Survival of the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 246 Omega Type [4000] Thanks for the reward from book friend DrMango

Glion, who was sitting on the captain's seat, first tried to move his body, and he was relieved after finding that there were no restrictions.

Immediately afterwards, according to the instructions of the auxiliary system for operating the battleship, sink the consciousness to connect it with the battleship.

At the same time as the back of the head was hit by a tingling sensation, the scenery in front of Glion also changed accordingly.

In front of him is no longer the cramped and narrow space of the "bridge".

At this time, "it" was floating in the sky, its body seemed to be completely transformed into a battleship, and an extremely thick purple mist was floating around it.

Trying to move this new body like moving limbs, I saw that the surface of the battleship was undulating like ocean waves, as if there was something terrifying hidden under it, and it would break out of the cocoon at any time.

It subconsciously took a deep breath, and at this moment, the surrounding fog was completely integrated into the hull during the process of "breathing in".

This was Glion's first experience of being a warship.

After being fresh for a while, it then focused on the rune that popped up in its eyes.

"Omega III Chaos Battleship has been connected..."

"The current battleship connection rate is 50%, which meets the minimum standard..."

"Check the will and spirit of the host..."

"The host's will and spirit test passed, and the current pollution rate is 1%."

"The weapon system is being tested... Attention the host! The Omega III Chaos Battleship does not have physical weapons, and can evolve according to your will and imagination."

"Battleship skills: Time Flow Shell, Evil God's Hundred Aspects."

"Battleship HP: 9 million."

"Battleship HP and energy recovery rate: 1000 million/second."

"The average attack strength of the current state of the battleship: 560 million DPS"

"The strongest single attack power: 1.5 million DPH-??? [-] million DPH"

"Optional damage types: mysterious energy, corruption energy, spiritual pollution, four basic damage."

After seeing the general attributes of the battleship in front of him, Glion quickly tried to feel the so-called "all aspects of evil gods".

The strongest attack mode it has ever seen is the "degenerate matter" emitted by the [Unstable Photon Cannon].

And now Glion was imagining just that kind of attack.

Before, it felt that the power of that thing was mediocre, mainly because the "quantity" fired by [Unstable Photon Cannon] was too small~

But it's different now, controlling this battleship is like controlling one's own body, and this battleship has also absorbed the keel main gun.

There is no need for it to imagine the details, the position of the bow of the ship will automatically deform and expand, and become a huge [biophoton cannon].

That's right, the "bio" photon cannon!

The seemingly metallic appearance is actually just a "cuticle" imitating crystal armor.

Its interior is still unique to the Cthulhu series, a combination of the "condensed version" of flesh and blood collections and mysterious formations.

Looking at the giant cannon in front of him, Glion had a thought, and saw infinite energy flowing through the ship and sinking into the surrounding void.

As those mysterious energy began to communicate with the void, a steady stream of dark matter energy frantically gathered towards the battleship.

After being absorbed by the flesh and blood formation in the battleship, the dark matter can be transformed into the unique corrosive energy of the evil gods.

But what about the “imagined” [biophoton cannon]?

With such a huge amount of energy infused, it doesn't mean that it has been filled at all.

Not even a glimmer of light came out from the muzzle.

This made Glion somewhat puzzled.

At this moment, the battleship system suddenly popped up a prompt message in his mind.

"It has been detected that the host is using the battleship skill "Cthulhu". Please pay attention! Your synchronization rate can only exert 20% of the power of this skill, and the current charge has been completed..."

"Attention the host! If you want to continue to increase the power, please increase the synchronization rate."

"Huh? 20%? Increase the sync rate? Increase it to 100% for me! 20% is rubbish!"

"Please confirm with the host, whether to increase the synchronization rate until it supports 100% evil spirits?"


As soon as Glion spoke, he saw hundreds of tentacles with suction cups and nerve connection wires inserted directly towards him from the ceiling above his head.

Accompanied by the sound of "puff, puff" into the flesh, soon its whole body, from small limbs and arms to large waist, abdomen, and chest, were all inserted with tentacle-like "flesh and blood data cables".

