Chapter 491 is a bigger, more terrifying world! (Please subscribe, please vote)

Late at night, the dark street in front of the photo studio.

The scene that frightened Hunter did not appear. Some people wearing various work clothes appeared passing by on the street.

These people seemed to have no intention of entering the photo studio and were just passing by. This made the chosen ones puzzled as to what was happening in front of them.

But the rules don't seem to mention it, proving that as long as you don't seek death, you shouldn't die.

Therefore, most of the chosen ones stood inside the door and observed, instead of going out to look for trouble.

Why are they standing at the door? Because they are the chosen ones who survived because they thought of this.

Since there is a flow of people at the door, it means that the [fruits, rice, meat and other items] mentioned in Rule 8 are very likely to appear.

Maybe one of these passers-by would put something strange at the door.

If I rest inside, who knows when the rules will be triggered.

There was no exception among the chosen ones, even Zhang Yangqing and Janoye stood at the door and observed.

As a senior social worker, Hunter looked at the passers-by and a thought came to his mind: These people have just gotten off work, right?

Because these passers-by were wearing work clothes of various professions, some of them looked strange, but they also looked exhausted physically and mentally.

Seeing this group of people going home late at night, Hunter sighed inwardly. He originally thought that our overtime mechanism at Blue Star was enough, but he didn't expect that the pressure from the Monster World would be even worse.

What time does it take to get off work late at night? If our boss dares to let me get off work at this time, I will send him to see his grandma.

The reason why Hunter thought this way was simply because he felt that the first customer and the third customer seemed to have just gotten off work, so he could think of whether these passers-by were the same.

Being able to think of this shows that Hunter has begun to think like a chosen one and will not let go of any useful information.

But he thought so subconsciously, rather than actively thinking like Robert and Martin.

In fact, there is still a certain gap.

As for Zhang Yangqing, you don't even know where he is. This is the most terrifying existence.

It is no exaggeration to say that even the talented Chosen Ones like Robert and Martin always have their eyes on guard against passers-by. In their eyes, dangerous people may appear on these roads at any time.

But passers-by on Zhang Yangqing's side noticed that this strange photo studio owner was sizing them up, and felt that Zhang Yangqing was a dangerous person, so they accelerated their pace.

Because the passers-by guessed correctly, Zhang Yangqing was thinking about how to trick them.

But today is a photo business, not selling anything. If he is selling some props, he really dares to set up a stall at the door. Whenever someone comes across these props, he can buy and sell them by force.

It’s not like Zhang Yangqing has never considered actively soliciting customers to come in and take photos, but there is also a big problem here.

He judged that ordinary chosen ones would definitely not have the courage. If he attracted customers, he might make some income.

But you will also miss some processes. If someone places wreaths and food at the door and you cannot solve it in time, you will definitely run into trouble.

In order to avoid these troubles, Zhang Yangqing decided not to catch these passers-by to take photos and make money.

In this way, the passerby escaped.

Otherwise, you don't know what method Zhang Yangqing will use to get them to come in and take pictures.

However, Kaitan World seems to have predicted the predictions of the Chosen Ones. This time there was only a small flow of people, and there was no dangerous situation for the time being.

The chosen ones didn't dare to be careless, maybe this was an incident meant to make them take it lightly.

Robert and Martin guessed at almost the same time that the conditions that trigger the appearance of food may also be the appearance of wild animals, because these wild animals must know the time when food appears.

The appearance of passers-by this time is most likely to trigger the wreaths and elegiac couplets that appear in Rule 7.

As experienced and talented players, I have to say that their guesses still make sense.

Just when there was less traffic, a 'huge' black shadow appeared.

Without any of the chosen ones paying attention, this dark figure quickly placed the wreath at the door of the photo studio and left quietly.

The reason why he is a huge black shadow is because he is holding a wreath in his hand.

At this time, without exception, no chosen one discovered the existence of the wreath.

Because the chosen ones are inside the gate, not outside.

Here comes the important reminder. Even though there is not much traffic outside the door now, there are still people passing by in twos and threes occasionally.

If the Chosen Ones observe carefully at this time, they will find that these passers-by will glance at the photo studio when passing by.

Many of the chosen ones are still confused, wondering what these passers-by are looking at. Am I too handsome?

The first person to react was Zhang Yangqing. He felt that these people were not looking at him. He looked like a woman at most, and it seemed unnecessary for a man.

So Zhang Yangqing walked out of the door, looked in the direction of the passers-by's eyes, and discovered the problem as expected.

I don’t know when a wreath was placed here. It was a large wreath with elegiac couplets on it.

Zhang Yangqing could even detect that there was an ominous aura lingering on the wreath.

