My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 538 Yuhu’s poisonous plan

Chapter 538 Yu Baihu’s poisonous plan

In Wuying Hall, Zhu Di kicked out everyone around him, leaving only him and Zhu Zhanhe in the entire hall.

"Isn't it a bit too shameful to do this?"

After Zhu Di read the document sent by Zhu Zhanhe, he couldn't help but asked hesitantly.

Although during the war, they would do anything to ensure victory, but it was a war, and even after the war, prisoners of war would not be killed indiscriminately. After all, the Central Plains Dynasty still had a bottom line.

But now the document sent by Zhu Zhanhe proposed two strategies against the grassland people, which were so vicious that even ordinary people would never think of them.

"Grandpa Emperor, when the Mongols were fighting in the north and south, they would also throw plague-infected corpses into the enemy's cities to spread the disease. We are just following the same example, and compared to spreading diseases, spreading religion is also a gentler method. It can not only allow the grassland people to find spiritual sustenance, but also solve the crisis in our northern Xinjiang. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?"

Zhu Zhanhe persuaded him without changing his expression.

This is how the Manchu Qing Dynasty dealt with the Mongols in later generations. Now they are just copying the cat and the tiger.

Hearing what Zhu Zhanhe said, Zhu Di looked thoughtful again. After a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and said: "That's all, as long as the threat from the north can be solved, I will bear this infamy!"

"Grandpa Huang, what you said is wrong. How can this be an insult? The purpose of sending people to the grasslands is to help the people on the grasslands and improve their living standards. As for sending monks to the grasslands, it is a great thing. This kind of thing Even if it is written in the history books, the historians will only praise it loudly!"

Zhu Zhanhe said with a smile.

"You kid, with your mouth, everything becomes reasonable when it comes to your mouth!"

Zhu Di scolded with a smile.

However, what Zhu Zhanhe said makes sense. Throughout the ages, there have been many dirty and despicable things, but they have been given a great and honorable name, and they have even been written openly in history books. If ordinary people do not study carefully, they may not discover the meaning behind the words. Bloody and cruel.

Since Zhu Di agreed, Zhu Zhanhe immediately discussed the specific details with him.

Among them, the dirty work of spreading diseases does not need to be worried about by the two of them at all. They can just leave it to Jin Yiwei and Dongchang. They are specialized in doing this kind of thing, and they can take the blame for Zhu Di if the incident comes to light.

"Grandpa Huang, Yu Liang thought that Buddhism could be promoted on the grasslands in view of the superstitious character of the grassland people. I remember that Buddhism seemed to be quite popular among the Mongolians during the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties. There was also a great national master named Pasiba, but It seems like we don’t see many Buddhists on the grasslands now?”

Zhu Zhanhe suddenly asked Zhu Di strangely.

He followed Zhu Di on two expeditions to the north and saw many conditions of the grassland people with his own eyes. He also had some understanding of the beliefs of the grassland people. The grassland people now mainly believe in shamanism, which is a very primitive religion.

"I do know something about that."

Zhu Di had been fighting with the grassland people all his life and knew all aspects of their situation very well, so he explained the religious situation of the grassland people in detail.

It turns out that during the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongolians were very tolerant of various religions, or they were too lazy to care about them. For example, shamanism was the traditional religion of the Mongols and was very popular among the lower-class Mongolians.In contrast, Buddhism, Taoism, and Islam were all popular among the upper classes of Mongolia for a period of time. For example, when Pasigba was the national master of Buddhism, it was said that red lamas were walking around among the upper class nobles of the Yuan Dynasty.

However, Buddhism at that time was mainly popular among the upper class of Mongolia and had little impact on the lower class Mongolians.

With the defeat of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, the Mongols withdrew to the grassland, but Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di refused to let them go. For decades, they continued to send troops to attack the grassland, almost killing all the senior officials of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty.

As a result, the inheritance of Buddhism among the Mongolians has also been discontinued. Therefore, on the grasslands today, the Mongolian religious beliefs are still dominated by shamanism, and Buddhism has disappeared.

"Grandpa Emperor, Pasiba belongs to Tibetan Buddhism. Since his teachings can be popular among the Mongolian and Yuan nobles, it will naturally be more easily accepted by the Mongolians, so I think we can send people to the grasslands to promote Tibetan Buddhism!"

After Zhu Zhanhe listened, he suggested to Zhu Zhanhe.

"Makes sense."

Zhu Di nodded first, then frowned.

"However, the Sakya sect, where Pasipa belongs, is now weak and only retains a small territory near Sakya. At the beginning, they sent people to Beijing to seek the title. I also decreed to make their leader the Mahayana Dharma King. They can With my current strength, I’m afraid it will be difficult to preach to other countries.”

"I think this is a good opportunity. Since the Sakya Sect has declined, some of them must want to restore the glory of the sect. If we are willing to provide them with support, they will definitely work harder!"

When Zhu Zhanhe said this, he suddenly clapped his hands and said again.

"Of course we can't put all our hopes on this Sakya sect. There are so many schools of Tibetan Buddhism, and there must be people who want to spread their teachings. We can send people to have more contact and let them compete with the Sakya sect. Let's see. Who can spread the teachings faster on the grassland!"

"This is a good idea. Then I will immediately send people to Tibet and notify those sects to send people to Beijing to discuss supporting them to preach in the grasslands!"

When Zhu Di heard this, he clapped his hands and praised.

No matter which sect preached, the Ming Dynasty had only one request for them, and that was to recruit more people from the grasslands to be lamas, so that lamas would become a privileged class on the grasslands, without fighting or working, and only one man from each family.

In fact, this kind of thing happened in the Central Plains before. For example, why did the Three Martial Arts and One Sect want to destroy the Buddha?Isn't it because of the unlimited expansion of monks that a large number of young men did not produce children, but blindly sucked blood, and even threatened the stability of the court, so of course they had to attack Buddhism.

Now the method proposed by Zhu Zhanhe is to allow the grassland to form a Buddhist privileged class. You must know that the conditions of the grassland are far from those in the Central Plains. Therefore, as long as this privileged class is formed, the impact on the grassland will only be greater. big.

In addition, the grassland has always been in a state of fragmentation, and it is difficult for them to form a force to carry out a unified attack on religion. Therefore, if this method is successful, it is equivalent to completely digging up the foundation of the rise of the grassland. In the future, they will no longer be able to threaten the Central Plains. .

Thinking of this, Zhu Di became more and more excited and immediately summoned the cabinet to discuss the matter. Compared with spreading diseases to the grassland, spreading religion was a conspiracy and could definitely be discussed formally.

Regarding this conspiracy, Xia Yuanji was the first to stand up and express his support. After all, in his opinion, as long as he did not send troops, any other method would be fine!
(End of this chapter)

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