be considered troublesome, and there may be only one cosmic rule of "hurt the only one".

But under Zhao Feng's preparation, he was faced with a large number of rapid-fire weapons and special SE submunitions.

These so-called rules of the universe have no effect at all, they are just a decoration.

Chaos soldiers of this level do not need a fleet to take action. The base's defense system alone can intercept the enemy tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Viewed from a high altitude, the human base seemed to turn into light.

Trillions of cannonballs and beams fly out of it every second.

The cloud-like sea of ​​Chaos Legion in the distance was like a cake that was quickly chewed under such a dense bombardment. In just one minute, its number of deaths exceeded one hundred trillion.

Five minutes later, the vanguard of the Chaos Air Force was completely wiped out by the human race because there was no obstruction.

30 minutes later, the Chaos Army was also wiped out under the ruthless bombardment of ground artillery fire.

At this time, the Terran only activated 20% of the total number of air defense towers.

The power of a single cannonball is completely overflowing.

If it weren't for the strange cosmic rules, the battle in the sky and on the ground together might not have lasted five minutes.

An hour later, the second wave of death-defying Chaos soldiers arrived belatedly.

But this time they perished even faster. After the Terrans used a small amount of SE submunitions, the Chaos Air Force did not even survive 3 minutes.

The ground troops still barely survived 30 minutes because of the distance.

And this level of collective death basically maintains the efficiency of one wave per hour.

Just this wave after wave of giving away experience and merit.

Soon the first batch of players promoted to the rank of corporal were born.

Immediately afterwards, the level unblocking tasks of human race individuals were gradually completed, and the level locks were unlocked one by one, ushering in a skyrocketing level again.

This time, Zhao Feng did not put away all his experience points and achievements like before.

This time he chose the commission mode.

In this way, he can be impartial and make the flow of merits clear.

First of all, 90% of the merits obtained by individuals through killing will be automatically converted into legion merits.

It seems like a lot.

But you have to know.

Whether it is the weapons in hand, the fleet under them, or the defense towers and cannons under their feet, the food and clothing expenses of human players are all provided by Zhao Feng
Now, it is just starting to collect merit as a resource for public development, which is understandable when you think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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