I saw that every time a tentacle was successfully connected, the synchronization rate between it and the battleship would rise crazily, until it reached 90% before it could barely stop.

At this moment in the bridge of the Chaos Battleship, Glion's figure had completely disappeared.

The inside of the bridge was completely occupied by densely packed tentacles.

Where the captain's seat was originally located, there is only a human figure wrapped in rice dumplings left.

At this time, this human figure only has a pair of mouth and nose exposed, and the remaining parts, every inch of skin, are filled with the flesh and blood sockets of the battleship.

As for Glion himself, he didn't feel any discomfort.

On the contrary, every time it is inserted, it is connected to the battleship a little deeper, and he can better understand the true meaning of those attributes and values, and the infinite power surges in its "body".

After the connection was completed after a long while, Glion, who only had one mouth left, couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

"Hahaha! Power! More power! I see, I see! It turns out that demonization is a more powerful evolution than ascending demons!"

At the same time when he was dazzled by the power and began to go mad, Glion didn't notice the ultra-small text that flashed away in his eyes.

"The current pollution rate is 98%, and the host's will is not up to standard, so it is considered a defective product."

At this moment, its laughter stopped abruptly, and its eyes were fixed on the distant barrier and the little bug turning back in front of the barrier.

"Want to run after beating me? Want to go home? Hahahaha, die!"


The huge energy made Glion addicted to it, and the main gun's charge, which had already exceeded 100%, emitted a dazzling light.

The barrier's detection system immediately discovered the extremely abnormal high-energy reaction.

And as its energy level continued to rise, an emergency alarm sounded inside the barrier at the same time.

"Alert, alert! A high-energy reaction has been detected, the energy level is rising rapidly, and the barrier shield is being strengthened..."

"Warning! Warning! The energy level is too high, and the barrier cannot withstand this attack after calculation. Please evacuate all staff to the underground bunker!"

It took only 3 seconds before and after the two alarms.

And in the fourth second, a different universe version of the "torrent of degenerated matter" formed by the collapse of corrupted energy spewed out from the 5000-meter-diameter biologically deformed muzzle of [Omega III].

The first target it shoots at is the [Guardian Shield·False] where the [Conqueror] is located.

With a shield value of more than 4000 million, it is vulnerable to degraded substances, just like poking a balloon with a toothpick.

The "Flood of Degenerated Matter" advancing almost at the speed of light engulfed the [Conqueror] in the blink of an eye.

The destroyers that were closer to him didn't even make a sound, and most of the hulls were directly annihilated just by brushing aside.

After the "torrent of degenerated matter" penetrated the fleet, it didn't stop for half a second before hitting the barrier of doom again.

Immediately, the barrier shield and the "torrent of degraded material" launched a fierce confrontation.

Or a unilateral beating is fine.

As soon as the two came into contact, the shield value of barrier 340 dropped crazily at a rate of 35% per second.

Immediately afterwards, the barrier shield urgently deployed the surrounding shield system for joint resistance.

But even so, the total shield value decreased extremely fast.

There are 3 defense sections, which are composed of three barrier defense areas, and the shield array has dropped to 20% in just a few seconds.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the commander-in-chief, who had been paying attention to the situation here, directly connected the shield systems of the 100 surrounding defense zones in series.

But even with a hundred times increased shield value and a hundred times increased recharge rate.

In the face of the "torrent of degraded matter", it is still unable to effectively slow down the trend of shield decline.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds. . .

Another 5 seconds passed, and Glion, who was a little impatient, curled his lips in disdain.

"Cut? Can't you? What about adding this?"

As soon as the voice fell, the dark golden "torrent of degenerated matter" spouting from the battleship suddenly expanded after a hundred meters, and the original 5000-meter-diameter beam of light instantly magnified 20 times.

This time, there was no chance for the doomsday barrier to deploy energy in other defense areas. First, bursts of explosions sounded from the rear of the base.

Immediately, the light blue barrier shield was completely crushed like glass shattering.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying "torrent of degenerated matter" slammed into the barrier that was hundreds of kilometers thick.

