My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 573 The depressed Xia Yuanji

Chapter 573 The depressed Xia Yuanji
The cold wind howled, snowflakes fluttered, and a heavy snowfall dyed the capital city silvery white.

Xia Yuanji was sitting in the warm pavilion in the garden, holding the heater in his hands and wearing a fur, looking at the snowy scene outside in a daze.

He had claimed to be ill for seven days and had not gone to court for seven consecutive days. However, it was said that Zhu Gaochi had also not gone to court for the past seven days. All government affairs were left to the cabinet, while he himself focused on selecting beauties to enrich his harem.

Whenever he thought of this, Xia Yuanji felt extremely heartbroken, because in his impression, Zhu Gaochi had always been a modest gentleman. Apart from gluttony, he had no such problem as lust.

But why did Zhu Gaochi seem to be a completely different person after becoming emperor? Not only did he slack off in government affairs, but he also refused to go to the early court because he favored the harem. He was no different from the faint emperor recorded in history books.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuanji couldn't help but sigh, then he picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it all in one gulp. The spicy wine went into his throat, but Xia Yuanji only tasted the bitterness in the wine.

"Could it be...that I really saw the wrong person?"

Xia Yuanji whispered to himself that when Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Gaoxu fought for the throne, he also supported Zhu Gaochi. Even many ministers in the court believed that Zhu Gaochi was a future wise king, but the facts made them unacceptable.

Just when Xia Yuanji fell into self-doubt, he suddenly saw a servant rushing over to report: "Master, there is someone outside asking to see you!"

"Didn't I tell you that I won't see anyone?"

Xia Yuanji replied angrily.

In the past few days, he pretended to be sick at home, in fact, to force Zhu Gaochi to withdraw his intention to choose a concubine. As a result, Zhu Gaochi did not come, but many people took the opportunity to visit, and Xia Yuanji was so angry that he simply did not see anyone.

"Master, the person coming is the Crown Prince of Han!"

The servant hurriedly explained.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Please!"

Xia Yuanji immediately changed his expression when he heard that Zhu Zhanhe was coming.

The servant agreed and immediately ran away.

After a while, Zhu Zhanhe walked in with a smile. When he saw Xia Yuanji in the Nuan Pavilion, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Xia Shangshu, you are so leisurely when you are sick, and you can still appreciate it while enjoying it." Snow was drinking and it made me want to get sick!"

"Your Majesty, please stop teasing me. Please take a seat and let us have a few drinks!"

Xia Yuanji said and asked people to serve food and wine again. The two sat opposite each other, and the servants around them were also kicked out by Xia Yuanji.

"Your Majesty, you must have heard about His Majesty's selection of concubines, right? Why haven't you expressed your opinion on this matter?"

Xia Yuanji got straight to the point and asked Zhu Zhanhe directly.

"Xia Shangshu, aren't you making things difficult for me? As a junior, how can I have the nerve to say something like this?"

Zhu Zhanhe spread his hands and said with a helpless expression.

"That's true, but I still can't figure out why His Majesty would do such a stupid thing. Isn't he afraid of being accused of being unfilial?"

At the end of his speech, Xia Yuanji slammed the table angrily, obviously extremely disappointed and angry at what Zhu Gaochi had done.

Zhu Zhanhe did not respond at this time, but drank a glass of wine silently.

People can change, maybe it's Zhu Gaochi's nature, but in the past, Zhu Di was suppressing him, and there were two brothers, Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui, competing with him. Therefore, Zhu Gaochi has been suppressing his desires and trying his best. Show your good side.

But when Zhu Di died, Zhu Gaochi finally ascended the throne as he wished, and no one could suppress him anymore. As a result, Zhu Gaochi's long-suppressed desires finally burst out.

It may even be that in order to compensate for his hard work over the years, Zhu Gaochi may double his demands. Of course, he will not listen to other people's persuasion. "Your Majesty, is there any way you can persuade His Majesty to take back his life?"

Xia Yuanji asked Zhu Zhanhe again.

"If I had a way, I would have used it long ago, unless..."

Zhu Zhanhe paused for a moment when he said this, as if he thought of something.

"Unless what? Prince, please tell me!"

Xia Yuanji urged eagerly.

"Unless my father is here, only he can persuade the uncle!"

Zhu Zhanhe said helplessly again.

The word "persuade" is actually a bit inaccurate. If Zhu Gaoxu was in the capital, he would have rushed into the imperial city with a knife to find Zhu Gaochi. After all, his father had just died, and the eldest brother had to choose beautiful women. With Zhu Gaoxu's explosive temper, Maybe he can really chop Zhu Gaochi a few times.

"It seems that this is true. If the King of Han were in the capital, I'm afraid His Majesty wouldn't dare to choose a concubine so blatantly!"

Unexpectedly, Xia Yuanji nodded in agreement. He used to dislike Zhu Gaoxu's explosive temper and thought that the other party was a vulgar martial artist, but now he misses him very much, because only Zhu Gaoxu's explosive temper can make Zhu Gaochi afraid.

"It's a pity that my father is far away in Tianzhu. It is estimated that even if he receives the news, he has just started to set off. It is still early for him to arrive in the capital!"

Zhu Zhanhe said again with a depressed expression.

Even with a hot air balloon, it flew too slowly and was difficult to control the direction, so it couldn't be used as a means of transportation, so Zhu Gaoxu could only return by boat.


But Xia Yuanji slapped his hands in surprise at this time.

"The King of Han is not in the capital, but King Zhao is in the capital. How about we go find King Zhao and ask him to come forward to dissuade His Majesty?"

"My third uncle?"

When Zhu Zhanhe heard this, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then waved his hands.

"Impossible. With my third uncle's slippery temperament, he will definitely not confront the uncle head-on. Maybe in order to please the uncle, he will support the uncle in choosing a concubine."

"Your Majesty, you are biased against King Zhao. I believe that as the beloved son of the late emperor, he will definitely not want to see His Majesty being confused. As long as we go to see King Zhao, he will definitely be willing to come forward!"

Xia Yuanji disagreed with Zhu Zhanhe's view, because he knew that Zhu Zhanhe and Zhu Gaosui had conflicts. It was almost Zhu Zhanhe's fault that Zhu Gaosui was imprisoned in the first place.

"Maybe, if you don't believe it, you can go to Third Uncle and give it a try, but don't be too disappointed if he doesn't want to do it!"

However, Zhu Zhanhe still insisted on his opinion. Based on his understanding of Zhu Gaosui, the other party would definitely not be willing to come forward at this time. After all, Zhu Gaosui had an insidious character and always liked to hide behind and stir up troubles.

Coincidentally, just as Zhu Zhanhe finished speaking, another servant suddenly came to report: "Master, Master Jian is here!"

The so-called Jian Shaofu actually refers to Jian Yi. He was Zhu Gaochi's confidant. He once served as Prince Zhan and assisted Zhu Gaochi in supervising the country many times. Therefore, after Zhu Gaochi ascended the throne, he named Jian Yi the young master and the young master, and also entered the cabinet to assist. Zheng is as famous as Xia Yuanji.

(End of this chapter)

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