"If I guess correctly, in this world of ghost stories, someone wants to kill me."

When seeing the wreath, the chosen ones were all thinking seriously about one question, that is, what is the meaning of this wreath.

Martin speculated that it might be a curse that would bring contamination to the store and block customers from entering.

After all, if customers see the wreaths, they won’t be able to come in and take photos.

Robert's guess was closer to the correct answer. He felt that the meaning of the wreath was to give to the dead.

If left unattended for a while, the wreath will attract something to you. And this thing that is attracted to him is most likely the name written on the elegiac couplet.

According to Blue Star, it’s soul-calling!

Why Robert's guess is closer to the correct answer is because he and Zhang Yangqing have similar ideas.

As long as it is similar to Zhang Yangqing, it is basically close to correct.

In fact, this is the condition for the strangeness to come. It depends on how the chosen ones deal with it.

While thinking, the chosen ones quickly stepped forward to check and found a strange name written on the elegiac couplet.

It's more like a name than a special rune.

This rune looks very powerful, like the name of a strange BOSS.

It makes people feel chills running down their backs at first glance, and they even have some hallucinations, feeling that the word is moving.

At this stage, a huge gap appears among the chosen ones.

The chosen one who has not yet been discovered can only wait for death, infinitely close to death.

When the strangeness comes, I don’t know if they can find a remedy.

An increasingly skilled Chosen One like Hunter, when he saw that the wreath was not in his name, he followed the rules and began to cry as if someone in his family had died.

He didn't care at all about the strange looks from passers-by. They still knew how to choose between face and life.

Hunter cried for a while, but the wreath never lit up. The strange atmosphere around him began to become depressing, and there were fewer and fewer passers-by.

Hunter didn't understand why the wreath hadn't been lit even though he was crying.

Just when death was infinitely close, Hunter touched his face and realized that he had no tears.

The rules say you have to cry your eyes out.

Because he was too nervous, he couldn't cry, he was just crying.

Feeling that death was approaching, Hunter couldn't care less. He tried hard to recall some sad things in his mind, and then slapped himself with a big mouth.

Finally, the tear glands finally burst out, and tears fell down.

No one knew whether he was crying in pain or thinking of something sad.

At this time, there was actually a very scary black shadow floating in the sky. Just when a certain number of tears appeared, the wreath began to light up and burned violently.

But this flame is very strange. It only burns the wreath and has no effect on the surrounding buildings. It is like a ghost fire.

The wreath hadn't been completely burned yet, and Hunter really didn't dare to stop, and continued to slap himself until the wreath cracked and turned into ashes.

The black shadow in the sky disappears, and this level is over.

Hunter also felt that it was so dangerous that he almost died.

After he confirmed that there was nothing unusual around him, he entered the photo studio.

Under the dim light, the audience saw that Hunter's face was swollen like a pig's head.

This is how ordinary chosen people can survive, that is, they have to cry. If they can't cry, they will die.

The most terrifying thing about Robert and Martin is that they are actually memorizing the writing of this rune.

Because they both think exactly the same, the idea is: since someone can use this to kill me, it seems that I can also use this to kill others!

This may actually be the way Kaitan World taught me to kill other people.

Because when you go out on your own, you can’t carry the restroom with you, right?

There is a toilet in the photo studio, but not outside. This is the exclusive rule of the photo studio.

If I want to kill someone outside, or want to kill someone in a 'shop', all I need to do is find a wreath, write this symbol on it, and put it at their door. Wouldn't it be weird like this?

This is a problem that most of the chosen ones have never thought about. They are all thinking of ways to avoid death, and they have not considered that the rules can be understood in this way.

After finishing writing, Robert's amazing talent appeared, and he burst into tears for a second.

It's as if he is more professional than an actor.

This point completely beats Martin next door who was slapping him with a big mouth.

It can be said that Robert had the absolute upper hand in this contest.

Of course, among the chosen ones, there is no ruthless one, only more ruthless ones.

Zhang Yangqing saw that the elegiac couplet on the wreath was not his own name.

After taking a look at the symbol, he directly blotted out the name with dye, wrote his own name with another dye, and then went back to rest.

After all, he has met the requirements of the first half of Rule 7, [Please look carefully at the elegiac couplet on the wreath. If it says your name, ignore it and don't play with it].

According to Zhang Yangqing's understanding, it's not my name that makes me cry, and now it's my name.

Just because other chosen ones don't dare, doesn't mean I don't dare to play like this.

As long as I meet the requirements, that's all. Don't worry about how I achieve it.

The audience was dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Compared with those chosen ones who were still slapping themselves and crying loudly, this one really didn't feel wronged at all!

(End of this chapter)

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