I saw the almost indestructible crystal armor, the L-shaped crystal armor that has gone through countless wars and has been upgraded to an unknown degree. At this time, it is being vaporized, cracked, and annihilated under the impact of degraded substances.

1 meter, 10 meters, 100 meters. . . 39 kilometers. . .

The shelling ended 15 seconds later, and as the smoke slowly cleared, the "brand new" defense section of the No. 340 barrier appeared in Glion's field of vision.

Staring at the huge semicircular gap that was blown out with a diameter of 100 kilometers.

And the tens of thousands of kilometers behind the gap, the spacious "road" that goes directly to the cosmic wall.

Glion trembled involuntarily.

"Ah!... Is this the feeling of power?"

"I don't know if I, with such great power, can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Lord..."

Speaking of this, Glion suddenly shivered, and then quickly changed his words.

"Lord, have you seen it? Your mission is complete! The doomsday barrier will eventually fall! Insects, you are about to welcome the Lord's favor!"

. . .

Leaving aside Glion's madness here, the commanders of the defense zones within the barrier immediately received the news that the 340th Defense Section had been destroyed.

After watching the video information of the 340 defense section, everyone's face sank.

At this time, we can see what these commanders are thinking.

Some commanders were worried and ordered most of the manpower to go to support the broken 340 defense section.

And some commanders quietly ordered the battleship formations directly under them to warm up the "cosmic dive engine".

There is no doubt that the former has its own responsibilities and responsibilities. To describe it in two words, it is "loyalty."

You know, if the doomsday barrier is destroyed, then only the Lv.

Once at that stage, all the civilizations and life forms in the Lv.11 to Lv.24 areas of the depth of the universe that have no time to leave will become the evil god's backup believers, backup soldiers, and lastly, the blood sacrifice offerings of the great devil.

In a civilized universe without depth, strength, and resources, it is easy to see whether it wins or loses when confronting the invaders from another universe that has been strengthened again.

Those commanders who had disagreements knew the result, but they were still preparing to flee, even ignoring the lives of the clansmen and family members behind them.

It is needless to say what its ingredients are.

As for fleeing the battle and deducting meritorious service, even dismissal is nothing to them.

These guys can abandon the barriers, abandon their families and clansmen, just to find a way out.

Why is it better to deduct some merits than to die?As the saying goes, live one day and earn one day.

When disaster is imminent, who cares what others think?
There was chaos inside the barrier, and the chaotic air force around the barrier frantically marched towards the gap here as if they had received some orders.

. . .

On the other side, behind the Omega III, [Conqueror] is shrouded in a colorful phantom, and a naval gun is aimed at the chaotic battleship in front of it.

Just now, Zhao Feng, who felt the fatal crisis, cast the [Pupil of Time Flow] that was ready for his battleship.

After consuming a thousand points of mental power.

The entire battleship was covered with several layers of time shells.

Among them, the largest layer, with a time velocity as high as 300 times, wraps the entire battleship.

What is the concept of 300 times time flow?
As long as you are in this shell of time flow, for every 300 days that pass inside, only one day passes outside.

The most intuitive manifestation of this acceleration is that the movement speed of the battleship has been enhanced to a level almost "teleporting".

Originally, after taking the hardening potion and adding some physical fitness, the crew members could withstand the acceleration of gravity of about 30G-45G without harming their bodies as long as they fastened their seat belts.

That is to say, under the condition of rapid acceleration, the current moving distance of [Conqueror] is about 294-441 meters per second.

With only this level of acceleration, if you want to avoid the bombardment of the "biophoton cannon" approaching the speed of light, you must die.

But if you are caught in a high-time flow state, it will be different.

1 second of acceleration is equivalent to 300 seconds of acceleration, if the deceleration time used to stop the ship is not counted.

[Conqueror] can drive more than 1 kilometers in one second, and the moving speed can reach 1.7/4 of the speed of light.

This is almost the same as the projectile fired by a normal S-shaped railgun.

In the eyes of outsiders, the "Conqueror", who had been hit and evaporated, relied on this terrifying speed to erupt and escaped almost certain death.

And this is also the reason why Zhao Feng was able to qualify behind [Omega III].

. . . (end of this chapter)

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