My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 132 Marriage Autonomy

Chapter 132 Marriage Autonomy
There is no reward for the emperor. If a minister encounters this situation, he is probably not far from death.

Fortunately, Zhu Zhanhe is not a minister, he is the emperor's grandson, and Zhu Gaoxu is determined to leave Daming, so Zhu Di will never doubt him.

But how to reward Zhu Zhanhe is indeed a big problem.

"This...Zhan He..."

Zhu Di hesitated for a moment, but finally bit the bullet and stepped forward.

But before Zhu Di could finish speaking, Zhu Zhanhe took the initiative to say: "Grandpa, as the admiral of the East Factory, it is his duty to do these things. As for the rewards, it doesn't matter at all!"

It's not that Zhu Zhanhe is high-spirited and upright. First of all, he doesn't know what he wants?Second, now is not the time to reward.

After all, Zhu Di had just demoted a son and a grandson to common people, and demoted his favorite grandson to Beijing, so it is a bit inappropriate for him to reward them now.

"No, you have made so many contributions, but I have never given a decent reward. I am always in debt, and I feel uneasy!"

Unexpectedly, Zhu Di said very stubbornly, but after he finished speaking, he didn't know what to reward?
Zhu Zhanhe also had a headache, did he really not know what he wanted?
Zhu Gaochi, who was standing next to him, looked at Zhu Di and Zhu Zhanhe, the grandfather and grandson, and suddenly felt a little funny. The person who gave the reward had a headache, and the person who received the reward also had a headache.

"Father, too many things happened today, it's getting late now, why don't you let Zhan He go back first, how about giving him a reward tomorrow?"

Zhu Gaochi finally stood up and persuaded him to give the reward one day later, so that Zhu Di and Zhu Zhanhe could think about it.

"It's getting late?"

Zhu Zhanhe was taken aback when he heard Zhu Gaochi's words, turned his head to look outside the hall, and found that it was almost dark, which made him feel like he had overlooked something important?

Immediately afterwards Zhu Zhanhe suddenly slapped his hands and shouted: "Oops, I forgot such an important thing!"

"whats the matter?"

Seeing Zhu Zhanhe's annoyed expression, Zhu Di couldn't help asking curiously.

"My mother hosted a banquet at home today, one is to discuss next year's voyage to the West, and the other is to give me a blind date."

Zhu Zhanhe explained with a wry smile that he originally planned to go back before noon, but looking at the sky outside, it would be dark soon, and the banquet must have ended.

"I thought what was the matter, you don't need to go on a blind date, it's fine to have your mother to help you check it out!"

Zhu Di laughed when he heard the words, his grandson is about to get married, maybe he will be able to hug his great-grandson soon.

Of course Zhu Zhanhe knew that he didn't have to go, but Sun Ruowei agreed to help him arrange to meet the noble girls on a blind date in advance, and now it seems that it must be a waste of time.


At this moment, Zhu Zhanhe suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and immediately asked Zhu Di: "Grandfather, I really want to ask you something!"

"What do you want?"

Zhu Di was overjoyed when he heard the words, it would be best for Zhu Zhanhe to have a request, so as to save him a headache.

"My mother gave me a blind date, but I feel that I am still young and I don't want to get married yet, so I want to ask Grandpa Huang, can my mother give me a blind date a few years later?"

Zhu Zhanhe said with a little embarrassment.

He definitely can't convince Princess Han, but it doesn't matter, as long as Zhu Di makes an order, Princess Han has to listen to it.


Unexpectedly, Zhu Di refused straight away.

"Your mother's blind date for you is also for your own good, and as the son of the eldest son, it is also right for you to spread branches and leaves for the Han Palace, so the sooner you get married, the better!"


The logic in Zhu Di's words was strict, Zhu Zhanhe couldn't find anything to refute after all.

Fortunately, Zhu Zhanji hadn't left yet. When Zhu Zhanhe saw him, his eyes lit up and he said, "But elder brother isn't married either. As a younger brother, how can I get married before elder brother?"

"Cough~, second brother, stop talking about me, my mother is also on a blind date for me, and I will definitely get married earlier than you!"

Zhu Zhanji didn't give Zhu Zhanhe a chance at all.

"That's right, Zhanji's marriage has only been in the past two years, Zhanhe, you have to hurry up!"

Zhu Gaochi also said with a smile at this time.

Three against one, Zhu Zhanhe is very passive now, but he is not willing to give up, so he asked Zhu Di again: "Grandpa, I have no objection to getting married, but can you let me choose the woman I like as my wife?"

"Nonsense, marriage matters are the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. How can there be any reason to make decisions by oneself?"

Zhu Di shook his head again, he can indulge Zhu Zhanhe in other things, but he can't do it only in matters of marriage.

"Then the concubine my mother chose for me must ask for my opinion. Only when I nod can I marry the other party. Is that okay?"

Zhu Zhanhe retreated again and again, this was already his bottom line.

"This is..."

Zhu Di thought about it after hearing the words. He and Empress Xu had known each other since they were young. It can be said that they were childhood sweethearts.

In contrast, Zhu Zhanhe's request is not too much, after all, this is a major matter of his marriage, and he has to be willing.

"Okay, then I'll send someone to tell your mother. In the future, the woman she likes will try to ask for your opinion!"

Zhu Di finally nodded.

"Thank you, grandpa!"

Zhu Zhanhe heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, no matter what, he finally had a certain right to speak on his marital affairs.

Although this reward is still a bit light, Zhu Di finally feels at ease.

Moreover, it was getting late at this time, and with so many things happening today, Zhu Di also felt physically and mentally exhausted, especially every time he thought of Zhu Gaosui, a rebellious son, he felt angry and hated.

Zhu Gaochi took Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Zhanhe to leave, Zhu Di also waved his hand, and the three left the Hall of Valor together.

After leaving the main hall, Zhu Zhanhe looked at the only half of the sun left in the west, and scolded Zhu Gaosui in his heart, if he hadn't caused so many things, how could he miss today's banquet?

But it's too late to think about it now, after Zhu Zhanhe bid farewell to Zhu Gaochi and his son, he didn't go home immediately, but went to a shop, got some things and then rushed back to the palace.

By the time Zhu Zhanhe returned to the mansion, it was already completely dark. As for the banquet, naturally it was over long ago, and the ladies of each family had already gone back with their daughters, nieces and so on.

When Zhu Zhanhe came to the inner house, Princess Han immediately asked with an unhappy face when she saw him, "Where have you been? You don't need to participate in the banquet, but you promised to help me with the allocation of places for each family's ships." Would you like to go into details?"

Zhu Zhanhe has always been behind the scenes to help Princess Han plan the allocation of the quota of ships, and today's banquet with those noble ladies is to formally discuss the allocation of quotas. It is said that Zhu Zhanhe also has to help in the mansion, but it turned out that he was fine and didn't leave all day long. stick home.

"Mother, don't be angry, something urgent happened in the palace, so I really can't leave."

Zhu Zhanhe hurriedly explained, and glanced at Sun Ruowei who was standing next to him.

In fact, you don't need to look to know that this girl has a long face. After all, she was released as a pigeon, and she would definitely not be happy to change it to anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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